Why: Because blue frequencies of light are scattered more in the atmosphere than others |
why is the sky blue
Ethiopia's Haile Selassie was regarded as the messiah of the African race by this movement founded in Jamaica |
An agreeable fragrance from cooking |
an aroma
James Spader's character is "the concierge of crime" on this devious new NBC show |
The Blacklist
The study of ancient cultures by examining their material remains |
Where: This city that's home to Canada's largest stock exchange |
Add a syllable to "Kenya" to get this last name of Kenya's first & current presidents, father & son |
It's soft; it's pendulous; it's one of the 2 on your head |
(Carlos: [Sighs, shakes head])
an earlobe
In 2013 he won the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series for his role on "The Newsroom" |
Jeff Daniels
Starting this project in 1817 forced the redrawing of the borders of Ill., Ind., Ohio, Michigan & Wisconsin |
(Tina: What's the U.S. Geological Survey?)
the Erie Canal
With quite a large potential area to search, exobiology is the study of life here |
(Scott: What is the universe?) (Alex: The universe? Be a little more specific.) (Scott: What is [*]?)
outer space
When: The 21st century year U.S. & coalition forces invaded Iraq |
The first woman elected head of state in Africa is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of this country founded in the 1800s |
Barbayanni, founded in 1860, is a popular brand of this Greek spirit |
In 2013 it was announced Peter Capaldi will be the next title time traveler in this 50-year-old show |
Doctor Who
The northern & southern borders of Oklahoma's panhandle are vestiges of Congress's effort to regulate this |
Oral Roberts University has a college of it |
Who: This other Mormon who sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 |
(Jon) Huntsman
It's the first name of Nigerian president Jonathan, & it's what we wish him in battling Boko Haram rebels |
The name of this secret sect said to have formed in 1776 is from the Latin for "enlightened"... but I've said too much |
[Carlos says the response dramatically.] (Alex: [*], and you even gave it a great reading.)
the Illuminati
3 homes are priced, toured & critiqued on both domestic & "international" versions of this HGTV show; which one will you pick? |
House Hunters
The 42nd parallel, which 5 states border from Utah to Oregon, was a dividing line in an 1819 U.S. treaty with this country |
The specific study of diamonds, pearls & amethysts |
(Tina: What is geology?)
What: With the same last 3 letters as "pizzeria", this type of simple restaurant gets its name from Italian for "host" |
Under president Siad Barre, who left in 1991, this East African land had its last real government for many years |
In Italian this veal dish means "pierced bone" |
This animated spy on FX declares, "Lying is like 95% of what I do" |
The anti-secession vote in Virginia helped shape West Virginia's eventual border when it joined the Union in this year |
(Carlos: What is 1862?)
Max Wertheimer founded & brought to the U.S. the Gestalt school of this -ology |