While Flag & Father's Day fall in June, Memorial & Mother's Day fall in this month |
She was called the "Maid of" this city which she liberated from the English |
The term for this choral form comes from "oratory", a chapel in a church, where it was developed |
If you "Sing a Song of Sixpence", you'll get "a pocket full of" this |
A club's farm system isn't its food supply, but this |
its minor league teams
Term for the joint where 2 separate pieces of cloth are sewn together |
The 1st time his birthday was formally observed was February 12, 1866 in Washington, D.C. |
Abraham Lincoln
Joan's ashes were eventually thrown into this river |
the Seine
In 1942, Stravinsky composed "Circus Polka" for the dancing elephants in this circus |
Barnum & Bailey
Last word in the rhyme whose 3 lines each start with "Jack" |
(David: What is a stick?) ... (Alex: "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the [*].")
[clue unviewable or hearable on video] |
baseball bats
It can be lamb, pork or karate |
In the Fiesta de San Fermin at Pamplona, Spain, these animals are driven thru the streets |
Though she lived in the 15th century, she wasn't formally declared a saint until this century |
the 20th century
Grand opera differs from operetta in that all grand opera dialogue is performed this way |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
According to the rhyme, it's when Georgie Porgie made tracks |
(David: What is when he kissed the girls?)
when the boys came out to play
Of 7, 14 or 21, # of N.Y. Yankees who earned more money in 1987 than the U.S. president's base salary |
According to Webster's, a fancy word for it that also starts with "P" is pinnacle |
It's traditional for England's royal family to appear on a balcony here on the queen's official birthday |
Buckingham Palace
St. Michael, St. Margaret & St. Catherine, so Joan said |
saints that spoke to her
Composer most associated with lyricists Lorenz Hart & Oscar Hammerstein II |
Richard Rodgers
Riding a cock-horse to Banbury Cross, you'll see a lady with these on her fingers & these on her toes |
rings on her fingers & bells on her toes
Tom Lasorda once said, "We tried to teach him English, & the only word he learned was 'million'" |
Fernando Valenzuela
It's a sheet of ice for ice-skating, especially one artificially prepared |
The emperor's birthday, on April 29, has been a national holiday in this country for over half a century |
She was tried for witchcraft, heresy, & for wearing this type of clothing |
men's soldier's clothing
1791 opera whose title instrument, though not too often, is heard here: |
The Magic Flute
"Little-eyed" 6-legged witness who saw Cock Robin die |
the fly
In 1987 playoffs, the Cardinals replaced a pitcher without removing him from the game by doing this |
(Alex: Or putting him into another position.)
putting him into the outfield
It's worn on a boot & used in conjunction with "giddy up" |