Show #859 - Thursday, May 5, 1988

Mark Lowenthal game 2.


Paul Hjelmervik, a stage manager from Baltimore, Maryland

Debra Malki, a human resources consultant from Winnetka, Illinois

Mark Lowenthal, a State Department employee from Reston, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,200)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
It's a geometric solid; the $100,000 one on TV is just a plane triangle
    $100 2
The Craddock-Terry Shoe Museum in Lynchburg, Va. boasts a pair of her "heels of fortune"
    $100 3
In "Road to Morocco", this duo sang, "Like Webster's Dictionary, we're Morocco-bound"
    $100 13
If you belong to SAG you belong to this, & may be ineligible to be a game show contestant
    $100 1
She restored Charles VII to the throne, but he didn't lift a finger to save her from the stake
    $100 12
If you wake up with Kellogg's Corn Flakes, you'll see this farm animal on the front of the box
    $200 18
The Heard Museum in Phoenix displays Hopi Indian dolls collected by this senator
    $200 4
At the end of "Now, Voyager", Bette Davis says, "Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have" these
    $200 14
Since it also means animal droppings, the Santa Clara Co. area transit decided against using this acronym
    $200 5
It's said this royal grandmother of Kaiser Wilhelm II wouldn't let him visit Ireland
    $200 22
Lucky Charms, Freakies, & Circus Fun all have oddly-shaped bits made of this
    $300 19
Appropriately, Louisville, Kentucky's Derby Museum is adjacent to this racetrack
    $300 7
In "A Day at the Races", he told Margaret Dumont, "Marry me, & I'll never look at any other horse!"
    $300 15
The "E" in "CARE" no longer stands for Europe, but this
    $300 6
In 1881, despite a $10,000 reward for the arrest of these brothers, the posters left out "dead or alive"
    $400 21
This S.D. city where Wild Bill Hickok died also boasts a Chinese tunnel museum with opium den
    $400 8
The only Alfred Hitchcock film to win an Oscar as Best Picture, it was partially set in Monte Carlo
    $400 16
Now headquartered in the Big Apple, "CORE" is the "Congress of" this
    $400 9
Darius I ruled this vast empire from 2 capitals, Susa & Persepolis
    $400 26
This cereal inspired by a cartoon show can be used to make Yabba-Dabba-Doo Squares
    $500 25
In Roman numerals, the largest number represented by a single letter with no markings
    $500 23
Her farmhouse in Kenya, now a museum, is in Karen, the Nairobi suburb named for her
    DD: $700 11
In "Gone with the Wind", these 2 relatives of Scarlett's died from falling off horses
    $500 17
The North American Air Defense Command
    $500 10
In 1858, the Brittish government took over the rule of India from this company
    $500 24
If regular Shredded Wheat is too big for you, you can get it in this "Size"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Mark Debra Paul
$400 $0 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Debra Paul
$1,200 $1,600 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
A white Persian with orange eyes is a popular breed of these
    $200 1
In Louisiana, the equivalent of this local unit of government is called a parish
    $200 3
The city on Honshu that shares its name with the cars made there
    $200 21
Famous for aquatic operatic scenes, Rimsky-Korsakov was an officer in this Russian service
    $200 2
It can be any room with 2 candelabra, an ark to hold the Scriptures, & a platform to read them from
    $200 5
Founder of Communism, he said, "last words are for fools who haven't said enough"
    $400 19
Ambergris, a substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales, is used in this beauty product
    $400 4
If no candidate has a majority of electoral votes, this body selects the U.S. vice president
    $400 9
Since 1578, it's been "Shroud City"
    DD: $400 27
Composer of following, it's now believed he poisoned himself in 1893 to avoid a sex scandal:
    $400 15
A stained-glass window at Wash. Cathedral contains a piece of this, presented by Apollo 11 astronauts
    $400 13
This silent screen swashbuckler's last words, in 1939, were "I've never felt better"
    $600 20
In 1799, the 1st complete specimen of one of these was found in a block of ice in Siberia
    $600 6
The Bureau of Customs is part of this Cabinet department
    DD: $1,000 10
In 1888, these 2 "T" islands in the West Indies merged into a single British colony
    $600 26
The holiest of all objects of this religion, a mirror, is at Ise, a shrine in Japan
    $600 14
When her husband Robert asked her how she felt, this poet replied, "Beautiful"
    $800 24
The giant panda is at home in this type of forest, where lunch is always at hand
    $800 7
Adopted by Congress in 1913, this act completely reorganized the U.S. banking system
    $800 11
It's the largest of the Canary Islands
    $800 23
Many call this city's Episcopal Cathedral, under construction since 1892, St. John the Unfinished
    $800 16
He died during the Battle of Trafalgar; his last words were, "Thank God I have done my duty"
    $1000 25
Really a rodent, the jerboa looks like a tiny one of these
    $1000 8
Monetary phrase for a government official or employee who accepts the minimum salary required by law
    $1000 12
This island country in the South Pacific is the only country in Polynesia still ruled by a king
    $1000 22
Their typical place of worship is a stupa, a circular mound of earth covered with bricks & plaster
    $1000 18
Dying in 1950, this 94-year-old playwright reportedly said, "Well, it will be a new experience, anyway"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Debra Paul
$7,800 $2,400 $2,300
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Sam Houston served under Andrew Jackson in this war

Final scores:

Mark Debra Paul
$9,600 $1 $4,500
2-day champion: $21,800 3rd place: Vita-Vac Air Cleaner vacuum by Vita-Mix 2nd place: Mallin Cameo Collection patio furniture + a John Deere self-propelled mower with electronic ignition

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Debra Paul
$7,400 $2,400 $2,100
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
9 R,
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $11,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-01-25
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