This Austen title character "had lived nearly 21 years in the world with very little to distress or vex her" |
George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart): The town of Bedford Falls in this Christmas film |
It's A Wonderful Life
A British coronation ring features 5 of these red gems in the shape of a cross lying over a large sapphire |
The numerical record of a sporting event, it comes from the Old Norse for 20 & also means 20 |
Plato was a teacher of this Greek philosopher & scientist who also became a colleague |
The first entry of her diary is "129 lbs. (but post-Christmas), alcohol units 14... cigarettes 22, calories 5424" |
Bridget Jones
James Bailey: The circus, merging with this impresario's "Greatest Show On Earth" in 1881 |
P.T. Barnum
Queen Wilhelmina |
(Joan: What is Austria?)
the Netherlands
Traces of copper & iron give the bluish-green tint to this stone found in Iran & the American Southwest |
This ballroom dance gets its name from the Spanish for "revelry", not from a liquor |
(Alex: The liquor is rum, the dance is [*].)
The followers of this philosopher & mathematician are the foils in "Phaedo"; they don't take the right angle |
"The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time", he points out to a police inspector, is that the dog did nothing |
Sherlock Holmes
Kay Bailey Hutchison: being the first woman to represent this state in the U.S. Senate |
An empire: Sultan Abdulhamid II |
the Ottoman Empire
One of May's birthstones, it's named for Sicily's Achates River, where it was mined in antiquity |
(Michael: What is topaz?) ... (Alex: [*], Achates, yes.)
Derived from the Latin for "high", it's an adjective meaning proud & scornful |
Plato's unfinished "Critias" was to detail the ancient war between Athens & this fabled island |
She plans to draw a picture of herself & write under it, "Portrait of a governess, disconnected, poor, and plain" |
Jane Eyre
This man, first name Francis, the courtroom, as when representing Dr. Sam Sheppard & Patty Hearst |
(Alex: And that famous attorney is [*].)
F. Lee Bailey
The finest variety of this purple quartz gemstone comes from mines in Uruguay |
From the Greek for "pleasure", it's the term for an unbridled pursuit of it |
(Joan: What is licentiousness?) (Michael: What is debauchery?)
In 529 A.D. almost 1,000 years after it was created by Plato, this school was closed by Justinian I |
(Michael: What is the Lyceum?)
the Academy
"Once upon a time there were four little rabbits, and their names were--Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, & Peter", she wrote |
Beatrix Potter
David Bailey, the inspiration for Antonioni's "Blow-up": this field for British Vogue |
Wilhelm II, German Kaiser & king of this former state |
The red spots of Jasper give this mineral its name |
(Rebecca: What is carbarundum?)
the bloodstone
The name of this sudden, overwhelming terror or fear comes from the Greek god thought to cause it |
(Alex: [*], from the god Pan.)
This work is about an ideal city where justice is complete & imitative poets are exiled |
Plato's Republic