Show #6850 - Friday, May 30, 2014

Julia Collins game 20.


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Wendy Hardenberg, a university librarian from New Haven, Connecticut

Sami Siegelbaum, a professor of art history from Chicago, Illinois

Julia Collins, a supply chain professional from Kenilworth, Illinois (whose 19-day cash winnings total $410,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, you get to join me for a visit to...)
    $200 12
    $200 26
It's also called a full boat
    $200 21
In a familiar phrase, it precedes "as the driven snow"
    $200 4
In 1986, she "Live(d) To Tell"
    $200 11
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew points to a map on the monitor.) In 1927 it took Charles Lindbergh 33-1/2 hours to fly from Long Island to this metropolis; today, it takes around 8 hours, & people don't mob you for getting there successfully
    $200 1
(Alex delivers the clue from the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.) For 37 years, Rodin worked on "The Gates of Hell", adding & removing figures; the subject matter of the doors is based on this epic poem by Dante
    $400 13
(the World Wildlife Fund)
    $400 27
If players before you make a bet, you must call or raise to stay in; if they don't you can stay in by doing this
    $400 22
Liquor served without ice is straight or this clean word
    $400 5
He drove his "Little Red Corvette" into the top 10
    $400 17
This magazine published its first issue in 1923 with former Speaker of the House Joe Cannon on the cover
    $400 2
(Alex delivers the clue from the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.) The original marble is in the Paris Rodin museum; the Philadelphia Rodin Museum has a replica, made after Rodin's death, of this iconic sculpture in which a pair of lovers embrace
    $600 14
(the Microsoft Network)
    $600 28
It's hard to tell if pro Phil Laak is bluffing behind the shades & hood that earned him this serial killer nickname
    $600 23
Free from defects, or a playoff game-winning "reception" in 1972
    $600 6
She's the voice on "Whenever, Wherever"
    $600 18
In 1929 this film about 2 WWI fighter pilots in love with the same girl won the first Best Picture Oscar
    $600 3
(Alex delivers the clue from the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.) Rodin was so successful at authentically sculpting the human body that he was accused of using molds from a live model in the piece known as "The Age of" this--also the material from which the statue was cast
    $800 15
Pocket Books,
a division of Simon & Schuster
    $800 29
In Texas hold 'em, the order of the cards shown to all players is the flop, the turn & this, which may drown you
    $800 24
Spelled one way, it describes a large sum; spelled another, it's a toilet "bol" cleaner
    $800 7
In 1993 he sang "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"
    $800 19
Bing Crosby hit No. 1 in 1928 with "Ol' Man River" from this Broadway musical
    $800 8
(Alex delivers the clue from the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.) In 1347 the English king Edward III agreed to lift an almost year-long siege of a French port city if 6 townsmen would sacrifice themselves; in this sculpture, Rodin shows the emotion of each of the men as they trudge to their death
    $1000 16
maker of crystals
    $1000 30
Want to get an edge in pai gow? Take this role in which you win all "copy" hands; Monopoly games have one too
    $1000 25
It's the film editing technique in which a new scene slides sideways to replace the old one
    $1000 10
He shares his name with a brand of boxing gloves

"God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes /
'Cause then you really
might know..."
    DD: $1,800 20
In May 1926 President Coolidge sent U.S. marines into this nation to quell an uprising led by General Augusto Sandino
    $1000 9
(Alex delivers the clue from the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.) Medusa on the breastplate & an owl on the helmet help identify this highly polished marble sculpture as this Roman goddess

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Julia Sami Wendy
$4,600 $2,400 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Julia Sami Wendy
$6,800 $3,600 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Next, we'll give you the [*], you identify the poem for us.)
(Alex: Each correct response will end in those two letters--"C-O".)
    $400 22
Arthur, his only child, was born in 1938 in Manila, where daddy was a military adviser
    $400 18
"And before him on the upland he could see the shining wigwam of the Manito of Wampum"
    $400 8
The one with the largest population
    $400 3
A Colombian woman in a May-December relationship,
a professional party clown
    $400 10
Because of similarities in mass, size & density, this planet is known as "Earth's twin"
    $400 1
Made from sand, lime, and cement, this durable applied covering may have been used on pyramids thousands of years ago
    $800 23
After finding a big river in Canada, he went home to Scotland in 1812 & had 3 kids with a lass more than 30 years his junior
    DD: $2,400 26
"10,000 eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt; 5,000 tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt"
    $800 9
It's first alphabetically & only joined in 2009
    $800 7
A waitress with a knack for making cupcakes,
a trust fund princess forced to become a waitress
    $800 11
Last name of the only First Family twins
    $800 2
From the Latin for "bottle," it's a complete & embarrassing failure
    $1200 24
17th c. Scotsman Donald MacGregor was the dad of outlaw Robert, known to history by this 2-word nickname
    $1200 19
One of the smallest, this country is home to the main NATO headquarters
    $1200 15
On Netflix:
A convicted drug mule,
a pacifist nun arrested for protesting at a nuclear site
    $1200 12
These twins born July 4, 1918 both became advice columnists
    $1200 4
It's this popular Southern style of music heard here
    $1600 25
PM of Great Britain from 1957 to 1963, this father of 4 was nicknamed both "Supermac" & "Mac the Knife"
    $1600 27
"Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!... the voice I hear this passing night was heard in ancient days"
    $1600 20
The 2 island countries that are members
    $1600 16
2 KGB spies under deep cover in Reagan-era Washington, D.C.
    $1600 13
In this Edgar Allan Poe tale, Roderick confesses that his not-dead-yet twin sister Madeline has been laid in the family tomb
    $1600 5
A covered entrance to a building usually supported with columns
    $2000 28
"Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky like a patient etherized upon a table"
    DD: $2,500 21
The one that's 99% Muslim
    $2000 17
A recently emancipated slave,
a man thrown off the board of Union Pacific
    $2000 14
In the 1930s Hollywood censor Joseph Breen suggested that movies use these items of furniture in marital scenes
    $2000 6
Undomesticated Andes denizen seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Julia Sami Wendy
$11,600 $8,100 $9,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A Senate seat from this Southern state sat vacant for 4 years; when it was filled, its ex-occupant had become U.S. president

Final scores:

Julia Sami Wendy
$18,100 $1,100 $16,201
20-day champion: $428,100 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Julia Sami Wendy
$15,800 $7,600 $9,000
21 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-02-11
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