5-letter pome fruit of the family Rosaceae |
This country replaced its all-green flag with a red, black & green one following Qaddafi's overthrow in 2011 |
On May 21, 1934 this duo attended a party at Black Lake, Louisiana; 2 days later, they were killed by the law |
Bonnie & Clyde
On March 9, 2012 a grapefruit-sized one of these, the largest ever found in Hawaii, fell in an Oahu thunderstorm |
(Anne: What is a meteor?) ... (Alex: [*], yes. That would have hurt if it hit you.)
A bunch of pigs (5) |
Steve Grogan quarterbacked the Pats in Super Bowl XX when Jim McMahon & this team beat them by 36 |
the (Chicago) Bears
Shortened to 5 letters from a longer word, it's military information |
(Alex: That would be [*], shortened from intelligence.)
Some people of this region, officially part of China, use a white triangle flag to represent its location among high mountains |
On April 3, 1933 Lord Clydesdale became the first to pilot a plane over this mountain, just clearing it |
Mount Everest
The heel stone, the slaughter stone & the station stones are among those found at this British landmark |
Adam Vinatieri used his right one as time expired on Feb. 3, 2002 to give the Patriots their first Super Bowl victory |
A small wooded valley, perhaps with a farmer |
This nation's blue, yellow & red flag represents the colors used in the arms of Walachia & Moldavia |
(Drew: What is The Netherlands?) ... (Alex (with an accent): What is [*].)
With 6,000 seats, it opened in 1932 in NYC as the world's largest movie theater, though it's named for another medium |
Radio City Music Hall
Carved in 196 B.C., its text lists the good things the pharaoh has done for the priests & people of Egypt |
the Rosetta Stone
Surgeon's stitch (6) |
This diminutive 1984 Heisman winner for Boston College played his last NFL season as a Patriot |
(Doug) Flutie
A former U.S. Navy rank between captains & admirals |
The name of these Portuguese islands comes from a word for the goshawk, & that bird is on the islands' flag |
(Drew: What are the Canary Islands?)
the Azores
In March 1939, after Hitler made Bohemia & Moravia a German protectorate, this country ceased to exist |
(Tom: What is Prussia?)
A heavy weight or burden around the neck, as mentioned in Luke 17 |
Biblical Hercules (6) |
He hauled in 47 receiving touchdowns for the Pats from 2007 to 2009 |
Randy Moss
A famous one in ancient Greece bathed in the Castalian Spring before speaking |
Honduras & this next-door neighbor to the south & east both have horizontally striped blue & white flags |
(Drew: What is Guatemala?) (Tom: What is El Salvador?) (Alex: They've narrowed it down for you Anne, but you're not gonna ring in to try to come up with [*].)
After a week-long fast, he was released from government detention in Aug. 1933, weighing about 90 pounds |
Blue Hone granite, found on the Scottish island of Ailsa Craig, is the favorite stone used in this sport |
Dear sir or madam (10) |
The family of this former Patriot linebacker allowed his brain to be studied after his untimely death in 2012 |
Junior Seau