In 1943 No. 33, Sammy Baugh, the NFL's best passer, found time to play safety & had 11 interceptions for this "capital" team |
the Washington Redskins
In 1870 this ship made famous by Darwin was sold for scrap; the Thames Estuary may be the site of some of its timbers |
the Beagle
For some reason, though Tennessee became a state in 1796, it held this type of exposition in 1897 |
(Alex: Held a [*] exposition. One year off.)
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" |
Stieg Larsson
This "colorful" 14th c. pandemic was responsible for more loss of life than any war or epidemic up to that time |
the Black Death
This numerical IRS form is the U.S. individual return for filing income tax; hand me the "EZ" one |
No. 42 for this Bay Area team, Ronnie Lott gave his all & even had a fingertip amputated to hasten recovery time |
the San Francisco 49ers
In 1876 Samuel Tilden won 184 of these; too bad Sam needed 185 to get the job he wanted |
electoral votes
Michael Corleone commits this when he has Fredo killed |
"The Spy Who Loved Me" |
Ian Fleming
In the 1990s this branch of Interscope Records released No. 1 albums by Snoop Doggy Dogg & Tupac Shakur |
Death Row Records
Widely used in the European Union, the VAT stands for this |
Value Added Tax
In 1993 No. 36, LeRoy Butler, became the first player to do this stadium's "leap" after scoring a TD |
Lambeau Field
Sacré bleu! It's this Montmartre cathedral, a national project after France's 1870s defeat by Prussia |
Geppetto's job |
(Chip: What is a shoemaker?) (Dana: What is a puppeteer?) ... (Alex: Geppetto was a [*]. Carved Pinocchio.)
"Gone With The Wind" |
(Margaret) Mitchell
The Amanita genus of these includes some that are lethal to humans, including the death cap |
Don't cheat the taxman; this "Jungle Fever" actor didn't file from 1997 to 2004 & was sentenced to 3 years in jail |
Wesley Snipes
No. 20, Ed Reed, more than had Ray Lewis' back playing safety for this team he represented in 9 Pro Bowls |
the (Baltimore) Ravens
In January 1898 this U.S. Battleship went to Havana Harbor in part to protect U.S. citizens, but it would never leave |
(Alex: Remember [*], yes.)
the Maine
Astronaut talk for the landing of a space capsule in water |
a splashdown
Docs recommend babies sleep on their backs or sides to ward off this, SIDS for short |
sudden infant death syndrome
Informal 3-letter name for a tax on alcohol, tobacco & other activities considered not beneficial to users or society |
a sin tax
Coach Buddy Ryan's "46 Defense" on this team in the '80s was named for the uniform number of safety Doug Plank |
the Chicago Bears
Large quantities of ash fell over a 300,000-sq.-mile area after the 1883 explosion of this Indonesian volcano |
Derived from the German for "behind", it's the backcountry or the region beyond the urban areas of culture |
(Dana: What is backwater?)
"Mystic River" & "Shutter Island" |
(Dennis) Lehane
A final pose is depicted here by this French painter |
(Alex: [*], yes, that looks like Marat to me.)
(Jacques Louis) David
It ensures that those who get tax breaks pay at least a certain amount; Kiplinger's called it "the tax we love to hate" |
the alternative minimum tax