Alexandre Godefroy invented this beauty device in the 19th century by attaching a hood to a chimney pipe |
hair dryer
Jubilee festivities kicked off with a this many gun salute from the Tower of London, 41 more than a normal salute |
(Jason: What is 60?)
The German version of this program is "Quiz Taxi" |
Cash Cab
An old superstition says, "bad" this last run-through in costume, "good show" |
dress rehearsal
Slabs o' meat on the grill |
These 2 objects used in men's field events each weigh 16 pounds |
(Scott: What is the shot put and discus?) (Cara: What is javelin and discus?)
the shot put and the hammer
He's been Elizabeth's Prince Charming since they met when she was 13; she married him at 21 |
Prince Philip
In France it becomes "Le Juste Prix" |
The Price Is Right
Stage backdrops are part of this; don't crash through it & don't, by overacting, "chew" it |
the scenery
A minor slip-up, especially a flubbed pool shot |
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue..) I'm at the Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier, designed to protect the harbor of this Dutch port with the world's largest capacity |
(Scott: What is Amsterdam?)
"Lomo-fi" & "1977" are filters to customize photos on this app now owned by Facebook |
An official song for the jubilee was co-written by this musical theatre mogul who was knighted in 1992 |
Andrew Lloyd Webber
In Finland this game show is "Haluatko Miljonaarksi?" |
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
A purse is an example of a personal one of these onstage items |
Someone who is moved away from home to rescue him from a dangerous situation like a natural disaster |
One of the 4 board games invented in the 20th century that are in the national toy hall of fame |
(Alex: [*] is one of them. [*] are the three others.)
Monopoly (or Scrabble or Game of Life or Candyland)
Here Elizabeth shares a little private time with her father, this king, whom she succeeded in 1952 |
King George VI
This show is known in Mexico as "Vas O No Vas" |
Deal or No Deal
Your line "Amanda, I'm leaving you!" is part of dialogue; your action of crossing the stage & exiting is part of this |
stage direction (or blocking)
A fancy twist or flourish made with a pen on paper |
For cheating Thanatos, the god of death, Zeus punished this human by giving him a task he could never complete |
In summer the queen & her family like to spend time at this royal residence in Scotland |
In Spain you can play along with this, "La Ruleta de la Suerte" |
Wheel of Fortune
Any follow-up interview or audition for a role you've already tried out for is called this |
Hardy grass cultivated for lawns & sheep feed |
(Alex: Well done. You ran the category right off the bat.) [Applause] (Alex: You got $3,000 to show for it. Good for you.)