Show #560 - Friday, January 30, 1987


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Irwin Moskowitz, a marketing manager originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nancy Neff, a teacher from Chattanooga, Tennessee

Rex Schultz, a trial lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland (whose 2-day cash winnings total $19,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
Short of city funds, the comm. of trust funds in Swampscott, Mass. wanted to spend $100 for these tickets
    $100 17
Bird noted for its high, raspy meow-call
    $100 3
Cartoon mountie who could "do no wrong"
    $100 1
Prior to a 1980 fight, he said "If Holmes don't C-sharp, he'll B-flat"
    $100 24
In a 1966 hit, they proclaimed, "I am a rock, I am an island"
    $100 12
Pair of "Star Wars" droids who got their own animated cartoon series in 1985
    $200 13
Reagan signed law limiting federal spending on new presidential libraries, with this 1 exception
    $200 18
The European cuckoo is considered a parasite because it lays its eggs there
    $200 7
Opposing the "pro-choice" group, they're anti-abortion activists
    $200 2
A fan said to this ex-coach "If you got that way drinking Miller Lite, I'd hate to see Miller heavy"
    $200 25
Kitty Hawk site of the Wright Bros. 1st airplane flight, is on Bodie Island in this state
    $200 20
For this show's robot, Bob May was inside & Dick Tufeld supplied voice crying "Danger Will Robinson"
    $300 14
31 pages of report by this commission detailed chapter by chapter the book "Tying Up Rebecca"
    $300 19
Called the "yellowhammer" because it sounds like one, the flicker is a variety of this
    $300 8
A 90° bend, or an appropriate sales technique
    $300 4
David Brenner said he doesn't like to watch this sport on TV because "I can't stand whispering"
    $300 26
Its 4 historic provinces are Connaught, Leinster, Munster & Ulster
    DD: $500 21
[Video] 1926 film which featured the robot pictured in the following:
    $400 15
European country that's #1 destination of congressional fact-finding trips
    $400 23
In the Bible, Noah sent one to look for land, & a group of them later fed Elijah
    $400 9
It has only 10 amendments, since 2 on representatives' apportionment & compensation weren't ratified
    $400 5
Hit by a ball in '34, this St. Louis pitching great said "The doctors x-rayed my head & found nothing"
    $400 27
West Indian island that's the home of the limbo dance & calypso music
    $400 22
Appropriate letter-number name of the computerized dog on "Doctor Who"
    $500 16
It began June 2, 1986; everybody waited 2 minutes, then Dole dropped his mike
    $500 10
Position shared by Jesse Helms in the political spectrum & Tim Kerr at the Philadelphia Spectrum
    $500 6
Yankee manager who told players to "Line up alphabetically by height"
    $500 28
Largest of the Mariana Islands, we acquired it in 1898

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Rex Nancy Irwin
$900 $500 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rex Nancy Irwin
$2,300 $1,600 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
West Virginian who taught psychology, divorced a missionary, & wrote novels about China
    $200 12
He served in both the Confederate & Union armies before going to look for Livingstone
    $200 26
A banker's best rate, or a butcher's best rib
    $200 7
She's no dummy, but her "brother" was, & Charlie's room was bigger than hers
    $200 21
As early as 3500 B.C., bees were domesticated in this ancient African civilization
    $200 6
It isn't too taxing to determine that this is the 1st month, alphabetically
    $400 2
Frontier heroine Betty Zane's life was fictionalized by this namesake descendant
    $400 14
Cause of the 1809 gunshot death of this Louisiana Purchase explorer is still undetermined
    $400 27
A bond value of 100% or an expert golfer's average score
    $400 8
Number of Dale Evans' husbands before she rode off into the sunset with Roy Rogers
    $400 22
Among other colors, mining bees can be a shade of 1 of these 2 metals dug from mines
    $400 13
Alphabetically 1st among continents, though 2nd in size
    $600 3
A single sentence in one of his daughter's school books inspired him to write "Shogun"
    $600 15
Gone broke, he had himself put in a cask addressed to Panama, which he later crossed
    $600 28
Over-the-counter stocks are indexed on the automated quote system known by this acronym
    $600 9
"Sugar Babies" star who said Louis B. Mayer's suicide attempt was her fault
    $600 23
Because a bumblebee has a long one of these, only it can pollinate the red clover
    $600 18
Alphabetically the 1st vice president, 3 letters & 180 years ahead of Agnew
    $800 4
Of this India-born writer, Mark Twain said, "He knows all that can be known, & I know the rest"
    $800 16
1st European to see bison, head & all, was this Spaniard whose name means "cow's head"
    $800 10
He knew the honeymoon was over when Vivien Leigh attacked him in his sleep
    $800 24
Tho collectors of nectar & pollen, these nonsocial bees don't build hives but bore in wood to nest
    DD: $1,000 19
Alphabetically, the 1st U.S. state capital
    $1000 5
Oddly paralleling his heroine Anna Karenina's death, he died at a train station
    $1000 17
Columbus planned to sail westward to "Cipangu", which was the name Marco Polo used for this country
    $1000 11
Afraid of being an out-caste" this "Dark Angel" star passed her Indian mother off as her maid
    $1000 25
Bees need feeding about 1300 times a day during this state of development
    $1000 20
Alphabetically, the 1st card in a deck of 52

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rex Nancy Irwin
$7,300 $7,000 -$300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Number of states whose names end with the same vowel they begin with

Final scores:

Rex Nancy Irwin
$300 $13,000 -$300
2nd place: Emerson 25" stereo TV & Symphonic video cassette recorder New champion: $13,000 3rd place: Oneida gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rex Nancy Irwin
$8,300 $7,000 -$500
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
0 W
7 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $14,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-11-04
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