Show #6777 - Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2014 College Championship semifinal game 2.


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Eric Turner, a senior from Vanderbilt University from Huntsville, Alabama

Ben Juster, a senior at UCLA from Woodland Hills, California

Terry O'Shea, a sophomore at Princeton University from Bridgewater, New Jersey

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll need two words in each response.)
    $200 6
She rejected the advances of Pan... an... an, who then drove shepherds mad... ad... ad & they tore her to pieces... eces... eces
    $200 26
A short sleep &
a dish to cook eggs
    $200 11
The red star on this country's flag symbolizes the revolutionary traditions established by Kim Il-sung
    $200 21
A few of these, perhaps ostrich or golden pheasant
    $200 1
After 13 years, the U.S. & the U.K. are scheduled to officially withdraw all combat troops from this nation by December 31
    $200 16
On Nov. 20, 2012 the only pool he swam in was the jury pool, in his hometown Baltimore
    $400 7
Beset by madness induced by Hera, he killed his wife Megara & was sentenced to hard labors
    $400 27
An Egyptian snake &
a health club with a steam room
    $400 12
On this state's flag, note the pine tree under one star, the North Star
    $400 22
Give it razzle dazzle with these shiny disks; they were sewn onto King Tut's garments
    $400 2
Head back to this Russian city in March for the Winter Paralympic games
    $400 17
No longer a "Teenage Drama Queen", in 2013 she was sentenced to 90 days in rehab after a Porsche mishap
    $600 8
After this guy tricked Zeus into accepting the bones from a sacrifice instead of the meat, Zeus hid fire from man
    $600 28
A deposit of ore &
a grape home
    $600 13
The one 5-pointed star on the flag of this "Bay State" indicates it was one of the first 13 states
    $600 23
Try the uneven hemline called this, short in front & long in back, just like the hairstyle of the same name
    $600 3
Some see great importance in the fact that this event leading to a red moon like the one seen here will fall on Passover
    $600 18
George Clooney was arrested after a 2012 protest at the embassy of this N. African country accused of violent repression
    $800 9
That pomegranate didn't agree with her: she has to spend a third of the year in Hades!
    $800 29
A violent disturbance by a group of people &
a band such as the Police
    DD: $1,200 14
Mauritania's green flag has one of these under its single star
    $800 24
These, whether on-seam or welt; women love dresses that have them
    $800 4
Hispanics will outnumber whites among this state's 38 million people for the first time in over 150 years
    $800 19
In 2005, as a center for the Heat, he became, we presume, Miami's first 7'1", 325-lb. reserve police officer
    $1000 10
Don't challenge Athena in a weaving contest! You'll end up being changed into a spider, like her (knowing zoology will help)
    $1000 30
A lion's quarry &
a funereal pile
    $1000 15
The flag of this Middle Eastern kingdom displays the pan-Arab colors & a star
    $1000 25
To stiffen the bodice, use stays, also called this after its original source material
    $1000 5
Look closely at snowflakes & sapphires to join in the international year of this -ography
    $1000 20
In 2013 Chris Brown was sentenced to 1,000 hours of this type of service

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Terry Ben Eric
$0 $4,600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Terry Ben Eric
$3,600 $7,200 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I don't know what that's about.)
    $400 1
A 2008 book says Michelangelo's depiction of the prophet Zechariah in this room is based on Pope Julius II
    $400 6
The heaviest one of these on record weighed 4 pounds, 13 ounces; that's a lot of guacamole!
    $400 30
Number of premiers of Cuba in the 1960s plus number of monarchs of England in the 1980s
    $400 11
Before Russell Brand, Dudley Moore played this rich guy in Mom & Dad's first date movie
    $400 29
In 1816 this Lord left England for good; in 1818 he praised Italy in his poem "Beppo"
    $400 22
President Obama has been known to joke about his orejas, these
    $800 2
X-rays of the 1630 painting "Old Man with Beard" by this Dutch master reveal a painted-over & unfinished self-portrait
    $800 7
Prunus cerasus is the botanical name for the sour type of this popular pie fruit
    DD: $3,000 28
Stripes on the U.S. flag minus colors on the French flag
    $800 12
Burns & Albright are the surnames of Billy Crystal & Meg Ryan as the title pair in this film
    $800 17
The mysterious Kurtz is the object of Marlow's quest in this Joseph Conrad tale
    $800 21
Los dedos are these, part of la mano
    DD: $2,000 3
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) A closer look at Emanuel Leutze's "Washington Crossing the Delaware" reveals jagged chunky ice, the type found in this European river it was based on & not in the Delaware
    $1200 8
The Cavendish is the most common variety of this beloved tropical fruit peeled, sliced & split in the United States
    $1200 27
The number of Canadian provinces times the number of Canadian official languages
    $1200 13
M&D enjoyed the Kim Cattrall/Andrew McCarthy flick about one of these that comes to life in a department store
    $1200 14
Busy guy; this poet wrote love poems to a "Jean", a "Bonnie Lesley" & a "Highland Mary"
    $1200 18
I'd hate to put my pie in my boca (both, please)
    $1600 4
The figure in this Edvard Munch masterpiece is hearing & responding to the title sound, not making it
    $1600 9
Packed with vitamins, this cabbage relative is great in salads & can also be baked into chips
    $1600 25
The number of countries on Hispaniola plus the number on Timor
    $1600 23
In "Splash", this actor falls for the mermaid who saved his life
    $1600 15
"They all agreed that it was a huge creature, luminous, ghastly, and spectral" is from this Arthur Conan Doyle work
    $1600 19
Humans have doce pares de costillas, these bones
    $2000 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) Taking a closer look at the wall mirror behind the two figures in the 15th-century "Arnolfini Wedding" reveals 2 figures in the doorway; 1 may be this Flemish painter of the work
    $2000 10
About half the sugar produced in the U.S. comes from this root vegetable
    $2000 26
The number of permanent members of the U.N. Security Council times the number of nonpermanent ones
    $2000 24
Mom says Dad got a little jealous when they saw this Frenchman try to get his "Green Card"
    $2000 16
Early in "1984" this character writes, "Down with Big Brother" over & over again in his diary
    $2000 20
Bone up on the craneo, this 5-letter word in English

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Terry Ben Eric
$12,000 $19,800 $7,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this theory is from viewing sub-atomic particles as 1-dimensional objects, not as 0-dimensional points

Final scores:

Terry Ben Eric
$19,900 $15,599 $0
Finalist 2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Terry Ben Eric
$12,000 $17,200 $9,200
16 R,
1 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-01-08
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