Show #6656 - Monday, July 22, 2013


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Mary Nadal, a stay-at-home mom from Las Vegas, Nevada

Patrick Geary, a preloader from Sheridan, Wyoming

Alan Baltis, a software developer and consultant from Lakewood, Ohio (whose 1-day cash winnings total $2,199)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
How about a gold spoonful
of this expensive delicacy
    $200 26
"I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. but...we, as a people, will get to the promised land"
    $200 6 where "a mind is a terrible thing to waste"
    $200 21
The OED says it's "an official residence... of an emperor, king, pope, or other ruler"
    $200 15
This ex-brat packer who plays Chris Traeger on "Parks &amp; Rec" is 49 but literally looks better than men half his age
    $200 1
Kangaroos &amp; gorillas gather in these groups (as do Boy Scouts)
    $400 12
They're not onion rings
but this seafood appetizer
    $400 27
Quoting Shaw in '68: "some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say, why not?"
    $400 7 it's an honor--society
    $400 22
"The roof of the mouth"
    $400 17
This action star turned 73 in March 2013, or would have, but the calendar turned backward out of fear of him
    $400 2
A stand of these pink wading birds can also be called a flamboyance
    $600 13
Judging by their name,
these potatoes would be perfect for Kate Middleton
    DD: $1,200 28
"The aircraft oe., the United States of America treacherously invaded the air space of the Soviet Union"
    $600 8 these "Knights" who contribute more than $150 million to charitable needs &amp; projects annually
    $600 23
"A range or selection of colours"
    $600 18
In 2012 this "Inside the Actors Studio" host turned an amazing 86 years old... how marvelous!
    $600 3
A prickle is a group of these large rodents--which makes sense, as "prickle" means sharp point or spine
    $800 14
For your next fiesta,
you might whip up
some guacamole
and these fried delights
    $800 29
"I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow &amp; segregation forever"
    $800 9 the "Defense Council" for these
    $800 24
"Designating the earliest of the three major divisions of the Stone Age"
    $800 19
She has spent 14 of her 49 years busting bad guys as Olivia Benson on "Law &amp; Order: SVU" (&amp; looks the same as when she began)
    $800 4
A group of these reptiles is a lounge, & you might also find the "lounge" type in a nightclub
    $1000 16
Some people grind
the seeds of this tropical fruit and use it like pepper or in salad dressings
    $1000 30
"Duty, honor, country. those 3... words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be"
    $1000 10 the "Association" of these people, lovers of felines
    $1000 25
"A fence made of wooden... stakes fixed in the ground, forming an enclosure or defence"
    $1000 20
Perhaps this "Big Bang theory" character played by Jim Parsons could explain how Jim looks 25 but is actually 40
    $1000 5
An obstinacy is a group of these plains bovines, no matter where they roam

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alan Patrick Mary
$2,800 $2,400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Patrick Mary
$3,800 $5,000 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
The majority of our solar system's asteroids, including Ceres, are found in a wide belt between Mars &amp; this planet
    $400 1
The name of the goddess Juno moneta gave us the words money &amp; this, a place to produce money
    $400 11
Pete Dexter's "Deadwood" tells the tale of this aging gunfighter who just wanted to be left alone to drink &amp; play cards
    $400 6
It's another name for rubella
    $400 16
In 2008 this band of women offered up an album called "Doll Domination"
    $800 22
In 2006 NASA's Stardust mission sent home samples from Wild 2, one of these long-distance travelers
    $800 2
Mary Anning, who hawked her fossil discoveries along the dorset coast, inspired this tongue twister
    $800 12
Max Gallo has written 4 historical novels about him, including 2005's "The Immortal Man of Saint Helena"
    $800 7
Dairy product from Oikos or Chobani
    $800 17
Joe Walsh said these birds' goal after trashing hotel rooms was to cross the state line before a maid opened the door
    $1200 25
This town in Alaska says it's "where the spirit of Christmas lives year 'round"
    $1200 3
This word for an elegant type of handwriting is from the medieval Latin for "running"
    $1200 13
"Innocent Traitor" is "a novel of" this "lady", queen for less than 2 weeks
    $1200 8
It's the asian pest seen here
    $1200 18
In the '80s this "I ran (So Far Away)" band was known for the singer's majestic coiffure
    $1600 24
Having survived the storms of 1900 and 1915, the grand 1894 opera house of this seaport in Texas still puts on shows year-round
    DD: $4,200 4
A weather event off Cape Ann Oct. 30, 1991 popularized this phrase for when a lot of bad things happen at once
    DD: $3,400 14
Steven Pressfield's "Gates of Fire" is an epic novel about this battle lost by the Spartans in 480 B.C.
    $1600 9
Sleep in "luxory" on sheets made of this from the land of the pharaohs in thread counts as high as 1,500
    $1600 19
Brian Setzer of this retro trio played Eddie Cochran in "La Bamba"
    $2000 23
"Twilight" fans can see Bella's truck at this Washington city's Chamber of Commerce
    $2000 5
An Italian character in Nicholas Rowe's 1703 play "The Fair Penitent" gave us this word for a womanizer
    $2000 15
Houdini &amp; Henry Ford are among the figures who appear in this E.L. Doctorow tale of the early 1900s
    $2000 10
Named for Liszt's homeland, this set of piano pieces includes the music heard here
    $2000 20
"Don't Fear the Reaper", &amp; don't fear recalling this band &amp; its rockin' cowbell

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Patrick Mary
$8,000 $12,800 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Though they live elsewhere, Alan Page &amp; Dan Dierdorf will both always be in this Ohio city where they were born

Final scores:

Alan Patrick Mary
$2,000 $23,800 $11,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $23,800 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alan Patrick Mary
$12,200 $10,400 $11,800
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
18 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-04-16
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