Show #6653 - Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mark Japinga game 5.


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John Clarke, a management consultant originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kerri McCoy, a pediatric emergency-room nurse from Jersey City, New Jersey

Mark Japinga, a legislative researcher from Washington, D.C. (whose 4-day cash winnings total $112,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Jimmy: The famous water puppets of Vietnam, a classic art form of Asian magic and myth.)
    $200 6
In an equal serving of roasted duck, turkey or goose, the one with the fewest calories
    $200 19
Freshly cut tree about to fall!
    $200 1
A fish story
    $200 14
Risers are the vertical elements of these that you'll build to go from one level to another
    $200 9
She learned Chinese from her tutor Mr. Kung & went on to win the 1938 Nobel Prize & be active in civil rights
    $200 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue.) "Mua roi nuoc", the Vietnamese name for the art form, means puppets that do this on the water; of course, the music helps
    $400 7
Of a pear, banana or nectarine, the one with the most potassium
    $400 20
Down on your haunches, Rin Tin Tin!
    $400 2
A straight-shooting Scottish lass saves her family
    $400 15
The higher the "R" value, the higher the efficiency of this product that's used to keep the heat in
    DD: $1,000 10
Born in Hell's Kitchen in 1920 to immigrants from Naples, he said, "I never met a real...gangster"
    $400 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Vietnam.) Sacred to the Vietnamese people are the dragon, symbolizing power & nobility, & the tortoise, which symbolizes these two things created by God in the beginning
    $600 8
In a cup of ice cream, a cup of raw spinach or a cup of dried figs, the one with the most calcium
    $600 21
Paul & Ringo, assist me!
    $600 3
Lizard livin' large
    $600 16
Despite its name, after milling & drying, this standard piece of lumber is closer to 1 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches
    $600 11
He served 2 kings as a diplomat & lived his last year, 1399-1400, in a house in the garden of Westminster Abbey
    $600 28
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from Vietnam.) A popular scene symbolizing love & fidelity features a male & female one of these mythical birds, known in Western myth to rise from ashes
    $800 17
In a 1-cup serving of regular oatmeal, lima beans or raspberries, the one with the most fiber
    $800 22
Skal! or a Beacon Street bar where you'd say it!
    $800 4
2007, set in Paris:
murine cuisine
    $800 24
For big jobs this can replace a hammer; the coil type has a loading capacity of 300 at a time
    $800 12
This Dublin native moved to London, discovered socialism & playwriting & died aged 94 in 1950
    $800 29
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from Vietnam.) Water puppetry in Vietnam began in the Red River Delta nearly 1,000 years ago when villagers would entertain each other in these flooded rice fields
    $1000 18
Of feta cheese, blue cheese or cheddar cheese, the one with the least fat
    $1000 23
David Cronenberg calls it to get a scene started!
    $1000 5
Super cool tap dancing
    $1000 25
Want to make a construction pro crazy? Instead of concrete, use this word that means a powder that's found in concrete
    $1000 13
This woman from Nohant, France took a male pen name & a piano-playing lover
    $1000 30
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Vietnam.) Carved from wood, the puppets are then waterproofed with a coating of this shiny, protective resin from a tree of the same name

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark Kerri John
$2,000 $2,200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Kerri John
$4,400 $5,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will end with those three letters of the alphabet.)
    $400 1
U.S. troops crossed Lake Ontario & burned Government House in York, now this Canadian city
    $400 6
In dendrology you'll learn that growth rings on these are wider in El Nino years
    $400 13
His "60 Minutes" appearances yielded 1,097 grumpy memories
    $400 19
There's 1 mg of this metal per ton of seawater, but even at the 2012 peak of $1,792 an oz., it's not cost-effective to extract it
    $400 11
Mount Vernon is on the banks of this river
    $800 2
The earliest reference to this symbol of the United States was in an 1813 Troy, New York newspaper article
    $800 15
This -ology practiced by a guy on the 6 o'clock news sounds like it's about bodies falling from space
    $800 14
Jeffrey Jones' Principal Rooney struggled hopelessly to catch this truant played by Matthew Broderick
    $800 20
A silver-white precious metal used in jewelry, or the kind of "blonde" Jean Harlow was
    DD: $2,200 7
The Hudson River rises at Lake Tear of the Clouds on the shoulder of Mount Marcy in these mountains
    $1200 3
Native to South America, this fruit was introduced to Hawaii by a Spanish advisor to King Kamehameha
    DD: $1,200 16
From the Greek for "beyond the soul", it's the study of phenomena that cannot be explained by traditional science
    $1200 22
Va va va voom! One of his 8 marriages was to Ava Gardner
    $1200 21
The alloy pewter once contained this metal that caused tarnishing & food toxicity
    $1200 8
Called Utah's major stream, the Green River drains the northeast quarter of the state & flows into this longer one
    $1200 12
A proboscis
    $1600 4
Johann Burckhardt discovered the ruins of Abu Simbel, the great temple of this pharaoh
    $1600 17
This medical -ology is the study of blood & its components & diseases
    $1600 25
Seen here, she was pierced as well as inked in her breakout role
    $1600 23
Cesium was discovered in 1860 by Gustav Kirchhoff & this "burner" guy while analyzing mineral water
    $1600 9
This northern Indiana river from which a U.S. president received his nickname is fed by 88 natural lakes
    $2000 5
The French Imperial Guard marched 90 miles in 3 days to smash some china & win the battle of this German city
    $2000 18
Zoology is the study of animals in general; this is the study of animals like whales & dolphins
    $2000 26
This soccer star made his pro debut at 16 & was once the youngest player ever on England's national team
    $2000 24
A major uranium ore is this black form of the mineral uraninite
    $2000 10
Edgar Lee Masters wrote about the mussel shells on its banks, & its name comes from those shells, used in eating

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Kerri John
$10,400 $15,600 $7,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2013 marks the 100th running of this event, first won by Maurice Garin with a time of 94 hours, 33 minutes, 14 seconds

Final scores:

Mark Kerri John
$0 $10,600 $3,999
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $10,600 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Kerri John
$10,400 $15,000 $5,800
19 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-04-15
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