Show #6665 - Friday, August 2, 2013

2013 Kids Week game 5.
Last game of Season 29.


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Xan Vessels, a 12-year-old seventh grader from Mechanicsville, Virginia

Holly Boivin, a 12-year-old seventh grader from Nashua, New Hampshire

Patrick Aimone, a 12-year-old seventh grader from Long Beach, California

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
Get your kicks (& punches) learning Shotokan, a Japanese system of this martial art
    $200 1
Liquid at room temperature, it has the same name as a planet
    $200 11
A pet parrot named Blu ends up in Brazil to find his mate in this film
    $200 21
Appropriately, the name of this first book of the Bible means "origin" or "beginning"
    $200 16
The 3 little kittens cried when they lost these
    $200 26
You folks in 1929--don't put all your money in the stock market, it's heading for this event that sounds like a car wreck
    $400 4
Make some pottery & shape the clay on this revolving device seen here
    $400 2
Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1; this light gas, 2
    $400 12
This cat from the "Shrek" movies got his own film
    $400 22
Yum! They're the candies seen here
    $400 17
Peter Piper picked a peck of these
    $400 27
Hey, sailors who saw this 50-pound flightless bird around 1500-take it back to Europe & breed it or it'll be extinct by 1700
    $600 8
This art of decorative handwriting is from the Greek for "beautiful writing"
    $600 5
All regularly minted U.S. coins today contain some of this element, symbol Cu
    $600 13
Laugh your booty off with the band of misfits from this movie
    $600 23
Rumor has it that it's talk of a personal nature about another person--pass it around
    $600 18
Little Miss Muffet sat on one of these low stools
    $600 28
Hey! You! The most powerful man in ancient Rome--Brutus & Cassius are not your friends
    $800 9
If you're learning to read music, you'll recognize this symbol, a stylized form of the letter "G"
    DD: $800 6
Daniel Rutherford discovered this gas that makes up most of the atmosphere & called it "noxious air"
    $800 14
In "Ramona & Beezus", Joey King was Ramona Quimby; she played her older sister Beezus
    $800 24
In ancient Rome these trained warriors fought to the death for public entertainment
    $800 19
It was stolen by Tom, Tom, the piper's son
    $800 29
It's 1989, so don't risk your life crossing this German city's wall to freedom; it's coming down in months
    $1000 10
The USA's governing body for this sport has a girls' program called TOPs; skills include handstand & leg flexibility
    $1000 7
It's the element whose magnetic properties have been known & studied the longest
    $1000 15
This 2012 reanimated dog movie is a longtime pet project of director Tim Burton
    $1000 25
It's a helpful list of terms & definitions at the back of some textbooks
    $1000 20
These were the wares of the man Simple Simon met going to the fair
    $1000 30
Louis XVI--do less hunting & more kinging & maybe you can avoid this event that's going to start in 1789 & overthrow you

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Patrick Holly Xan
$5,200 $200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Holly Xan
$9,400 $4,000 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 22
Savor the difference, girls; there are more of these receptors in a woman's mouth than in a man's
    $400 1
A first-year high school student
    $400 16
The conductor wields this stick
    $400 27
On this show, Ricky Gervais sang Elmo a celebrity lullaby
    $400 11
In 2009 Dubai put into service the world's largest one of these; it has an X-ray unit & can carry about 100 patients
    $400 6
"The House At Pooh Corner"
    $800 21
Digestion happens in the small one of these, which is linked to the stomach, & in the large one that comes next
    $800 2
In business, an extra working period, or in sports, an extra playing period
    $800 17
"X" marks the spot for this percussion instrument operated by wooden mallets
    $800 26
Scott Pelley is the serious-looking dude who anchors the "CBS Evening" version of this
    $800 12
This term can refer to a Venetian boat or the basket suspended from a hot air balloon
    $800 7
"The Very Lonely Firefly"
    $1200 23
This, skin drying & cracking due to cold & wind, can affect wrists & foreheads too, but lips seem to get it worst
    $1200 3
Some choices come down to "quality versus" this "Q" word
    $1200 18
The "kettle" type of this spread through the world via Islamic culture
    $1200 28
The voice of Dory in "Finding Nemo", she likes to dance on her daytime talk show
    DD: $1,500 13
In 1784 2 Frenchmen built Europe's first flying model of this type of aircraft; its rotors were made of feathers
    $1200 8
"Jack on the Tracks: Four Seasons of Fifth Grade"
    $1600 24
These 2 folds of tissue vibrate like strings to produce sound when you talk
    $1600 4
Type or print using thick, heavy lines for emphasis like this
    DD: $2,000 19
The tuba is made from this metal & belongs to that section of the orchestra
    $1600 29
This "American Idol" judge is the author of "What's Up, Dawg?"
    $1600 14
This U.S. railway system has smartfares that will save you 25% on select routes throughout the country
    $1600 9
"The Call Of The Wild"
    $2000 25
Babies have flat feet; the bones in the middle of the foot gradually rise to form this
    $2000 5
A brand of blue jeans, or a cowboy in charge of saddle horses
    $2000 20
Italian & concert are types of this composition, found at the front of a musical work
    $2000 30
Mr. Schuester leads a certain singing club on this show
    $2000 15
In 2008 this type of bicycle racing that uses a dirt track filled with jumps became an Olympic sport
    $2000 10

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Holly Xan
$11,000 $16,700 $5,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This body of water bearing the name of a country borders 5 U.S. states

Final scores:

Patrick Holly Xan
$18,000 $20,700 $11,000
2nd place: $2,000 Winner: $20,700 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Patrick Holly Xan
$10,600 $16,400 $5,600
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
6 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $32,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-02-04
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