Show #6456 - Monday, October 15, 2012

Stephanie Jass game 6.


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John Matthews, a camp counselor and law student from McLean, Virginia

Ricky Leiter, a resident physician in internal medicine from New York, New York

Stephanie Jass, a history professor from Milan, Michigan (whose 5-day cash winnings total $98,970)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A visit to Ford's Theatre to explore one of the most tragic events in American history.)
    $200 6
"Beastly" tool consisting of a metal wire fed into curved pipes to remove an obstruction
    $200 11
    $200 21
"Bennie And The Jets" & "Candle In The Wind" (both versions)
    $200 1
The limequat is a cross between a kumquat & this lemon-shaped fruit
    $200 16
    $200 26
(Alex walks the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) President Lincoln arrived late at Ford's Theatre; the show was already underway, but when he was spotted walking down the stairs toward the presidential box, everything here stopped; then the orchestra struck up "Hail To The Chief", the audience gave him a thunderous round of applause, the President waved & bowed, & then the performance of this play continued
    $400 7
Peter Gabriel sang about this long-handled smashing tool
    $400 12
    $400 22
The original "Piano Man" (1974)
    $400 2
It's the fruit of the coconut palm tree
    $400 17
    $400 27
(Alex stands on the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) Police work in those days could be a little bit shoddy: hours after the murder, a man named William Kent came back to the presidential box looking for his keys; what he found was the murder weapon, the small .44-caliber single-shot pistol bearing the name of this Philadelphia gunsmith who invented it
    $600 8
Buzz & coping are 2 varieties of this tool
    $600 13
    $600 23
"Can't Smile Without You" (1978)
    $600 3
It's a hot dog on a stick that's dipped in cornbread batter & deep fried
    $600 18
    DD: $800 28
(Alex walks the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) Illustrating the difference in memories, some people said that Booth shouted this Latin phrase right from here, center stage; others said, "No, it was from the box"; Booth himself wrote that he spoke the words before shooting Lincoln; perhaps he said these words more than once
    $800 9
Dividers have sharp points on both ends; this similar device has one sharp point & one pencil
    $800 14
    $800 24
He sang lead & played piano on "Bohemian Rhapsody"
    $800 4
The blacker the color of these berries, the riper & sweeter the fruit
    $800 19
Seraph: seraphs or this longer word
    $800 29
(Alex reports from the Petersen House in Washington, D.C.) While Mrs. Lincoln & her friends sat vigil here in the front parlor, in the back parlor, this energetic Secretary of War took charge of the investigation & worked tirelessly through the night, coordinating the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth & his accomplices
    $1000 10
A group of different-sized attachments for a ratchet-style wrench is called this set
    $1000 15
    $1000 25
In 1957 he had a "Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going On"
    $1000 5
The Linzer torte, a tart usually filled with raspberry jam, is named for this Austrian city
    $1000 20
Stigma: stigmas or this longer form
    $1000 30
(Alex reports from the Petersen House in Washington, D.C.) At 7:22 on the morning of April 15, 1865, President Lincoln died in this small bedroom; a prayer was said, & then, according to tradition, Edwin Stanton uttered these six famous words

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Stephanie Ricky John
$5,000 $400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stephanie Ricky John
$9,200 $1,600 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: "S-I-N" in quotation marks--those three letters coming up in each response.)
    $400 17
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows A Bar at the Folies-Bergère on the monitor.) Critics describing areas within a painting that are shaped alike, the way Manet crafted the chandelier & fruit bowl, employ this term, used of words in a poem that sound alike
    $400 1
"Arabian Nights" guy
    $400 15
Andrew Jackson was a co-founder of this largest Tennessee city
    $400 6
Charlie Harper--uh, make that Walden Schmidt--accounts for 40% of this show's title total
    $400 11
Drop a "G" from a Chinese dish to get this breed of duck popular among U.S. poultry farmers
    $400 22
Don Quixote attacks a row of these, believing them to be gigantic knights
    $800 18
To show musculature, an ecorche drawing shows a figure not only without clothes but without this
    $800 2
A tendon
    DD: $1,000 16
In 1839 John Sutter established the colony that became this state capital
    $800 7
Mary Alice Young was heard in more than 150 episodes of this ABC drama, despite having died in the very first show
    $800 12
It's the most common duck species in North America
    $800 23
The earliest versions of this puzzle of 9 rows & 9 columns were called Number Place
    $1200 19
It's the main difference between a kouros & a kore, types of Greek sculptures of standing figures
    $1200 3
Not feigned or pretended
    $1200 28
This home to the University of Oregon was founded by a Mr. Skinner & given his first name
    $1200 8
Annie, Britta & Magnitude seek higher education on this NBC comedy
    $1200 13
The sawbill feeds mainly on this slippery prey, hence the serrated, saw-like bill
    $1200 24
Archaeologists discovered 19 rows of stones extending below this alliterative holy landmark in Jerusalem
    $1600 20
Duchamp is the father of this style of art that elevates idea over execution; the term contains a synonym for "idea"
    DD: $2,000 4
Astronomical term for a place in space where matter is infinitely dense
    $1600 9
Howard Wolowitz deals with his off-screen maaaa! on this brainy sitcom
    $1600 14
There are blue-winged & green-winged types of this duck that's also a blue-green color
    $1600 25
This type of ancient Greek chariot race venue with a 600-to-700-foot course had seats in rows or tiers
    $2000 21
To authenticate a painting, you need this record of its ownership from the period of its creation to the present
    $2000 5
Mexican state where you'll find Mazatlan
    $2000 10
Yes, there is crime in Toronto & Andy McNally (Missy Peregrym) is a new cop fighting it on this ABC show
    $2000 27
A large group of floating ducks is called this, like a flat water transport
    $2000 26
This 18th c. Oxford man didn't invent an "Aqualung" but did devise a farm tool for planting seeds in rows

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stephanie Ricky John
$21,000 $2,000 $2,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A proposed title for this novel sounded too much like a Vegas heist movie, so the number in the title was doubled

Final scores:

Stephanie Ricky John
$25,000 $0 $4,100
6-day champion: $123,970 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stephanie Ricky John
$22,600 $2,000 $2,200
30 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
2 W
10 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $26,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-08-07
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