Show #4810 - Friday, July 1, 2005


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Mark Eckenwiler, an attorney originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Julie Baker, an attorney from Crestwood, Kentucky

Chad Morgan, an engineer from Edwards, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $13,999)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: have to identify the country.)
    $200 1
This "colorful" classic is finding renewed life in a popular United Airlines commercial
    $200 3
To Tell the Truth, he & Bill Todman were behind some of the greatest game shows of all time
    $200 18
In 1816 timid Dr. Rene Laennec's reluctance to listen to patients' hearts the usual way caused him to invent this
    $200 11
You wouldn't want to meet this scary, royal, supposedly green creature in a dark alley
    $200 2
Bundestag &
    $200 22
The Rock Island was this type of line
    $400 5
It's the title of the oratorio that contains the following
    $400 4
Before going to the Olympics, Michael Phelps met with this man whose record he was hoping to break
    $400 27
In late 1943, a U.S. warship carrying this man to a summit in Tehran narrowly missed being destroyed by friendly fire
    $400 12
Artificial green grass used on a playing field
    $400 6
The Knesset
    $400 23
If the distinguished Cherry Jones asks you to run lines with her, you're probably a fellow one of these
    $600 7
This snoozer is listed as the composer's Opus 49, No. 4
    $600 13
In 1986 he was People's Sexiest Man Alive; now he's the star of TV's "NCIS"
    DD: $1,200 28
In 1907 only the repurposing of the Eiffel Tower as one of these spared it from being torn down
    $600 14
It's the art of trimming your green bushes & hedges into geometric shapes & animals
    $600 10
The Cortes
    $600 24
As one of these, The Toledo Blade might feature a banner line
    $800 8
The work heard here follows the transformation of an opera character into this title creature
    $800 15
It's Mark Messier's sport
    $800 29
This 1925 event was staged in Dayton, Tenn. to give the city publicity, with the defendant & the law in on it
    $800 19
The main ingredient in salsa verde, this small green vegetable, is native to Mexico
    $800 16
Dail Eireann
Seanad Eireann
    $800 25
If you have some lines by Edgar Guest in your house, it's likely they're lines of this
    $1000 9
The 1943 classic heard here is the work of this uncommon composer
    $1000 21
In 2004 this Dire Straits leader rocked out with his fourth solo album, "Shangri-La"
    $1000 30
In 1945 a U.S. unit saved the life of this Vietnamese guerrilla leader then helping the Allied cause
    $1000 20
This republic of West Africa with a 4-letter name has 3 green stripes on its flag representing its natural resources
    $1000 17
The Storting
    $1000 26
Type of -ologist most preoccupied with isothermal lines

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Chad Julie Mark
$1,200 $400 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chad Julie Mark
$1,200 $3,800 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
"Sartoris" published in 1929 was his first novel to deal with Yoknapatawpha County
    $400 3
Of "Summer Catch", "Summer Rental" or "Summer Camp Nightmare", the one that's a John Candy comedy
    $400 8
Here's the skinny on this diet plan:
    $400 19
Cuspids are another name for these teeth that tear & shred food
    $400 2
Appropriately, you can see the world's largest potato chip at the World Potato Exposition in this state
    $400 25
You can be "guilty as" this, or guilty of this 3-letter word
    $800 10
In England his 1950 science fiction novel "The Martian Chronicles" was titled "The Silver Locusts"
    $800 4
A 1987 movie comedy was named for this seasonal institution that some kids dread
    $800 9
Get the door, it's this company that really delivers:
    $800 20
Blood returns to the heart from the head & neck by way of these 2 large veins on each side of the neck
    $800 17
In Kenner, Louisiana, go marching in to the museum & hall of fame for this pro football team
    $800 27
The familiar "as old as" these appears in "David Copperfield"
    $1200 12
1926's top 2 fiction sellers were John Erskine's "The Private Life of Helen of Troy" & this Anita Loos book
    $1200 5
It's the charming 1963 Disney film that features the song heard here
    $1200 11
A large breakfast cereal producer:
    $1200 21
Its 3 main sections are the duodenum, the jejunum & the ileum
    $1200 18
Frank Lloyd Wright is pictured here with his model for this museum
    DD: $1,400 28
After a bad night, change the meaning of this common simile by adding "I woke up every hour crying"
    $1600 13
This 1925 novel contains the line "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy"
    $1600 6
Geraldine Page yearned for Laurence Harvey in this 1961 film based on a Tennessee Williams play
    $1600 15
It's been on the NYSE in some form since 1824:
    $1600 22
This flap of cartilage prevents food & fluids from entering your windpipe
    $1600 24
At the Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia, you'll find his handwritten manuscript for "Ulysses"
    $1600 29
Many writers have used Shakespeare's simile "bestride the narrow world like" this
    $2000 14
This 140-pound character in "The Call of the Wild" is a cross between a St. Bernard & a Scotch Shepard
    $2000 7
Judy Garland's "Get Happy" number was filmed months after the rest of this movie musical, & she's strikingly thinner in it
    $2000 16
A maker of fancy watches:
    $2000 23
This "hard mother" of a membrane forms the outermost of the 3 meninges covering the brain
    DD: $400 26
Bushman, a famous gorilla who once lived at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo, lives on forever at this nearby museum
    $2000 30
This 3-word simile is also the title of a Joseph Heller novel; the hero's first name is Bruce

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chad Julie Mark
$3,200 $10,200 $16,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 15 expulsions of senators in the Senate's 215-year history, 11 took place in this year

Final scores:

Chad Julie Mark
$0 $200 $20,401
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $20,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chad Julie Mark
$3,600 $11,400 $16,000
10 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R,
8 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $31,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-12-10
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