A white Persian with orange eyes is a popular breed of these |
a cat
In Louisiana, the equivalent of this local unit of government is called a parish |
a county
The city on Honshu that shares its name with the cars made there |
Famous for aquatic operatic scenes, Rimsky-Korsakov was an officer in this Russian service |
the navy
It can be any room with 2 candelabra, an ark to hold the Scriptures, & a platform to read them from |
a synagogue
Founder of Communism, he said, "last words are for fools who haven't said enough" |
(Debra: Who was Lenin?)
Karl Marx
Ambergris, a substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales, is used in this beauty product |
If no candidate has a majority of electoral votes, this body selects the U.S. vice president |
(Mark: What is the House of Representatives?)
the U.S. Senate
Since 1578, it's been "Shroud City" |
Composer of following, it's now believed he poisoned himself in 1893 to avoid a sex scandal: |
(Alex: [*], the "Sleeping Beauty Waltz". Select again.) [The end-of-round signal sounds.] (Mark: Um...) (Alex: Oh, we won't get a chance for anything else.)
A stained-glass window at Wash. Cathedral contains a piece of this, presented by Apollo 11 astronauts |
the Moon
This silent screen swashbuckler's last words, in 1939, were "I've never felt better" |
Douglas Fairbanks
In 1799, the 1st complete specimen of one of these was found in a block of ice in Siberia |
a mammoth
The Bureau of Customs is part of this Cabinet department |
In 1888, these 2 "T" islands in the West Indies merged into a single British colony |
Trinidad & Tobago
The holiest of all objects of this religion, a mirror, is at Ise, a shrine in Japan |
When her husband Robert asked her how she felt, this poet replied, "Beautiful" |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The giant panda is at home in this type of forest, where lunch is always at hand |
Adopted by Congress in 1913, this act completely reorganized the U.S. banking system |
(Mark: What is Glass-Steagall Act?) (Alex: No, I'm sorry, that's incorrect. Debra or Paul?) [The time's-up signal sounds.] (Alex: Close, Mark. The Glass-Steagall Act came after the crash of '29. That was 1933. The one you're thinking of is [*].) (Mark: Right, right. Senator, not Representative.) (Alex: Yes, you got it. You get to select again.)
the Owen-Glass Act (the Federal Reserve Act of 1913)
It's the largest of the Canary Islands |
Many call this city's Episcopal Cathedral, under construction since 1892, St. John the Unfinished |
New York City
He died during the Battle of Trafalgar; his last words were, "Thank God I have done my duty" |
Lord Nelson
Really a rodent, the jerboa looks like a tiny one of these |
a kangaroo
Monetary phrase for a government official or employee who accepts the minimum salary required by law |
a dollar-a-year man
This island country in the South Pacific is the only country in Polynesia still ruled by a king |
(Mark: What is Tuvalu?) (Debra: What is Papua New Guinea?) (Paul: What is Tahiti?)
Their typical place of worship is a stupa, a circular mound of earth covered with bricks & plaster |
Dying in 1950, this 94-year-old playwright reportedly said, "Well, it will be a new experience, anyway" |
George Bernard Shaw