Alaskan city renamed this because ships docked there |
Watch named for the vibrating crystal that runs it |
(Bill: What is a crystal?)
Shortened from French meaning "master of hotel", he greets you & seats you |
maitre d'
Little girl who called "Sunnybrook Farm" home |
The order of works in a dictionary |
For this perennial teen-ager, life's been one big "Bandstand" |
Dick Clark
Colorado city whose name means "town" in Spanish |
It "comes in like a lion & goes out like a lamb" |
If employed by Greyhound their motto might be "Leave the clearing to us" |
(Melinda: Blank again.)
Hans Brinker's were silver |
ice skates
Party symbol 1st used by Andrew Jackson after opponents called him a jackass |
(Bill: What is a Democratic?)
He's the master of "Masterpiece Theater" |
(Melinda: Who is uh, oh darn it, that's terrible.)
Alistair Cooke
The city of Niagara Falls is its largest suburb |
Number of months with exactly 30 days |
(Melinda: How, what is 5?)
In Italian it's the course ordered "before the meal" |
(Melinda: What is the app, uh, appetizer, no?)
As it called, it chanted, "I think I can, I think I can" |
The Little Engine
She's the mother of Cary Grant's only child |
Dyan Cannon
Known for manufacturing grain silos, it's North Dakota's largest city |
(Bill: What is Bismarck?)
Lucky children born that day are "fair & wise & good & gay" |
As sommelier, he hopes to ply you with the finest vintage |
(Bill: What is wine?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Bill: What is a wine--) [The time's-up signal sounds.] (Alex: Let you finish it.) (Bill: I don't--) (Alex: Don't know it?) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
wine steward
Enid Bagnold's book that became Liz Taylor's 1st starring vehicle |
(Bill: What is Lassie?)
National Velvet
American sculptor known for his playful metal mobiles |
(Bill rang in and said nothing.)
Alexander Calder
"Hub of the high plains" Mac Davis saw it in his rearview mirror |
(Melinda: No answer.)
Lubbock, Texas
Repeating group of days whose name means "a turning" in Old Norse |
Born Vincent Furnier, this flamboyant singer "welcomed us to his nightmare" in '75 |
(Alex: I know this fellow well because he used to be a big fan of a show I did once upon a time called High Rollers.)
Alice Cooper