Show #2108 - Wednesday, November 3, 1993

Drawing for Season 5 & Season 6 players for the 10th Anniversary Tournament.


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Patrick Fay, an attorney from New York City, New York

Jackie Moore, a Ph.D. candidate from College Park, Maryland

Michael Keller, a meeting planner from Forest Hills, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The people of this capital city are known as Lisboetas
    $100 10
He was "a merry old soul"
    $100 13
When it precedes oz. for ounce, the abbreviation fl. stands for this
    $100 9
Before an NFL game can begin, one of these has to be tossed
    $100 6
The main ingredient in Thousand Island dressing is this creamy emulsion
    $100 21
Movie, shooting, of David
    $200 2
The Grand Place in this Belgian capital is one of the most beautiful squares in Europe
    $200 11
Do this on Monday, you do it for danger, do it on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger; gesundheit!
    $200 17
Olfaction is the sense of smell & gustation is this sense
    $200 12
It's the ring tossed to a drowning man
    $200 7
Salad nicoise contains the ripe, black Nice type of these
    $200 22
Clarinet, bassoon, oboe
    $300 3
The Hapsburgs once lived in the Hofburg, an enornous palace complex in this capital city
    $300 14
This nursery rhyme character sings for his supper
    $300 18
It's the dried outer covering of a seed or fruit; corn has one
    $300 28
According to a famous TV theme, this "tiny ship was tossed"
    $300 8
A traditional Waldorf salad contains cubes of this fruit
    $300 23
Great Indian, Great Victoria, Great Sandy
    $400 4
The Yak & Yeti is a popular restaurant in this capital of Nepal
    $400 15
Betty Botter bought a batch of this spread but it was better
    $400 19
It's the point in the heavens directly above you; the nadir is directly below you
    $400 29
Al Oerter is famous for tossing this at the Olympics
    $400 26
This type of potato salad has a dressing of bacon fat, vinegar & seasonings
    $400 24
8 Urbans, 9 Bonifaces, 13 Innocents
    $500 5
The house where George Bernard Shaw was born is now a museum in this capital city
    $500 16
He "had another, and didn't love her; (He) learned to read and spell, and then he loved her very well"
    $500 20
Most of these proteins that speed up chemical reactions have names ending in "ase"
    DD: $700 30
1961 No. 1 hit that included the following line:

"I couldn't sleep at all last night..."
    $500 27
This "Belgian" salad ingredient is also called witloof, meaning "white leaf"
    $500 25
Business, law, birthday

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Jackie Patrick
$700 $1,300 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jackie Patrick
$500 $1,400 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

LAND OF ____
    $200 12
In 1960 Italian Somaliland joined British Somaliland, forming this country
    $200 6
While Galileo was working out the laws of falling bodies, he was writing about tilting at windmills
    $200 1
Luisa Tetrazzini appeared at this NYC opera house for only 1 season, 1911-12
    $200 2
The sash is the framework that holds the glass part of one of these
    $200 7
The Parson's Tale concludes this 14th century work
    $200 24
Go to this state if you want to see the "Land of Lincoln"
    $400 13
Winston Churchill was blamed for the failure of the Gallipoli campaign during this war
    $400 17
While Bligh was involved in a mutiny on the Bounty, she was living a bountiful life as Queen of France
    $400 4
Born in New York in 1923, she returned to Greece with her mother when she was 13
    $400 3
The mastaba, not the pyramid, was the common tomb of nobility during this country's "Old Kingdom"
    $400 8
A few of the characters featured in this Dickens novel are Mr. Jaggers, Herbert Pocket & Pip
    $400 25
The United States according to "The Star-Spangled Banner"
    $600 14
This first man in space died in 1968 while training for a Soyuz mission
    $600 18
In 1876, the year Bell invented the phone, this Wagner work was first performed in its entirety
    $600 5
It's the middle name of U.S. soprano Mary Price
    $600 21
A mihrab is a prayer niche in the wall of a mosque that faces this holy city
    $600 9
He worked on the screenplays of his stories "The Pearl" & "The Red Pony"
    $600 26
Norway & Alaska are each known as the "Land of" this
    $800 15
This author of "The Feminine Mystique" led the "Women's Strike for Equality" in 1970
    DD: $1,000 19
These thermometer scale setters were contemporaries 1701-1736
    $800 23
Joan Sutherland made her debut in "Dido and Aeneas" in this Australian city
    $800 22
A capital is the uppermost part of one of these
    $800 10
This American novelist received her early education in Shanghai & later taught in Nanking
    $800 28
Its glaciers & hot springs have earned this country the nickname "Land of Frost and Fire"
    $1000 16
Kaiser Wilhelm II died in this low country in 1941; he had fled there in 1918
    $1000 20
While Magellan was sailing the Pacific, he was on the throne of the magnificent Ottoman Empire
    $1000 27
In Brooklyn she won a contest as the most beautiful baby of 1932
    $1000 29
Flying buttresses are most associated with this style of architecture
    DD: $1,200 11
"A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented" is the subtitle of his "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"
    $1000 30
A nickname for Minnesota, or the source of Hamm's beer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jackie Patrick
$3,900 $7,400 $6,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of only 3 Republican Presidents who completed 2 full terms in office

Final scores:

Michael Jackie Patrick
$3,900 $13,400 $8,000
3rd place: Magnavox VHS camcorder + Jeopardy! '92 home game New champion: $13,400 + Jeopardy! '92 home game 2nd place: Zeos ColorNote laptop computer & Sanyo microcassette recorder + Jeopardy! '92 home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Jackie Patrick
$3,900 $7,200 $5,600
13 R,
4 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $16,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1993-08-30
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