Show #6819 - Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sandie Baker game 7.


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Kristin McAuliffe, a higher-education administrator from Brighton, Massachusetts

Frédérique Delaprée, a foreign service officer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Sandie Baker, a translation coordinator from Eastpointe, Michigan (whose 6-day cash winnings total $140,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the most important event, generally acknowledged, for that particular day.)
    $200 1
Lurking under your TV stand, it's a 2-word animal term for a ball of lint & particle debris
    $200 16
(Kelly of the Clue Crew stands next to a map of the U.S.) The longest interstate is I-90, which runs 3,020 miles between these two large cities
    $200 11
To make aioli sauce, start with crushed cloves of this
    $200 21
Instrument heard here
    $200 6
In 2001 the first player to appear, after 11 years of Madden himself, was Eddie George of this Nashville team
    $200 26
July 20, 1969
    $400 2
Eerie noises as it changes cycles hint at the power of this appliance, perhaps with the Anyware Plus silverware basket
    $400 17
More an "intra"-
state, the lower 48's shortest 2-digit interstate runs 17 miles from Baltimore to this state capital
    $400 12
Sauce aurore gets its pinkish-red color from this puree
    $400 22
The Frenchman said farewell, bidding us a fond...
    $400 7
In 2009 some got this quarterback in a Jets uniform, others in Packers gear
    $400 27
May 8, 1945
    $600 3
Alliterative phrase for someone born between 1946 & 1965; beware, it's the...
    $600 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands next to a map of the U.S.) From Los Angeles, take the I-10 transcontinental route, and you'll cross the USA all the way to this city
    DD: $1,200 13
One story says the French came up with this sauce to imitate a buttery one brought with a visiting Dutch king
    $600 23
What you use to talk to spirits if you're "board"
    $600 8
The first defensive player was this Ravens linebacker who retired in 2013
    $600 28
April 14, 1912
    $800 4
You can look at a person & not know that within him is this small implanted device used to treat tachycardia
    $800 19
Old highways were incorporated into the system, including Grand Central Parkway in this state, redubbed I-278
    $800 14
Tabasco sauce has been made on this Louisiana salt island since the 1860s
    $800 24
"I" know it's a very small quantity, or a Greek letter
    $800 9
In 2004 it was this Falcon QB who would later take a break from the game
    $800 29
May 21, 1927
    $1000 5
Instructions to our agents: Do not underestimate this breed, that's highly intelligent and very sheddy
    $1000 20
(Kelly of the Clue Crew stands next to a map of the eastern U.S.) Truly earning its interstate name, this highway stretches from Maine to Florida, passing through 15 states
    $1000 15
Named after an Italian city, it's a rich meat sauce also called Ragu, or a spaghetti dish covered in it
    $1000 25
Conrad wrote, "she seemed to know all"; this kind of "feeling came over me"
    $1000 10
In 2013 the man was this receiver, "Megatron"
    $1000 30
Jan, 24, 1848
(out West)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sandie Frédérique Kristin
$4,400 $800 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sandie Frédérique Kristin
$8,600 $1,200 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
Elongated spines help these creatures reach their incredible speeds
    $400 1
The wealthy Nadezhda von Meck gave this "Swan Lake" composer 6,000 rubles a year but refused to ever meet him
    $400 6
This voice artist:
"That's all folks"
    $400 20
Reaching 318 mph, the strongest winds ever documented were part of one of these in Oklahoma
    $400 11
"From early childhood he had used his hands to swing from branch to branch" like his ape mother, Kala
    $800 17
These predators of the tropics can mass in huge numbers and turn much larger animals into their prey
    $800 2
In 1918 he teamed with older brother Ira for the first time, a collaboration that lasted until his death in 1937
    $800 7
This talk show host & game show creator:
"I will not be right back after this message"
    $800 21
It's a group of fast-moving wind currents in the troposphere advantageous to eastbound airline travel
    $800 12
This Astrid Lindgren character is described as having "hair the color of a carrot"
    $800 25
Proverbially, do this "because you'll meet them on your way down"
    $1200 18
A 2013 study finds the mouth cooties of this carrion eater aren't lethal, as was thought
    $1200 3
It's been said that the 1831 capture of Warsaw by the Russians led him to write his "revolutionary" etude
    $1200 8
Whitney Houston:
"The Voice" & this 5-word song title
    $1200 22
Some of these 3-bladed modern-day windmills are designed for extra-breezy areas
    $1200 13
Dolores Haze was the real name of this 12-year-old nymphet who stood "four feet ten in one sock"
    $1200 26
It was a 2004 newspaper headline about Mr. Canseco's try for a comeback with the Dodgers
    $1600 19
Its long arms allow it to move with great agility through the treetops
    DD: $2,000 4
In 1727 this German composer became a naturalized British subject under George I
    $1600 9
This "Happy Days" actor: "Fiorello, sheriff, priest...and forever 'Mr. C.'"
    $1600 23
Also the name of a Volkswagen model, it's a hot African desert wind that can blow all the way to Europe
    $1600 14
A tale of the Soviet labor camps tells of "one day in the life" of him, patronymic Denisovich, last name Shukhov
    $1600 27
It's kind of a canal on steroids; a famous one was completed in 1959
    $2000 5
This Frenchman dedicated his 1908 piano suite "Children's Corner" to his young daughter Claude-Emma
    $2000 10
This actor & sitcom pioneer:
"And away we go"
    DD: $2,200 24
A common scale of wind velocities was devised in 1805 by Sir Francis Beaufort of this military group
    $2000 15
This Sinclair Lewis title character is a real estate salesman who lives in the suburbs of the city of Zenith
    $2000 28
A certain amount of freedom; or punningly, the method of movie director Ang

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sandie Frédérique Kristin
$15,400 $6,200 $13,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Good looks weren't enough as he became the only full-term president rejected in a bid for his party's 2nd term nomination

Final scores:

Sandie Frédérique Kristin
$4,300 $6,200 $1
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $6,200 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sandie Frédérique Kristin
$14,400 $8,400 $13,200
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
8 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-01-14
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