Show #6838 - Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Battle of the Decades semifinal game 3.


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Colby Burnett, an AP world history teacher from Chicago, Illinois

Pam Mueller, a graduate student in psychology from Princeton, New Jersey

Roger Craig, a data scientist from Brooklyn, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Those two letters, R-G, coming up in each correct response.)
    $200 15
This city's seal depicts Hoover Dam, 25 miles away
    $200 18
His 1930s exploits included numerous bank robberies
    $200 14
    $200 17
    $200 23
In 1900 Charles Comiskey relocated the St. Paul Saints & they became this baseball team
    $200 1
A song of lament
    $400 16
The South Dakota capitol in this city saved money by using columns made of something called scagliola instead of marble
    $400 19
This German count doesn't look like he was lighter than air
    $400 28
"Canticum Canticorum"
    $400 6
All Soul's Day,
Eat a Cranberry Day,
The Great American Smokeout
    $400 24
It's the NHL team whose logo is seen here
    $400 2
The FTC's Bureau of Competition reviews them
    $600 12
When taking "a trip to" this Utah city, be sure to stop by its tabernacle, built before Salt Lake City's
    $600 20
Order on the court with this different kind of Russian racketeer
    DD: $1,800 13
A New Testament guy:
    $600 7
The Pledge of Allegiance,
the Queen when she enters the room,
your rights
    $600 25
During the 1950s, this Major League Baseball team briefly added "Legs" to their name
    $600 3
Chaucer's "Knight's Tale" mentions this woolen fabric
    $800 11
Pennsylvania's "Christmas City", it was founded by Moravians from Central Europe in 1741
    $800 21
This onetime Coast Guardsman was a best-selling author in the '70s
    $800 29
An Old Testament guy:
    $800 8
the economy,
an air mattress
    $800 26
A fan contest in 1945 helped name this pro football team after its first coach
    $800 4
A member of Virginia's Colonial legislature
    $1000 10
Texas Tech was founded there in 1923
    $1000 22
"My Side of the Road" is a memoir by this '40s & '50s film star
    $1000 30
There's "I Regum", First Kings, "I Samuelis", First Samuel, & "I Paralipomenon", this
    $1000 9
A cat,
a Scottie dog,
a wheelbarrow
    $1000 27
In 1905 Rugby's Maorilanders became the New Zealand All these
    $1000 5
Type of valve on a diver's mask, or a sad fact of Russian history

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Roger Pam Colby
$1,400 $1,200 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Pam Colby
$5,200 $2,800 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
How much a vessel can hold
    $400 26
At 22, Carl F. Gauss gave a proof of the fundamental theorem of this math branch that uses variables to stand for numbers
    $400 6
In a Paula Abdul No. 1 hit, this adverb precedes "Your Girl"
    $400 12
No. 42, he was the first man to become president who was born after World War II
    $400 18
This poem about "Man's first disobedience" appeared in 1667
    $400 7
Sergeant Schultz tried to command "Attention!" with this word
    $800 19
From the Latin, it means happiness
    $800 27
Here's my point: Simon Stevin's 1585 pamphlet "The Tenth" helped establish the use of this notation
    $800 5
Let go & name this Katy Perry tune heard here

"Let go and just be free, I will love you..."
    $800 11
He was the first president survived by his mother, Jane Knox
    $800 17
Inspiring the film "Rescue Dawn" was Dieter Dengler's "Escape from" this Indochinese nation
    $800 16
Mark Twain said German newspapers put this part of speech "away over on the next page" & sometimes go to press without it
    $1200 20
It's the property of material that stretches & returns to its original shape
    $1200 28
You can use these 2 symbols to show that Thomas Harriot's book introducing them appeared not in 1630 or 1632 but 1631
    $1200 2
Rick Rolling involves the video of this song whose title begins with an adverb
    $1200 10
He was the first president to have been divorced
    DD: $2,800 1
In Ariosto's chivalric romance "Orlando Furioso", Orlando is this great king's nephew
    $1200 23
In French, it's the poetic papillon; in Spanish, the evocative mariposa; in German, Schmetterling
    $1600 21
An 1854 U.S.-Canada treaty was this type, saying we'll drop our customs tariffs if you will
    $1600 29
In between loaves of bread, jugs of wine & thous, he came up with the first complete solution of cubic equations
    $1600 3
This Smiths song with an adverb-filled title says, "I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar"
    $1600 9
He was the first president to attend the World Series, the 12th one
    $1600 14
The 2 great Sanskrit epic poems are the Mahabharata & this tale of an avatar of Vishnu
    $1600 24
On a calendar, Mittwoch is this
    $2000 22
Cracker Barrel boasts that the tools & toys on their restaurants' walls have this quality
    $2000 30
A paradox named for this Greek says you can never reach a goal because the number of halfway-there points is infinite
    $2000 4
The Beatles used a trio of adverbs in the title of this song from "Revolver"
    DD: $3,200 8
He was commander-in-chief the first time the U.S. formally declared war
    $2000 15
In 1907 the performance of this John Millington Synge play set off riots in Dublin
    $2000 25
The "Ode to Joy" in Beethoven's 9th says, "Freude, schöner" this zwölf-letter word meaning "divine sparks"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Pam Colby
$18,000 $7,200 $11,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Visited by Jacques Cartier in 1534, it was later renamed for Queen Victoria's father, the Duke of Kent

Final scores:

Roger Pam Colby
$12,799 $1,595 $4,099
Finalist 3rd place: $25,000 2nd place: $25,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Roger Pam Colby
$16,800 $5,600 $13,400
24 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $35,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-04-17
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