Show #6796 - Monday, March 17, 2014


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Gordon Graham, a recent anthropology graduate from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Jen Cosgrove, a billing manager from West Hartford, Connecticut

Thad McCollum, a door person from Orlando, Florida (whose 1-day cash winnings total $2,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We've formed them. You have to identify the two bands we combined.)
(Carl Reiner: Clues with a... 2,000-year-old man.) (Mel Brooks: That's me.)
    $200 2
Foo Skynyrd
    $200 4
"Nevermore: A Photobiography of" him
    $200 14
She's the first woman mentioned in the Bible, but her name only appears twice in all of Genesis
    $200 9
    $200 1
You'll find MOM in Moudjeria, Mauritania; this 3-letter code is over in Da Nang, Vietnam
    $200 22
(Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks present the clue.)
"Of all the monarchs you've known, who was the most impressive?"
"That's easy. It's this Russian empress who was born in 1729. She had such great legs! And, boy, what a way with horses"
    $400 3
The Grateful Doubt
    $400 5
This man: "Billionaire Computer Genius"
    $400 18
During a return visit to the U.S. by this Frenchman in 1825, he gave president John Quincy Adams an alligator as a pet
    $400 10
Strep ____
    $400 30
This 3-letter code for Derby Field servicing Lovelock, Nevada could make you laugh out loud
    $400 23
(Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks present the clue.)
"What was one of your best times?"
"One of my best times was sitting around with this guy in Venice. He'd tell me stories about going to China, and I'd say, 'Don't mention the part about spaghetti & gunpowder. They don't go good together'"
    $600 15
Both in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame:
Pink Sabbath
    DD: $1,000 6
By Joe McGinniss, "The Rogue: Searching for the Real" this politician
    $600 19
The star of 7 James Bond films, he started smoking by age 9 & once worked as a coffin polisher
    $600 11
Pug ____
    $600 29
FYI--FYI is an unofficial code standing for Fresno this national park International
    $600 26
(Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks present the clue.)
"You have worked with some of our great presidents."
"Who were they?"
"Go back to the first. Washington. He used to wear his wig cockeye. I straightened him out. I straightened out his wooden teeth. But Wilson--Woodrow Wilson took my advice. I said, 'Woody, you're making too many points in this declaration. How many points do you really need?'"
    $800 16
A boy band supergroup:
98 Edition
    $800 7
"The General": this man "and the France He Saved"
    $800 20
This national park & preserve named for the highest peak in North America is bigger than New Hampshire
    $800 12
Tylenol Cold Sore ____
    $800 28
Iowans can't be too thrilled that the airport for this city SUX
    $800 25
(Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks present the clue.)
"What was your most annoying job?"
"Well, I was a scrivener for this poet who couldn't spell. The first line of his prologue, he spells 'April' like this-A-P-R-I-L-L-E. That's--that's how he spelled 'April'"
    $1000 17
Both big in the '70s:
Led People
    $1000 8
This woman: "Daring to Vote"
    $1000 21
In the ocean the giant & colossal this are "armed" & dangerous as the largest invertebrates
    $1000 13
Bend someone's ____
    $1000 27
A code for the airport in Ile Ouen, New Caledonia, or what we might have to give you if we don't have the $1,000
    $1000 24
(Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks present the clue.)
"Attila the Hun--was he really as rotten as they say?"
"Rottener. You never addressed him by his 3-word nickname. You always said, 'Hey, you're looking good today', 'Hey', stuff like that. But you never called him by his 3-word nickname. That's the clue--3-word nickname"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Thad Jen Gordon
$1,800 $3,800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Thad Jen Gordon
$6,800 $5,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
Anne Rice's first sequel to "Interview with the Vampire" was "The Vampire" him
    $400 19
Penny...? Penny...? Penny? Yes, it's Penny who works at the Cheesecake Factory on this lovably geeky CBS sitcom
    $400 1
In the Bible it meant to procreate
    $400 6
Players dig this highest-ranking suit of cards in contract bridge
    $400 24
It's the bird
in the hands here; Hans Christian Andersen wrote of an ugly one
    $400 7
The 2 presidents Bush were both graduates of Yale University, attending in these 2 decades
    $800 14
"Innocent", a legal thriller published in 2010, is a sequel to his bestselling debut novel, "Presumed Innocent"
    $800 20
Cliff, on "Cheers": "I'm ashamed God made me a man"; her: "I don't think God's doing a lot of bragging about it, either"
    $800 2
Someone new to poker may experience this 2-word type of good fortune while playing
    DD: $5,400 12
I made the last bid, so I'm the declarer; my partner says nothing while I play his cards, so he's called this
    $800 25
That's not
a chick in the hand, but this bird with a longer name
    $800 8
The 2 Democratic opponents George W. Bush beat in presidential elections
    $1200 15
Emma Thompson was tapped to write the first authorized sequel to this author's "Peter Rabbit" stories
    $1200 21
Max Black & Caroline Channing live to serve at a retro-hip diner on this sitcom
    $1200 3
This type of person desires alms
    $1200 18
In the mid-20th c. contract bridge became big & this formerly most popular form was going once, going twice...
    $1200 26
On its leg, the bird is undergoing this zoological process, also called ringing
    $1200 9
In the names of both the presidents Bush, "W" is short for this
    $1600 16
He's baaack--the now middle-aged Danny Torrance from this Stephen King novel returns in a 2013 sequel, "Doctor Sleep"
    $1600 22
Ashley Jones served up some bon temps at Merlotte's as Daphne on this HBO drama
    $1600 4
To deprive by deception
    $1600 29
A card that's the only one of its suit in a hand; it's also what Bridget Jones calls herself as an unmarried person
    DD: $2,000 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Alaska.) The feet of the Harlan's red-tailed hawk are protected from struggling prey because their talons are bone encased in a sheath of this hard protein
    $1600 10
2 sons of George H.W. Bush have been governors, of these 2 states
    $2000 17
The wanderer sails for the South Pole in Nikos Kazantzakis' 33,333-line sequel to this ancient poem
    $2000 23
After waitressing at the Lobo Lounge in Lanford, Ill., this '90s title sitcom character came home to her husband Dan
    $2000 5
A dance that began in Martinique & ended up in a Cole Porter song
    $2000 30
The sneaky tactic of taking a trick with a lower card when an opponent holds a higher one is known by this "delicate" term
    $2000 28
The bird in the hand here is the sun type of this small parrot
    $2000 11
One of the 2 sons of George H.W. Bush who were never a state governor

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Thad Jen Gordon
$12,400 $15,200 $14,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

More than 1/5 of all the world's people live in countries bordering this, the world's biggest bay

Final scores:

Thad Jen Gordon
$24,400 $25,200 $28,800
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $28,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Thad Jen Gordon
$12,400 $14,400 $9,800
21 R,
5 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-12-03
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