He developed the V-2 for Germany & while in Alabama, the Saturn V for the U.S. |
Wernher von Braun
In May 1787 this Virginian was chosen president of the Constitutional Convention unanimously |
George Washington
This leader, not boxer Cassius Clay, founded the modern Egyptian kingdom in the 1800s |
Muhammad Ali
In the 1840s Victor Hugo began writing this book using the title "Les Miseres" |
"Les Miserables"
Milwaukee native who met his British-born wife, Lynn Fontanne, in 1917 on Broadway |
Alfred Lunt
While its name means flesh colored, it's usually a white one that men wear on tuxedos |
Published in 1897, "Work of the Digestive Glands" was the only book by this Russian physiologist |
Ivan Pavlov
The convention was instructed by Congress to revise this existing document, not to write a new one |
Articles of Confederation
In his youth, the ruthless Roman emperor Gaius Caesar was nicknamed this, meaning "little boot" |
Term for aesthetically elegant literature, it's French for "fine letters" |
Belle Lettres
He was born in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, attended Marquette Univ. & was elected to the Senate in 1946 |
Joseph McCarthy
Spruce, fir & hemlock are part of this, the largest & best-known conifer family |
The idea of horsepower originated with this Scottish engineer, the "Father of the Industrial Rev." |
(T: Who is Watts?)
James Watt
Congress is authorized to "provide & maintain" this branch of the armed services |
Pilgrim governor whose "History of Plimmoth Plantation" was 1st published 199 years after his death |
(B: Who is Brewster?)
William Bradford
His most famous short stories include "Ball-of-Fat" & "The Necklace" |
Guy deMaupassant
He was governor of Wisconsin & author of a series of books about a "bad boy" |
George Peck
It takes some 4,000 purple autumn crocuses to get 1 ounce of this yellow dye |
Dutch optician Hans Lippershey invented this scientific device in 1608 |
(T: What is a microscope?)
To be adopted, an amendment must be ratified by this fraction of the states |
English king born on Xmas eve 1167; he had no power or land as a youth & was nicknamed "Lackland" |
King John
In 1677 this dramatist's play "Phedre" was produced & he became Louis XIV's official historian |
Jean Racine
A native of Ripon, suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt founded this org. in 1920 |
(T: What is NOW?)
League of Women Voters
Varieties of this tree, noted for its wood, include the West Indian & Honduras |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
For his invention of the electric battery, this Italian physicist was made a count in 1801 |
(a minute to go in the round)
Alessandro Volta
The compromise which gave us a 2-house Congress was proposed by this state, hence its nickname |
Connecticut ("The Constitution State")
In 1832 he said, "The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it" |
Andrew Jackson
This series by Balzac intertwines almost 100 works & over 2,000 characters |
"The Human Comedy"
Elected governor of Wisconsin in 1900, this "Battling Bob" founded a dynasty of politicians & social reformers |
Robert LaFollette