This vampire romance novelist whose books have sold more than 100 million copies worldwide |
(Brian: Who is Anne Rice?)
Stephenie Meyer
On New Year's Eve, Elizabethtown, Penn. drops a giant M&M while the town of Hershey drops a 7-foot tall one of these candies |
Our galaxy contains hundreds of billions of them, but only about 3,000 are visible to the naked eye |
"Do not go" this "into that good night" |
(Angie: What is gently?) (Brian: What is softly?) ... (Alex: [*], yes. "Do not go [*] into that good night.")
You can tour the U.S. mint in this Colorado city |
A song standard says, "I should hate you, but I guess I love you, you've got me in between the devil and" this |
the deep blue sea
This man who succeeded Jane Swift as governor of Massachusetts in 2003 |
Mitt Romney
A game design professor played this classic Atari game on the side of a skyscraper in 2013, setting a world record |
In 1964, to one-up this new U.S. program, the USSR, crammed 3 men into Voskhod 1 with no room even to wear space suits |
(Troy: What is the Apollo program?) (Brian: What is NASA?) ... (Alex: It was a NASA program called [*]. Back to you though, Brian. You're back in the hole. Boo.)
Woolite has a version "specially formulated to take care of" this type of garment |
(Angie: What are stockings?) (Troy: What is silk?) ... (Alex: Remember the category is A SOFT TOUCH? And the word we're going for here is [*]. [*] fabrics.)
The main campus of the University of Colorado is in this "rocking" city |
Must've been the ultimate bad hair day when this one-named singer/songwriter got a "Devil's Haircut" |
Self-help author & guru Stephen Covey, who penned the highly successful "7 habits of" this group of folks |
(Brian: What is Highly Successful People?) (Angie: What are Successful People?) ... (Alex: What are [*], not successful.)
Highly Effective People
Parishioners in Frederick, Maryland were attacked by these--the birds, not the bourbon brand |
wild turkeys
In 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered this colorful "shift" could be used to estimate galactic distances from Earth |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
red shift
Moderate in force, like certain winds, or in Britain, a beer with a blander taste than bitter |
(Alex: The soft touch this time--[*]. [*], you see?)
This brewery had a "golden" beginning in 1873 in the city of that name |
This Stones song asks, "Who killed the Kennedys?" & answers, "After all, it was you and me" |
"Sympathy For The Devil"
This quarterback who played for BYU & was the NFL's player of the year in 1992 & 1994 |
(Brian: Who is Doug Flutie?)
Steve Young
A religious Kentucky cross country runner dropped out of a race when she was assigned this 3-digit bib number |
From the Latin lenis, "soft", it means tolerant or permissive, say, with your kids |
(Alex: That's it, with less than a minute to go.)
This city of 95,000 people is named for a New York Tribune editor |
(Brian: What is Pulitzer?)
At home games of the Los Angeles Angels, this top 20 hit by Train accompanies a tribute video of past players |
"Calling All Angels"
This former representative & current senior senator from Nevada |
Harry Reid
Some ATMs in London offer service in this type of slang; you can withdraw "sausage & mash" |
Cockney rhyming slang
A railroad car attached to steam locomotives to carry fuel & water |
(Alex: Good. You're out of the hole.)
This "grand" city is named for its location at the confluence of 2 rivers |
Grand Junction
This U2 song is a tribute to Billie Holiday |
"Angel Of Harlem"