Originally, this 1880 Rodin piece was meant to represent Dante, known to sit on a rock in Florence |
The Thinker
India: A bunch, including Hindi, Urdu & this classical language of ancient epics |
Running with Al Gore in 2000, he was the first Jewish vice presidential candidate of a major political party |
(Joe) Lieberman
He spent 4 years training to play "Irish" Micky Ward in "The Fighter" |
(Mark) Wahlberg
This crazy phrase refers to a threaded metal fastener that's not tight in its receptacle |
a loose screw
The only kings of this Scottish royal house were Robert I & his son David II |
Between 1501 & 1504 Michelangelo worked on the marble sculpture of this man; it was placed by the Palazzo Vecchio |
This African country born in 2011: English & Arabic |
South Sudan
In 1880 he founded a company to make amateur picture-taking easier & less expensive |
(George) Eastman
Hilary Swank is a waitress-turned-boxer in this 2004 film |
Million Dollar Baby
A synonym for crazy, this bird isn't crazy--it lays eggs in the nests of other birds who then raise its young |
In 943, after 43 years as king, Constantine II retired to the monastery of this; the golf course was yet to be built |
St. Andrew's
The "Son of Menides, citizen of Antioch of Maeander" made this female statue who can never lend a hand |
the Venus de Milo
Haiti: French & the Haitian type of this vernacular language |
In the 1940s Aaron Copland was commissioned by this man to write a clarinet concerto |
(Benny) Goodman
He got an Oscar nomination for writing the original screenplay for "Rocky" |
Misplaced every one of your aggies, cat's-eyes & commies |
lost your marbles
This daughter of James V was betrothed to the dauphin Francis at age 6; she married him 10 years later |
Mary, Queen of Scots
The best-known Myronic work is a statue of a man performing this Olympic event, completing the backswing |
the discus
This Islamic republic: Dari & Pashto |
This general was the subject of the biography "The White Tecumseh" |
(William T.) Sherman
"Raging Bull" was based on a book by this boxer, the subject of the film |
(Jake) LaMotta
Delivering 99 rectangular blocks of baked clay when you should have had 100 |
being one brick short of a (full) load
In 1057 Lulach became the first Scottish king stoned, er, crowned, at this medieval village |
In 2011 the scales went missing from a statue representing this in front of Louisville's Metro Hall |
(Andy: What is, uh, Libra--) (Alex: [Quietly] No.) (Andy: --[*].) (Alex: [*] is right, yes, and you're now at $18,000.)
Kosovo: Both Serbian & this language named for a bordering nation |
(Liz: What is Croat?)
In 1884 he patented the first practical fountain pen |
Lewis Waterman
To prepare for this movie, Mickey Rourke spent months training with an uncle of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson |
The Wrestler
The name of this Warner Bros. cartoon series that preceded Merrie Melodies has come to mean "crazy" |
Looney Tunes
In 1072, at about age 12, Duncan II was sent as a hostage to this Norman king, who kept him for several years |
William the Conqueror