Show #6887 - Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2014 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Jeff Xie, a junior from Edison, New Jersey

Selena Groh, a junior from Arlington Heights, Illinois

Erin Christopher, a sophomore from Lexington, Kentucky

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Those two letters, "I-D", will either end or begin each correct response.)
    $200 1
In this video, Katy's jungle adventure includes taming a tiger & painting an elephant's nails
    $200 28
Listen up & you can hear a member of this club practicing now
    $200 6
    $200 16
Eric Holder, who began laying down the law in 2009
    $200 20
The Pyramids are part of this septet
    $200 11
He's the mythical youth depicted here in a painting
    $400 2
"Who You Love" is Katy's duet with this man
    $400 25
Hey Mr. Schue! Let's sing the praises of this choral club; the one at Yale is more than 150 years old
    $400 7
    $400 17
Kathleen Sebelius, insuring America, one person at a time
    $400 21
There are 9 of them, 6 men & 3 women; there have been 112 in U.S. history
    $400 12
This adjective describes a very cold climate or a cold response
    $600 3
"I was dreaming for so long" & "Not losing any sleep" are lines from this hit
    $600 26
The pair of masks seen here are symbolic of this club; come try out!
    $600 8
    $600 18
Chuck Hagel, serving since 2013
    $600 22
If you're on the Queen's honours list, you may be getting a KBE, making you one of these, sir
    $600 13
In ancient Rome it wasn't just the 15th of March but also of May, July & October
    $800 4
Those are real Marines with Katy in this video
    $800 27
Future CEOs & entrepreneurs come together for meetings of the FBLA, BL standing for this
    $800 9
    $800 19
Peter Welch, Vermont's only one
    $800 23
There are 27 of these, including 21 epistles
    $800 14
Unless you went to the market, "Bring home the bacon" is this kind of phrase that doesn't literally mean what it says
    $1000 5
Snoop Dogg & a candy-clad Katy are highlights of this video
    $1000 29
It's Greek to me, but you math whizzes might recognize the logo for this national honor society
    DD: $800 10
    $1000 30
Jan Brewer, dealing with the heat, not the humidity since Jan. 21, 2009
    $1000 24
An OSHA list of hazardous chemicals includes this swimming pool element, atomic number 17
    $1000 15
Strokes are often caused by a narrowing of these arteries in the neck that supply blood to the brain

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erin! Selena Jeff
$4,400 $1,000 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erin! Selena Jeff
$6,200 $2,600 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
The adventures of this J.M. Barrie title character have appeared with the subtitle "The Boy who Wouldn't Grow Up"
    $400 26
It can mean to rise into the air like an airplane or to take the throne
    $400 14
Within 6 years of moving his lab to Menlo Park, he had applied for around 400 new patents
    $400 23
In November 1927 Felix the Cat became the first character balloon to fly in this New York City parade
    $400 10
His questionable election as President got him dubbed "Rutherfraud"
    $400 24
Jimmy Kimmel went viral with a video of a girl failing epically at this kind of derriere dance
    $800 5
You're going on an adventure with dwarves & dragons if you're reading this book subtitled "There and Back Again"
    $800 25
Can I be this with you?--very honest & straightforward
    $800 15
After failing to make synthetic rubber out of chicle, Thomas Adams flavored it & sold it as this
    $800 19
In Hawaii this October holiday was replaced with Discoverers' Day commemorating the Polynesian arrival
    $800 9
Famous for his hair & tackles, he's "the claymaker" of the Green Bay Packers
    $800 1
Many saw Mozart & Skrillex locked in an "Epic" one of these "Battles of History"
    $1200 6
Charles Dickens novel subtitled "The Parish Boy's Progress"
    $1200 27
A mathematician's 9-year-old nephew came up with this word for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros
    $1200 16
In the 1960s James T. Russell invented these to replace vinyl records; now they're giving way to downloads
    $1200 20
The Spokane YMCA & Ministerial Alliance helped create the first celebration of this holiday on Sunday June 19, 1910
    $1200 11
This Queen who died in 1603 was known as "Gloriana"
    $1200 2
He followed up an extremely "stylish" video with "Gentleman M/V", the most-watched video of 2013
    $1600 7
This Alex Haley book is subtitled "The Saga of an American Family"
    $1600 28
It's the proper 6-letter name for the offspring seen here
    DD: $1,000 17
In 1895 he began sending & receiving wireless signals as far as 1.5 miles at his father's home near Bologna, Italy
    $1600 21
It's the holiday being celebrated in the 1833 Daniel Maclise painting seen here
    $1600 12
Friends shunning you? You've been "treated like" this typhoid-carrying early 20th c. woman
    $1600 3
Jean-Claude Van Damme impressed by doing a split on moving trucks in a vid for this Swedish car (& truck) company
    $2000 30
Earth is a scary place in this recent Max Brooks novel subtitled "An Oral History of the Zombie War"
    DD: $3,000 29
By definition, this verb form operates as a noun & ends in -ing
    $2000 18
This navigating instrument that helps find latitude & longitude was first developed in the 1750s
    $2000 22
Tree City USA is a designation presented to qualifying cities from a foundation devoted to this holiday
    $2000 13
Life was a circus for this "Prince of Showmen" aka "Prince of Humbugs"
    $2000 4
Feb. 9, 2013 was the day this animal started to end the cat's viral reign as it sang on "I Knew You Were Trouble"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erin! Selena Jeff
$9,400 $14,000 $19,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Built for a World's Fair in 1889, its visitors that year included the Prince of Wales & Buffalo Bill; it still gets 7 million a year

Final scores:

Erin! Selena Jeff
$9,000 $20,000 $19,000
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Erin! Selena Jeff
$9,600 $15,000 $18,000
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $42,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-03-04
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