Show #6667 - Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jared Hall game 4.


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Tova Meyer, a graduate student in education from Princeton, New Jersey

Melissa Jurgens, a lawyer from Arlington, Virginia

Jared Hall, a graduate student in global policy studies from Austin, Texas (whose 3-day cash winnings total $88,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: With Kathie Lee and Hoda.)
    $200 1
There are more than 600 gigantic stone figures on this island
    $200 2
A classic:
"Good Golly, Miss ____"
    $200 8
He first appeared in a kids' book called "Raffy and the Nine Monkeys" before headlining his own series
    $200 10
(Kathie Lee and Hoda give the clue.) As Nick Charles says in "The Thin Man", it's all about the rhythm in the shaking--you shake a Manhattan to fox trot time but you use waltz time to shake a dry one of these gin drinks
    $200 17
"Aseptic", or "incapable of producing offspring"
    $200 16
In a 2011 op-ed, Neil Armstrong asked if President Obama was grounding this other president's dreams of space
    $400 3
In 1833 British forces expelled Argentine officials from these islands without firing a shot
    $400 4
We've got her number:
    $400 13
"Curiously strong" is a trademark of this brand of mints
    $400 14
(Kathie Lee and Hoda give the clue.) After you swirl the wine, look for the rivulets that slide down the inside of the glass; they're called tears or these, which usually mean the wine is full-bodied
    $400 20
"The partial or complete interception of the light of one component of a binary star by the other"
    $400 19
Resurfacing in 2012 was Mitt Romney's 2008 anti-auto bailout op-ed "Let" this city "Go Bankrupt"
    $600 9
A breed of horse & a breed of dog are named for these Scottish islands
    $600 5
Put on your Plain White T's:
"Hey There ____"
    $600 27
After eating the cake that had "Eat me" spelled out in currants, she said, "Curiouser and curiouser!"
    $600 15
(Kathie Lee and Hoda give the clue.) We tried a month of on-air sobriety, but as it turns out, antioxidants in red wine may help prevent heart disease by raising the HDL or the good type of this & lowering the bad type
    $600 21
"A flock of geese when not flying"
    $600 23
A 2005 op-ed was titled "The 'I' Word", namely this process that Ralph Nader felt Bush & Cheney might deserve
    DD: $1,000 11
A poet described this divided island as a "golden green leaf thrown into" the Mediterranean Sea
    $800 6
Put your flat feet on the ground:
"Mustang ____"
    $800 29
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was one of his "Tales of the Jazz Age"
    $800 18
(Kathie Lee and Hoda give the clue.) A magnum of wine equals 2 standard bottles of wine; yes but you can really have a party with the size named for this Babylonian king--by the way, it's the equivalent of 20 standard bottles
    $800 26
"Fruitless", or "showing excessive pride in one's appearance"
    $800 24
In 2013 Charles Krauthammer wrote "In Defense of" the use of these controversial aircraft
    $1000 12
Amelia Earhart was lost near Howland Island after making her last stop at Lae on this Pacific island
    $1000 7
A Michael Jackson No. 1 hit:
"Dirty ____"
    $1000 30
This Conde Nast Digital site is "for people who love to eat"
    $1000 22
(Kathie Lee and Hoda give the clue.) French scientists say the best method of pouring champagne is down the side of the glass, which preserves up to twice as much of this gas, keeping the fizz in your bubbly
    $1000 28
"An animal having four feet... usu. used of mammals"
    $1000 25
A George Will April 2013 op-ed praised the "Vigorous Virtues" of this late world leader

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jared Melissa Tova
$1,600 $3,400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jared Melissa Tova
$6,000 $4,600 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the author for us.)
(Alex: And in honor of the anniversary of the signing of our constitution, clues about our rights in...)
    $400 11
One medical dictionary calls it "a wormlike intestinal diverticulum extending from the... cecum"
    $400 6
When it comes to civil rights, the 14th Amendment gets the job done, granting due process & this "of the laws"
    $400 16
From 1916 to 1963, he painted more than 300 covers for the Saturday Evening Post
    $400 1
Fabulous Greek fabulist
    $800 26
Victor Frankenstein
    $800 12
This triangular muscle helps form the roundness of the shoulder
    $800 7
The Constitution says everyone accused is entitled to a "speedy & public" one of these
    $800 28
Zizi Jeanmaire played Doro, Danny Kaye's love interest, in a 1952 musical about this Danish storyteller
    $800 17
Architect Richard Morris Hunt put this 111' lady on a pedestal (that he designed from 1882 to 1884)
    $800 2
Slang meaning to agree to a plea
    $1200 25
Dr. Henry Jekyll
    DD: $5,000 13
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of arm bones on the monitor.) Ligaments connect one bone to another; muscle is connected to a bone by one of these, which pulls the bone when a muscle contracts
    $1200 8
Both the 15th & the 19th Amendment give U.S. citizens this right
    $1200 27
Alexander Godunov played Amish farmer Daniel Hochleitner in this 1985 Harrison Ford film
    DD: $5,000 18
When this stone split asunder in 1774, it was said to be an omen of America's split from the British Empire
    $1200 3
Max Roach's drumming helped create this style around 1940
    $1600 24
Brilliant but troubled Lisbeth Salander
    $1600 14
Follicular cells in this gland secrete a hormone called thyroxine
    $1600 9
In 2013 an ACLU lawyer convinced the Supreme Court blood tests for alcohol require a warrant or consent under this amendment
    $1600 22
He made his feature film debut in 1977's "The Turning Point" & followed it up with a starring role in "White Nights"
    $1600 19
(Vice President Biden reads the clue.) While the President has "Hail To The Chief" as his official song, the Veep has "Hail" this, once a poetic name for the United States; until the 1890s, it also served as de facto national anthem for America
    $1600 4
Provisions for porkers
    $2000 23
Felix Hoenikker, father of ice-nine & the atom bomb
    $2000 15
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of the abdominal nerves on the monitor.) One of the largest masses of nerve cells in the body sits behind the stomach in this network of nerves, which is why a blow there can be so disabling
    $2000 10
The last bit of the First Amendment gives us the right to do this, request "the government for a redress of grievances"
    $2000 21
This Native American ballerina who died in 2013 played Anna Pavlova in Esther Williams' "Million Dollar Mermaid"
    $2000 20
In Philly for New Year's Day? Check out this parade with costumed entertainers, an official city event since 1900
    $2000 5
A concession, perhaps to Cerberus

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jared Melissa Tova
$32,000 $6,600 $9,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A logo on this town's website includes its incorporation date, 1981, as well as the historic date December 17, 1903

Final scores:

Jared Melissa Tova
$42,000 $1 $5,500
4-day champion: $130,401 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jared Melissa Tova
$24,200 $6,600 $9,400
28 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
14 R,
3 W
11 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $40,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-08-20
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