Show #6681 - Monday, October 7, 2013


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Mary Murrell, an anthropologist from Madison, Wisconsin

Marc Muneal, an assistant professor of English from Barnesville, Georgia

Cori Wilhelm, a college librarian from Parishville, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
"The Country" one of these rodents "and the Town" one
    $200 1
They could've called themselves David, Stephen & Graham when they formed in Lauren Canyon but went by these 3 last names
    $200 6
This word can mean a small restaurant for soldiers or a small container for a soldier's water
    $200 21
This oldest of the 7 Ancient Wonders is the only one still standing
    $200 11
In song, it precedes "Bartender", "Joe" & "Jude"; what the...?!
    $200 26
(Here's Sarah to get it started.) We're whale watching off Baja in the sea named for this Spaniard known for his conquest of the Aztec Empire
    $400 17
"The Ant and" this leaping insect
    $400 2
Anni-Frid, Benny, Bjorn & Agnetha... Get it?
    $400 7
This type of ristorante gets its name from your favorite Italian pie
    $400 22
This branch of the armed forces is the only one under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security
    $400 12
You may get caught "Between" him "& The Deep Blue Sea"; what the...?!
    $600 18
"The Wolf in" this deceptive apparel
    $600 3
For Pete's sake! We're over the Moon about this '60s quartet; you know how to Entwistle, don't you? Roger!
    $600 8
Places classified as "fast casual" include this burrito-building chain named for a chili, with over 1,500 locations
    $600 23
It's the only sign of the zodiac that falls in 2 calendar years
    $600 13
Last name of the Brit who wrote the 1848 tale "The Haunted Man"; what the...?!
    $800 19
"The Fox and" these fruits (later judged sour)
    $800 4
Ah, the summers we spent listening to Copeland play in this band took the Sting out of going back to school in September
    $800 9
1982 film that gets its title from the type of restaurant where Steve Guttenberg, Mickey Rourke & pals hang out
    $800 24
A horse named Comanche was the only survivor from the 7th cavalry after this 1876 battle
    $800 14
Milder-than-hell last name of Nevada congressman Joe; what the...?!
    DD: $1,200 27
(Here's Sarah again.) Baja's famous sand dunes are home to a type of plant known as a halophyte. The name means it thrives in environments rich in this compound.
    $1000 20
This messenger of the gods "and the Woodman"
    $1000 5
I'd go to Mars with Sixx of my pals to Neil before '80s hard rock gods like them, right, Tommy boy?
    $1000 10
This type of "bar" might serve the wellfleet & gigamoto types of its briny specialty
    $1000 25
This late Puerto Rican Pittsburgh Pirate is the only MLBer ever to hit a walkoff inside-the-park grand slam
    $1000 15
"Bright flames", or "marks out a new trail"; what the...?!
    $1000 28
(Sarah again.) If you've ever had nopalitos at a Mexican restaurant you're actually eating the branches or pads of this alliterative type of cactus found everywhere in Baja

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Cori Marc Mary
$800 $1,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cori Marc Mary
$3,400 $2,600 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
This Robert Ludlum mystery man first appears floating in the Mediterranean & suffering from amnesia
    $400 2
Next time you go diving in one of these large trash bins, remember it's trademarked
    $400 23
    $400 1
The kids of 15th century B.C. Mesopotamia might have liked Samassamu Street; samassamu gave us this word
    $400 12
Idaho's Hagerman Fossil Beds feature equus simplicidens, the first true one of these animals
    $400 11
Cardio & a high-protein, fruit & veggie diet helped this "Price is Right" host lose 71...? 74...? No, I'll bid 80 pounds
    $800 22
In "The House Without a Key" readers said aloha to Charlie Chan, a detective on this island city's police force
    $800 7
This arcade favorite was officially registered as a trademark in 1929
    $800 24
    $800 3
A French word for "to talk" gives us the name of this type of legislative body
    $800 18
This president's birthplace was presented to the federal government in 1932, 200 years after his birth
    $800 13
Cheers to this "Cheers" actress & ex-Jenny Craig spokesperson who lost 75 pounds on the plan
    $1200 8
Spinning is a trademark name for an exercise program developed in the 1980s using this piece of equipment
    $1200 25
North Korea
    $1200 4
This word that follows "land" in a term for a nautical newcomer is from the Middle English for "lazy lout"
    $1200 19
In 1919 Scotts Bluff National Monument in Nebraska was established to commemorate this pioneer trail
    $1200 14
Holy weight loss, Batman! This star dropped 63 pounds, getting down to a scary 122, for a role in "The Machinist"
    $1600 26
Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot is a refugee from Germany's World War I invasion of this country
    DD: $600 9
This 5-word boast is the trademark of Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus
    $1600 5
The word "chime" is from the name of this other precussion instrument
    $1600 20
Established in 2013, the home of Charles Young, the USA's first black colonel, is named for these "Soldiers"
    $1600 15
Adding more walking & losing sugar, salt & white flour helped this "Roger & Me" documentarian lose 70 pounds
    $2000 27
In "From Russia with Love", Bond & babe board a famous westbound train in this Eastern city
    $2000 10
Not flap-jack but this is a brand of compressed powder makeup created by Max Factor
    $2000 6
This type of cherry was developed at Seth Lewelling's nursery & named for his Manchurian foreman
    $2000 21
Chiricahua Natl. Monument, native name "The Land of Standing-Up Rocks", is named for a tribe within this people
    $2000 16
This famous New Jerseyan had a lap band procedure on President's Day weekend 2013

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cori Marc Mary
$10,200 $11,600 $4,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A caveman-themed game in which "rocks" were thrown at other players led to the creation of this product in 1969

Final scores:

Cori Marc Mary
$2 $1,600 $7,100
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $7,100

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Cori Marc Mary
$10,200 $13,800 $4,600
16 R,
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $28,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-08-28
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