This city's Arch is in the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in the National Park System |
St. Louis
While offensive to vampires, this pungent herb is believed to have many benefits for humans |
The adjutant birds of southeast Asia are members of this family known for family deliveries |
This part of the large intestine is divided into ascending, transverse, descending & sigmoid sections |
In 1861 this Confederate president said, "All we ask is to be let alone" |
Jefferson Davis
In 1980 this volcano in the American northwest made an ash of itself |
Mount St. Helens
This pickling herb is an essential ingredient in the Scandinavian dish Gravlax |
A collection of jewelry valued at $2 million earned James Buchanan Brady this nickname |
"Diamond Jim"
These 3-headed muscles on the back of the upper arms straighten the elbow |
On Jan. 9, 1959 this U.S. president told Congress, "America is best described by one word. Freedom" |
Dwight D. Eisenhower
"The Rain in Spain" |
My Fair Lady
The Fountain of Youth Park in this Florida city commemorates the 1513 landing of Ponce de Leon |
St. Augustine
These bluish-gray seeds used in cakes & salad dressings go a long way --- there are about 900,000 to a pound |
(Mary Ann: What are carraway?)
poppy seeds
Every August Williamsport, Pennsylvania hosts this organization's World Series |
Little League
Goiters develop when this gland becomes too active or not active enough |
Benjamin Franklin said, "We must indeed all hang together. Or, most assuredly, we shall all" do this |
hang separately
"I Feel Pretty" |
West Side Story
This city's largest library, the Saltykov-Shchedrin Library, has over 25 million volumes |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
This Indian blend contains as many as 20 spices, including ginger, pepper & turmeric for color |
Strong in Northern Ireland, Presbyterianism is also the established church in this part of the U.K. |
Melanin in this colorful part of the eye absorbs strong light that might blur the vision |
(Bill: What is the pupil?)
An often heard political maxim is "As" this state "goes, so goes the nation" |
"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair" |
South Pacific
A new nation came into being October 27, 1979: this island & the Grenadines |
St. Vincent
Jamaica is the leading producer of this spice that tastes like a blend of several others |
In 1947 Stuart Symington became the first secretary of this armed service |
(Mary Ann: What is the Navy?) (Rick: What is Defense?)
the Air Force
This liver disease occurs when healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue |
Novel in which the following line appears: "You are Jane Porter, I saw it in your letter" |
Tarzan of the Apes
"Getting to Know You" |
The King and I