Show #6595 - Friday, April 26, 2013


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Jody Carlson, a paralegal from Fairfax, Virginia

John Leavy, a programmer from Austin, Texas

George McAleese, a political researcher from Washington, D.C. (whose 1-day cash winnings total $27,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
I never throw anything away; I've got what the Mayo Clinic calls "Compulsive" this "Syndrome"
    $200 1
Sitcom narrated through flashbacks from the future: "HIMYM"
    $200 6
Its loyalty program is called "AAdvantage"
    $200 9
This 1759 Voltaire work attacks optimism by putting the title trusting young man through misery
    $200 20
These 2 chemical elements make up 100% of a glass of water & 75% of the human body
    $200 14
They can be near-earth, Trojan, or main-belt
    $400 25
My favorite actor says I've been doing this, defined in California as willfully following & making a credible threat
    $400 2
Fashion rules from Stacy & Clinton: "WNTW"
    $400 7
Seen here is the logo of this airline that's been based in Chicago since the 1930s
    $400 10
Her diary was originally published in Dutch in 1947 as "Het Achterhuis"
    $400 21
As it makes up 18% of us, humans are described as life-forms "based" on this element
    $400 15
A tilting match
    $600 26
I'm an onychophagist, which means I do this, so you're safe--only my manicure is not
    $600 3
A competition: "SYTYCD"
    $600 8
One of its slogans was "We love to fly and it shows"
    $600 11
When he lashed Norwegian society in "A Doll's House", he had been in his homeland only once in 15 years
    $600 22
Your bones don't glow in the dark, but they do contain this "light-bringing" element that makes up 1% of you
    $600 16
Multisegmented predaceous arthropod
    $800 27
I've lost jobs by doing this, a verb meaning pretend to be sick
    $800 4
Miss J. Alexander prepped the beauties: "ANTM"
    $800 18
This airline began service to Houston & San Antonio from Dallas' Love Field on June 18, 1971
    $800 12
"Outpouring Of The Heart Of An Art-Loving Lay Brother" from 1797 is called the first German work in this movement
    $800 29
This essential mineral is the most abundant metal in your body
    $800 17
A medieval plate mail glove
    $1000 28
I'm so fanatical, I've been called this, named for a Judean sect that battled Rome
    $1000 5
Drama starring Jim Caviezel: "POI"
    $1000 19
Pilot Sully Sullenberger performed the "Miracle on the Hudson" while flying for this airline
    DD: $1,000 13
Yannis Ritsos' poetry collection "O Epitafios" was symbolically burned at the foot of this hill
    $1000 30
You contain copper, zinc & this metal, the most abundant element in our planet
    $1000 24
It precedes "of the faith" in a title used by British monarchs since the 1500s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

George John Jody
$3,200 $3,400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

George John Jody
$5,000 $5,200 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
3,000 Romans at a time could clean up in this facility named for Diocletian
    $400 3
To chirotonize is to exercise this democratic right
    $400 6
The fabulous Shubert theatre opened with British star Johnston Forbes-Robertson as this doomed Dane
    $400 27
(Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Robben Island in South Africa.) Nelson Mandela's prisoner number Here on Robben Island--46664--became the name of an HIV/AIDS charity & also the title of a fundraising song co-written by this U2 superstar
    $400 7
In the mid-1600s, the Iroquois nearly wiped out the Erie & this other tribe that shares its name with a Great Lake
    $400 14
The Waitomo caves on this country's North Island are lit by thousands of glowworms
    $800 2
Rome lies on both banks of this roughly 250-mile-long river
    $800 4
To "bury" this is to place an item of lesser significance first in an article
    $800 28
Playing at the Hippodrome, the musical "America" had a bizarre plot about stealing the plans to this 50-mile-long dig
    $800 8
This rapper has been called many things, but don't forget "Oscar winner" (for original song) for "8 Mile"
    $800 18
The Yankton & Oglala were members of this broad alliance of tribes
    $800 16
On December 2, 1929 a skull of this prehistoric man was discovered in Zhoukoudian Cave in China
    $1200 15
Nicola Salvi won a 1732 competition by designing this Baroque fountain; it took 30 years to complete
    $1200 5
A lazaretto is a hospital especially for these people
    $1200 25
"The Sunshine Girl" was a hit & popularized the turkey trot, a new one of these
    $1200 9
In 2010 this rocker wrote a theme song for the Minnesota Vikings; is that why he's so into purple?
    $1200 19
In 1957, a century after a series of wars against the U.S., this tribe from Florida regained Federal recognition
    $1200 26
The walls of Oklahoma's Alabaster Caverns are formed of this soft white mineral often used to make drywall
    $1600 17
The ruins of the Domus Aurea, this Emperor's "Golden House" built after the Great Fire, sit in a public park in Rome
    $1600 12
Those born under Jupiter's sign were supposed to be joyful & this word describing them is derived from Jupiter's alias
    $1600 24
Later to help establish sound in the movies, he had them rolling in the aisles starring in "The Honeymoon Express" in 1913
    $1600 10
"But we're never gonna survive, unless" you name this singer who went "Crazy" on Billboard's Top 40 in 1991
    DD: $2,000 20
Code talkers using the language of this Southwestern were involved in every U.S. Marine assault in the Pacific 1942-45
    $1600 29
During the War of 1812, this Kentucky cave was used to mine saltpeter for the making of gunpowder
    $2000 22
This Roman street that runs
from the Villa Borghese
to the Piazza Barberini
was portrayed
in "La Dolce vita"
    $2000 13
Put these 3 letters, meaning "mouth", in front of "-smacked" & you get a word meaning "flabbergasted"
    $2000 23
The sufferings of Suffragettes were spoofed at the New Amsterdam Theatre in the 1913 edition of these "Follies"
    $2000 11
In 1995 she sang "Army Of Me"--but really, when you wear a swan dress to the Oscars, that's what folks will remember
    $2000 21
The name "Comanche" comes from a word meaning "enemy" or "stranger" in the language of this 3-letter tribe
    DD: $3,000 30
The Republic of Georgia's Krubera Cave in this mountain system is the world's deepest at 7,188 feet

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

George John Jody
$18,000 $12,000 $14,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A preface to this novel called it "rustic all through... Moorish, and wild, and knotty as the root of Heath"

Final scores:

George John Jody
$29,201 $23,000 $24,600
2-day champion: $56,402 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

George John Jody
$17,000 $12,000 $14,200
19 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-12-05
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