"Waterloo" was this Stockholm group's first U.S. pop hit |
Originally a Democrat, this Southerner ran for president in 1964, '68, '72 & '76 |
George Wallace
Russ, the little russet potato, was tres bon as pommes frites, which we call these |
french fries
There's an automated external defibrillator on the wall; use it to get this organ back in rhythm |
the heart
By trade, Joseph, the husband of Mary, was one of these |
a carpenter
This Ottawa-born singer/songwriter has had hits with "Ironic" & "Thank U" |
Alanis Morrisette
For more than 40 years, he brought his unique brand of journalism to CBS |
Mike Wallace
The Charger & Durango |
Little Timmy Tater was sent to England to become crisps, which we call these |
potato chips
Mouth to mouth may help, but he is having an "attack" of this 6-letter condition, meaning his airways have narrowed |
We use this word, Spanish for "godfather", for a close friend or associate |
This 21st century band with a historical name hails from Scotland
"If I wane, this can die / If I wane, this can die / I want you to take me out..." |
Franz Ferdinand
In 1297 this Scottish patriot led the defeat of the English in the Battle of Stirling Bridge |
William Wallace
Ma & pa were proud of their spudlings when they were made into these Hanukkah potato pancakes |
He was eating something he shouldn't have & has gone into the anaphylactic type of this reaction |
One who takes short dozes in the afternoon, or takes felines from their owners |
a catnapper
"Nothing Compares 2" this Dublin-born songstress who topped the pop charts in 1990 |
Sinead O'Connor
This 3-named author penned a 1989 collection of short stories titled "Girl with Curious Hair" |
David Foster Wallace
The Boxster & the 911 Carrera |
The young taters want to be part of this "national" dish that includes bacon & vinegar & may be served warm or cold |
(Robyn: What is potato salad?) (Alex: N--) (Robyn: What is [*]?)
German potato salad
So he can breathe, we're making a small hole in his windpipe, this process |
a tracheotomy
It's the study of secret writing, including codes & ciphers |
(Alex: Robyn?) (Robyn: Ummm... oh!)
Born in Niteroi, Brazil, this bandleader scored pop hits with "The Look Of Love" & "Never Gonna Let You Go" |
Sérgio Mendes
Second of FDR's 3 vice presidents, he also served as Secretary of Agriculture, like his father before him |
Henry Wallace
The Firebird & Grand Am |
Tiny tubers want to grow up, join the deli & become this Jewish foodstuff, a mashed potato dumpling covered with a dough shell |
(Robyn: What is kreplach?) (Justin: What is matzo?) [Robyn was initially ruled incorrect. After the break, the judges ruled Robyn's response correct, so Justin's incorrect response no longer counted.]
knish (kreplach accepted)
Actually, don't worry about CPR; a note on him says DNR, "do not" do this |
Found in the Southwest, it's a dense growth of shrubs or small trees |
a chaparral