Show #6894 - Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014 Teen Tournament final game 1.


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Jeff Xie, a junior from Edison, New Jersey

Alan Koolik, a junior from Boca Raton, Florida

Cooper Lair, a sophomore from Little Rock, Arkansas

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're dealing with geography here. We want you to give us the state immediately to the left of the state we will tell you about.)
(Alex: Each correct response will be a word that can be formed from some of the letters in the word "information".)
    $200 26
(James Risen of The New York Times delivers the clue.) Though it's gotten me a couple of subpoenas, my protection of my anonymous sources stems from my faith in this constitutional amendment
    $200 11
There's no queen like snow queen; Sven the non-red-nosed reindeer
    $200 1
Of R, A or K, it's what the letter is
    $200 6
To the left of Indiana
    $200 21 helps with "small, emergency grants to low-income risk of slipping into" this 7-letter word
    $200 16
A flat boat made by tying together long pieces of wood
    $400 27
"The Journalist's Bible" is the AP stylebook; AP is short for this oldest news-gathering agency in the United States
    $400 12
Alabama at sea; makes me rethink a trip to Somalia
    $400 2
The evil Roger Chillingworth practices this profession making use of herbs & roots
    $400 7
To the left of Maine
    $400 22, helping kids learn to be eco-friendly, launched its site in 2010 on this "Day", an event that began in 1970
    $400 17
Insect that can be carpenter or army
    $600 28
(New York Times legal columnist Linda Greenhouse delivers the clue.) I don't often interview Supreme Court justices; to write my articles I usually read these formal statements containing the reasoning & principles of law behind judicial decisions
    $600 13
Tina Fey: "Clooney would rather float away... & die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age"
    DD: $1,000 3
This Christian group is called "the most intolerant brood that ever lived"
    $600 8
To the left of Montana
    $600 23
This foundation lived up to its name in helping turn S.F. into Gotham City so a young leukemia patient could become Batkid
    $600 18
It's a Canadian province
    $800 29
A "nut graf" gives the essentials of a story; "graf" is short for this
    $800 14
Lee Daniels' White House film; Lee Daniels' look at U.S. history; "Lee Daniels"' this
    $800 4
Referring to the guilt-ridden Rev. Dimmesdale, Chapter 20 has the alliterative title "The Minister in" this labyrinth
    $800 9
To the left of Rhode Island
    $800 24
Despite the troubles of its cyclist founder, this .org is still doing good work helping people fight cancer
    $800 19
The first of Isaac Newton's 3 laws of this is the law of inertia
    $1000 30
(New York Times reporter Andrea Elliott delivers the clue.) Just 8 years after getting my degree from this university's Graduate School of Journalism, I won one of the Pulitzer Prizes that the school administers
    $1000 15
J.J. Abrams, an enterprise-ing director; Pike's Peak; Khaaaaaaaaan!
    $1000 5
She's Hester's sometimes mischievous daughter
    $1000 10
To the left of Kansas
    $1000 25
At, "Our single, urgent goal: eliminate" this neurological disease "in our lifetime"
    $1000 20
To swoon

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cooper Alan Jeff
$1,000 $3,800 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$2,400 $5,800 $7,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
This river was Lewis & Clark's main pathway west from St. Louis
    $400 6
This other word for a graduation ceremony comes from the Latin for "to begin"
    $400 21
This country's peso is the most traded Latin American currency
    $400 26
Ended his "Tonight Show" run (again) on Feb. 6, 2014
    $400 16
In 1980 this medical organization, the W.H.O., announced that smallpox had been eradicated worldwide
    $400 11
He accepted Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House
    $800 2
This conquistador overthrew the Aztec Empire for the crown of Spain
    $800 7
The conversation between play characters, it's from Greek words for "across" & "speech"
    $800 22
Most of these bills showing Ben Franklin are held in other countries
    $800 27
"The Slim Reaper", scored 54 for OKC in a 2014 NBA game
    $800 17
Around 1747 British navy doctor James Lind discovered that eating these could prevent scurvy
    $800 12
He was a law professor at the University of Arkansas
    DD: $2,000 4
In 1892, 17 years before his North Pole fame, Robert Peary proved this was an island, not part of a continent
    $1200 8
This liquid portion of blood gets its name from the Greek for "to mold"
    $1200 23
The Bank of Japan in Tokyo maintains a museum devoted to the history of this currency
    $1200 28
Wore a bag over his head that read "I am not famous anymore" at a film premiere
    $1200 18
In 1897 Felix Hoffmann first synthesized this wondrous pain reliever
    $1200 13
He commanded PT-109
    $1600 3
In 1516 he disassembled his ships on the Atlantic side of Panama & reassembled them on the Pacific side
    $1600 9
This ban, as on trade, comes from the Spanish for "to hinder"
    $1600 24
Some notes of this British currency have holograms that switch from a picture of Britannia to the value of the note
    $1600 29
Has no degrees of separation playing ex-FBI agent Ryan Hardy on "The Following"
    $1600 19
In 1982 Dr. William DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7, one of these, into patient Barney Clark
    DD: $3,000 14
He was Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State
    $2000 5
In his 60s in 1633, this "father of New France" made his last voyage from old France to Quebec
    $2000 10
A word for "throat" gives us the name of this type of carved figure, like the guy seen here
    $2000 25
Some say Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of this virtual currency, doesn't exist
    $2000 30
In 2014 got an alternative-album Grammy nomination & graced the stages of "Conan" & Coachella
    $2000 20
Using identical twins, Dr. Joseph Murray performed the first of these organ transplants in 1954
    $2000 15
He served as Tennessee's first U.S. representative

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$5,600 $19,200 $17,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This novel is dedicated to Esther Earl, who died of thyroid cancer at 16 & never got to read it

Final scores:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$200 $25,000 $15,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$5,600 $17,400 $16,200
9 R,
2 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $39,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-03-05
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