Show #6794 - Thursday, March 13, 2014


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Jessica Rebel, a contract attorney and stay-at-home mom from Lenexa, Kansas

Matt Kish, a high school history teacher from Brunswick, Ohio

Diana Peloquin, a graduate student of law and social work from Ann Arbor, Michigan (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
He impersonated Mr. Burns, but when asked for Mr. Burns' first name, he replied, "I don't know"
    $200 6
End someone's hopes & you've put the "last" this "in the coffin"
    $200 9
This Japanese businessman's company was founded in 1948 to make motorcycles; he unveiled his first car in 1963
    $200 15
It's the colorful term for the nerve tissue that makes up the cerebral cortex
    $200 22
Gerald Ford was a member of this group that took testimony from 552 witnesses & found Oswald acted alone
    $200 7
"Detroit" is a French word meaning this narrow waterway connecting 2 larger bodies of water
    $400 3
He posed as importer (& exporter!) Art Vandelay, of Vandelay Industries
    $400 8
Situation here for Bill Tilden at the
    $400 10
In a 1988 film Jeff Bridges played this maverick carmaker who built only 51 of the cars named for him
    $400 18
"Aaron Burr" was the muffled response in a famous TV ad that ended with this question
    $400 23
In the photo seen here, Ford is meeting with this adviser
    $400 27
After the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, she moved to Detroit & worked for Rep. John Conyers
    $600 1
This detective became Sonny Burnett to deal with vice in Miami
    $600 12
A document stating whether a ship carried disease; if not, it got a "clean" one
    $600 11
During WWII this automaker & his father received a portion of the profits on every VW beetle sold under the Nazis
    $600 19
1972 candidate who joked that he had wanted to run for president in the worst way--& he did
    $600 24
Gerald Ford grew up in this Michigan city, the largest after Detroit
    $600 28
Seen here is the 24-foot statue of the arm & fist of this Detroit-reared heavyweight champ of the '30s & '40s
    $800 4
This serial killer of serial killers also goes by Patrick Bateman, a movie character with similar issues
    $800 13
This "man" is an irrelevant but convenient object to a attack in an argument
    DD: $1,200 16
He died in Germany in 1900; from 1998 to 2007 his name was joined with Chrysler
    $800 20
Virginia Hill, to Bugsy Siegel
    $800 25
Buy less & save more was part of Ford's "WIN" program, "whip" this "now"
    $800 29
A controversial idea to help the city out of bankruptcy is to sell pieces from the DIA, the Detroit Institute of these
    $1000 5
On "Mad Men", the name of this Jon Hamm character was actually an alias used by Dick Whitman
    $1000 14
This 2-word phrase for a radical transformation comes from "The Tempest"
    $1000 17
In 1903 this man introduced his 15-hp Arrow model; 6 years later Pres. Taft ordered 2 for the White House
    $1000 21
It's the wanderer seen here whose larvae are highly destructive
    $1000 26
In September 1975 Ford survived 2 assassination attempts, the first by Lynette Fromme, a cult follower of this man
    $1000 30
Because of a bend in the river, Detroit is directly north of this Canadian city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Diana Matt Jessica
$400 $2,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Diana Matt Jessica
$1,200 $7,200 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have the give the word formed from the symbols of the elements in the clues.)
    $400 29
An 1846 painting by Edward Hicks shows animals entering this, 2 by 2
    $400 14
On South Africa's coat of arms, these paired elephant parts symbolize wisdom & strength
    $400 15
James Cameron used the rainforest & wide canyons of Kauai to represent Pandora in this 2009 film
    $400 9
To feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire, it's from an Old English word meaning "cause to suffer"
    $400 7
Gaston Leroux had this title character haunting a Paris opera house
    $400 3
Gold + radium=
it's illuminating
    $800 25
Restoration work completed in 1999 removed 500 years of grime from this Leonardo masterpiece
    $800 16
In a 1930 film he said, "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I don't know"
    $800 17
Some scenes for this adventure: "At World's End" were filmed on Molokai & Maui
    $800 10
The volcanic type of this is airborne matter smaller than 1/10th of an inch in diameter
    DD: $1,500 8
French author Albert Camus set several works in this country of his birth
    $800 2
Copper + tellurium=
like babies & kittens
    $1200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) Poussin depicted the return of spies in the book of Numbers; the size of the bunch of grapes tells us the place they've reconnoitered lives up to its billing as this land
    $1200 21
About 100 years ago, a circus elephant named John L. Sullivan participated in this sport in an act with his trainer
    $1200 18
Locations for this star's 1962 flick "Girls! Girls! Girls!" included the Bumble Bee tuna plant near Waikiki Beach
    $1200 11
To conceal in the hand; it can be used to cheat at cards or dice
    $1200 1
In "The Second Sex", this French female existentialist deconstructed the myth of the feminine
    $1200 4
Iron + argon=
a word in Hunter S. Thompson titles
    $1600 28
In the 1400s Giovanni di Paolo painted this saint "Entering the Wilderness"
    $1600 22
This song from "Oklahoma!" tells us that "The corn is as high as an elephant's eye"
    $1600 19
Part-time Kauai resident Ben Stiller used the island as a substitute for the jungles of Vietnam for this 2008 film
    $1600 12
The village blacksmith could tell you it's an old, oft-repeated joke, story or song
    $1600 23
"Remembrance of Things Past" is a classic example of the type of series called a roman-fleuve, literally novel-this
    $1600 5
Sodium + iridium=
a hair-razing product
    DD: $1,000 30
The Rembrandt painting seen here depicts a story from this Old Testament book
    $2000 27
This 4-armed son of Shiva & Parvati in Hinduism has a big-bellied human body with the head of an elephant
    $2000 20
Kevin Costner created a floating atoll off the Big Island for this 1995 post-apocalyptic flick
    $2000 13
This governing officer of a church often has pastoral or teaching functions
    $2000 24
This 1830 Stendhal work paints a colorful portrait of post-Napoleon France
    $2000 6
Hydrogen + yttrium + manganese=
good for Sunday

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Diana Matt Jessica
$5,700 $13,000 $11,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

At 4,000 miles, the farthest-apart capitals of bordering countries are these 2 cities, one on a peninsula

Final scores:

Diana Matt Jessica
$3 $23,201 $2
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $23,201 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Diana Matt Jessica
$7,200 $13,600 $11,600
9 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $32,400

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Game tape date: 2013-11-20
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