Clover, a horse in this Orwell book, asks Benjamin the donkey to read her their sixth commandment |
Animal Farm
2-word candy craving |
a sweet tooth
This Jewish holiday concludes the 10 Days of Repentance |
Yom Kippur
This empire got its name from Osman I, who founded it around 1300 |
the Ottoman Empire
Continuing the work of the G8, this organization met for the first time in December 1999 |
the G20
"The End" & "Light My Fire" |
The Doors
This title boy & his pal Lamp-Wick get turned into donkeys; later he "becomes a marionette once more" |
It's a crass joke of a "cushion" & no, this will not be an audio clue |
a whoopee cushion
In 1988 this actress apologized to Vietnam vets & said that some of her behavior in Hanoi was "thoughtless" |
Jane Fonda
In 1975, after a long siege, Pol Pot & the Khmer Rouge entered this capital & overthrew prime minister Lon Nol |
Phnom Penh
Group f.64 was a loose association of Californians in this field |
(Alex: The "f" referring to f-stop in [*].)
"I'm A Believer" & "Daydream Believer" |
The Monkees
Not quite Rocinante, the mount used by this character is a brown donkey |
(Julia: Who is Don Quixote?) (Alex: No. Don Quixote rode Rocinante, but [*] is the one who rode the brown donkey.)
Sancho Panza
This beverage including Barq's is flavored with syrup from the extracted juices of barks among other items |
root beer
In 1998 the German parliament formally said "we're sorry" for the 1937 bombing of this Basque "holy city" |
In the 17th c. this country's East India Company took over the Moluccas & controlled the world clove trade |
the Netherlands
Uncooperative witnesses Ring Lardner Jr. & Dalton Trumbo were part of this numerical group in 1947 |
the Hollywood Ten
"Hollywood Swinging" & "Jungle Boogie" |
Kool & the Gang
Titania says "Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful" to this Shakespeare character recently made an ass |
(Manuel: Who is Puck?)
Let's account for this work of maintaining money transactions in ledgers |
In 1986 the French government compensated this organization for the sinking of its vessel the Rainbow Warrior |
From 1901 to 1904 William Howard Taft served as governor-general of this former Spanish possession |
the Philippines
The ABO group for this was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1901 |
blood types
This quartet's "Monkey Business" included "My Humps" |
The Black Eyed Peas
In 1879 this young Scot documented his adventures in France in "Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes" |
(Maggie: Who is Robert Burns?) ... (Alex: Got the first name right, but it's [*] instead.)
Robert Louis Stevenson
A tangled mass of metal shavings used for scouring |
(Maggie: What is a Brillo pad?)
steel wool
This WWII general publicly atoned for his slapping of a combat-exhausted soldier in a hospital |
(George) Patton
Built for the emperor Shah Jahan, this throne named for a bird was stolen in 1739 by the Persians, who then lost it |
the Peacock Throne
In 2003 this business behemoth changed its tobacco-associated name to the Altria Group |
Philip Morris
This country group heard here is no relation to Katy
"So don't let me be, let me be, let me be lonely tonight..." |
The Band Perry