Show #6859 - Thursday, June 12, 2014


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Joe Keehnast, a web product manager from Chicago, Illinois

Katie Frank, a graduate student in communications studies from Poway, California

Darren O'Connor, a police officer from Norfolk, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to identify the song. We'll give you a lesser-known lyric from each song.)
    $200 11
Coming off the bench as QB in the 3rd game of his senior year, Joe led this college team to the national title
    $200 6
Books by this president include "Where's the Rest of Me?", a title from a line in the movie "King's Row"
    $200 15
"As your bright & tiny spark lights the traveler in the dark"
    $200 18
To decrease & then increase is to do this "& flow"
    $200 1
In the 400s B.C. Callicrates designed the temple of Athena Nike on this hill
    $200 29
In 1997 Noel sold this company's stock for $3.28 a share; iKnow Noel regrets it went for over $700 in 2012
    $400 12
She's the lady seen here atop the state capitol in Helena, Montana
    $400 7
This Al Gore book is subtitled "The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It"
    $400 16
"Build it up with
wood & clay,
wood & clay,
wood & clay"
    $400 19
Another word for a baseball glove
    $400 5
Shihuangdi unified the Chinese empire but was paranoid & held a burning of these items in 213 B.C.
    $400 28
Noel wasn't afraid of this NHL team because of its "diabolic" name--it's just that Martin Brodeur was scary good
    $600 13
As a 49er, Joe was perfect for this "geographic" offense of coach Bill Walsh
    $600 8
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" is by this funnyman-turned-Minnesota senator
    $600 17
"Cluck cluck red hen have you any eggs?"
    $600 21
A tax levied specifically on imports
    $600 4
Babylonia & Sumer were civilizations in this ancient region that gave us a little something called civilization
    $600 24
Noel wouldn't open his tool box after seeing one of the movies in this horror series featuring Tobin Bell
    $800 14
Helena's valley is named after this alliterative plant; William Clark was injured by many of its barbs when he explored there
    DD: $1,000 9
In 2003 this onetime head of the State department told her groundbreaking story in "Madame Secretary"
    $800 20
"And if that Billy goat won't pull, papa's gonna buy you a cart & bull"
    $800 22
The point in an orbit farthest from earth
    $800 2
Meaning "hidden", this god's name is found in the name of a young pharaoh who restored worship of him
    $800 26
The website of the BLS, the Bureau of these, which reports the national unemployment rate, terrifies Noel
    $1000 30
Today a stadium is named for Joe in this hometown, also the longest-named of Pittsburgh's "three rivers"
    $1000 10
This Republican who ran for president in 2012 is the author of "End the Fed"
    $1000 25
"Trumpet sound the jubilee, hallelujah"
    $1000 23
The point in an orbit closest to earth
    $1000 3
The first Roman emperor born outside Italy, this slightly deaf & limping man took power in 41 A.D.
    $1000 27
Noel freaks when it comes to Yb, this element; it's the most volatile rare-earth metal, & Noel can't stand volatility!

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Darren Katie Joe
$1,000 $3,600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Darren Katie Joe
$2,800 $8,000 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

____ IT
[Alex pronounces the category like "blanket".]
    $400 15
Both the 1925 & the 1959 versions of this biblical epic featuring a chariot race are on the National Film Registry
    $400 10
This entertainer's tomb in the Hollywood hills is marked with his familiar signature & piano drawing
    $400 5
Until Mount Everest was scaled in 1953, Annapurna in this kingdom had been the tallest mountain summitted
    $400 24
It's where Moses is in Exodus 32 when the Israelites are having a wild party without him
    $800 16
The most recent feature film on the registry is this 1999 Keanu Reeves movie that taught us there is no spoon
    $800 11
The granary burying ground holds Sam Adams, Robert Treat Paine & this man who signed the Dec. of Indep. before them
    $800 6
In 1992 concrete blocks were used in an attempt to stem the flow of lava from this Sicilian volcano, but it didn't work
    $800 23
A collection of sage advice, this biblical book warns, "he that loveth wine & oil shall not be rich"
    $800 28
"Topics" at the website for this Cabinet department include "Human Trafficking" & "Immigration Enforcement"
    $800 2
Live without comforts, as when camping
    $1200 17
1897 footage captures the title fight between Bob Fitzsimmons & this boxer known as "Gentleman Jim"
    DD: $3,600 12
This author's ashes were buried under a large walnut tree in front of his office on Ventura Blvd. in Tarzana, California
    $1200 7
(Sarah of the Clue Crew visits Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.) The idea for Mount Rushmore came from South Dakota state historian Doane Robinson, who envisioned having colossal sculptures of Old West heroes on this range of low mountains
    DD: $2,000 20
In Judges 16 the Philistines have a wild party (their last) to mock this hero
    $1200 27
"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety", he wrote
    $1200 1
Sticky note
    $1600 18
In this film added to the registry in 2012, Ralphie asks Santa for a Red Ryder BB gun
    $1600 13
In 1936, 47 years after his death, his body was moved from Molokai to Leuven, Belgium
    $1600 8
Some areas of this highest Oregon peak receive more than 400 inches of snow a year
    $1600 21
From Ecclesiastes: "The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of" this type of glee
    $1600 26
Common-law & statutory are types of this legal claim one has on the property of another as security for debt
    $1600 3
Go crazy or get angry
    $2000 19
This Steve McQueen film was shot on the steep streets of San Francisco, an exhilarating setting for its extended car chase
    $2000 14
This composer was buried in 1849 at Paris' Pere-Lachaise; his sister took his heart back to Warsaw
    $2000 9
If you watched the Sochi Winter Olympics, you saw stunning views of this 750-mile mountain range
    $2000 22
Paul wrote to Titus about "worldly lusts" & to this other Mr. T. about leading away "captive silly women"
    $2000 25
Maintaining the security of Israel, it is officially the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations
    $2000 4
Hang out, relax, especially "old school"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Darren Katie Joe
$16,000 $15,200 $9,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

George Romero declined to direct a few episodes of this series, calling it "basically... just a soap opera"

Final scores:

Darren Katie Joe
$20,000 $30,200 $2,600
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $30,200 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Darren Katie Joe
$12,800 $15,000 $9,000
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-02-18
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