It wasn't until 1999 that this was designated Hawaii's official state dance |
the hula
1995: His "Opus" |
Mr. Holland
In their youth Rick Santorum & Antonin Scalia each served as this, helping a priest celebrate mass |
an altar boy
This skirt worn by ballerinas is frequently made of tulle |
a tutu
Around 1600 B.C. the Shang became the first recorded ruling dynasty of this country |
Britannica notes that the Canis Major dwarf galaxy "contains only about a billion" of these |
1999: "The Talented" him |
Mr. Ripley
In this major branch of Islam, an Ayatollah is an important teacher or leader |
(Tim: What is Sunni?)
Here's something to chew on--they're the classic candies seen here |
At the "Cadaver Synod" of 897, the corpse of Formosus, late holder of this office, was put on trial by Stephen VII |
the pope
Spectacular M51 is named this, like a rotating ocean current |
a whirlpool
1993: Her... well, it's actually a him... I mean, this housekeeper was a man, baby! |
Mrs. Doubtfire
The Gideons say these last an average of 6 years |
The name of this reddish-brown color actually comes from the Latin word for "white" |
(Tim: What is burgundy?)
Between 250 & 900 this Central American culture flowered in its Classic Period in such cities as Tikal |
(Glenn: What is Incan?) ... (Alex: And we have less than a minute now.)
the Maya (the Mayans accepted)
The spokes emanating from the center might help you name this galaxy, also a term for a lateral gymnastics move |
(Glenn: What is a wheel?) (Alex: Nope.) (Glenn: A bicycle wheel?) (Alex: Nope.)
a cartwheel
Hawaii's state bird, the nene, is also known as the Hawaiian variety of this bird |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
a goose
1936: He "Goes to Town" |
Mr. Deeds
In a synagogue this person also called a hazzan leads the congregation in chanting & singing |
the cantor
This pesky invasive plant has been called the vine that ate the South |
By the waters of the Euphrates, this city became a Mesopotamian capital in the early 2nd millennium B.C. |
(Betsy: What is Sumer?) (Glenn: What's Babylonia?)
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a chart on the monitor.) In the Hubble classification system, elliptical galaxies are denoted with the letter "E"; galaxies in other branches like the Andromeda Galaxy are labeled with the letter "S" standing for this shape |
a spiral
The yellow variety of this tropical bloomer is the state flower |
(Glenn: What is orchid?)
2007: This British bumbler's "Holiday" |
Mr. Bean
Another term for a heathen, originally it meant a follower of ancient religions |
a pagan
It's a riddle involving a play on words, like "What's black & white & read all over?" |
(Betsy: What is a pun?)
a conundrum
Athens & Sparta squared off in this war that lasted from 431 to 404 B.C. |
the Peloponnesian War
This nearby galaxy aka M31 contains remnants of smaller galaxies "eaten" by the giant central one |