A bear's young, known as these, are usually born 2 at a time, 1/2 to 1 pound, eyes closed & without fur |
Samuel Higley minted what are known as "Higley pennies", reassuringly stamped "I am good" this metal |
Bill Monroe is known as the "Father of" this "colorful" music genre |
In the U.S. "Esquire" is usually reserved for those in this job |
a lawyer
I did this, handed out the cards--too bad if you don't like your hand |
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child" |
(Neal: What is Hamlet?) ... (Alex: What is [*]? Remember the daughters.)
King Lear
Ringed seals are a primary food for this bear that can weigh 1,600 pounds, but it has killed Beluga whales, too |
a polar bear
In the 1744 Treaty of Lancaster, this 6-nation Indian league ceded lands in the Ohio River Valley to the colonies |
the Iroquois Nation
Ralph Stanley is renowned for his "high lonesome" vocals & his "clawhammer" picking style on this instrument |
the banjo
Some reverends have a D.D. after their names, meaning this |
a Doctor of Divinity
Crawled slowly, or spread like a vine across a surface |
"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek" |
Romeo & Juliet
This colony's expansion west began after its Gov. Spotswood led a 1716 expedition into the Shenandoah Valley |
The Fruit Jar Drinkers, the Gully Jumpers & the Possum Hunters were among the early performers on this radio show |
The Grand Ole Opry
The highest honor of the City of London is making you an honorary one of these of the city |
(Alex: An honorary [*] of the city.)
This 5-letter synonym for "rupture" is the same in the present & past tenses; look out, the dam's about to... |
"To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub" |
(Alex: Now is the time.)
AKA silvertip for the white hairs on its brown coat, this bear can eat 90 pounds of food a day |
(Sarah: What is the Kodiak?)
a grizzly bear
In 1734 this New York newspaper publisher was busted for allegedly libeling Governor William Cosby |
(Neal: Who is Greeley?)
John Peter Zenger
"Guitars, Cadillacs and hillbilly music" was the refrain from the title song of his 1986 album that topped Billboard's country charts |
Dwight Yoakam
A student who has completed all requirements but one for a Ph.D. may use the title "ABD", meaning "all but" this text |
It's the simple past tense of a verb that's also a vernal season |
sprung (or sprang)
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand" |
(Alex: Who else?)
3,500 of this subspecies of brown bear live on the Alaska archipelago of the same name |
(Alex: You said it awhile ago, only this time you're right. Way to go!)
the Kodiak
This man succeeded John Carver as governor of Plymouth Colony in 1621 & served for 31 of the next 35 years |
William Bradford
Patriarch Alvin P., his wife Sara & sister-in-law Maybelle formed this first family of country music in the 1920s |
the Carters
After Haskell Wexler's name you might have seen ASC, the C for this movie job |
a cinematographer
It's the past participle, the form used in the passive voice, of what Ryan Lochte does best |
(Sarah: What is swam?) ... (Alex: [*]--past participle--correct.)
"I have set my life upon a cast, & I will stand the hazard of the die: I think there be six Richmonds in the field" |
Richard III