This 1995 smash was inspired by the Pixar short film "Tin Toy" |
(Blythe: ...Oh...)
Toy Story
Valvoline offers this product in viscosity grades including 5W20 & 20W50 |
motor oil
To make "ox" an irregular plural |
(Alex: Okay, we'll accept that. We want you to give us what you're adding.)
-en (oxen accepted)
In "Troilus & Cressida", this Greek refuses to fight after his pride is injured |
This "unadorned" branch of geometry deals with figures in 2 dimensions |
plane geometry
You don't want contact lenses in if you encounter this spray named for its oleoresin capsicum ingredient |
pepper spray
The son of a virtual world programmer ends up in the world that his dad (Jeff Bridges) created in this sequel |
Tron: Legacy
Geologically young & usually found near the earth's surface, lignite is the lowest grade of this product |
To make "central" & "ceaseless" into adverbs |
(Liza: What is I-Z-E, -ize?)
Willa Cather's daughter of Bohemian immigrants, now a Cornhusker |
You can call me this, a half-line that extends in one direction indefinitely & has only one endpoint |
a ray
No weapons, but bring an Arrow T72 one of these guns to put signs together |
a staple gun
"There was only one man left in the family, and the mission was to save him" was a tagline to this 1998 film</td>
| Saving Private Ryan
From an EF-0 to an EF-5, the enhanced Fujita scale is used to grade the intensity of these weather events |
a tornado
To make "fashion" & "comfort" into adjectives |
This swordsman tries to keep the identity of his mistress, Madame de Chevreuse, secret from Athos & his other pals |
10-letter word for the side opposite the 90-degree angle in a right triangle |
a hypotenuse
Evade bans on loudspeakers: have a group in unison repeat 1 person's words, in "the human" this device |
Eddie Murphy got the role of police detective Axel Foley in this 1984 blockbuster after Sly Stallone bowed out |
Beverly Hills Cop
As determined by the USDA, it's the highest grade of lamb, veal & beef |
(Liza: What is "A"?)
To make "alphabet" & "digit" into verbs |
His mane is shaved off in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" |
A geometric figure with a circular base that rises to a single point |
a cone
Even under a romantic moon in an occupied park, don't approach an enticing stranger with ZZ Top's "Slip Inside My" this |
(Blythe: What is"Tent"?)
"Sleeping Bag"
In the third entry in this series, from 2008, Troy & Gabriella might be headed for different colleges--time to sing! |
High School Musical
This 4-letter superior grade of paper is named for the type of financial document it was used to print |
bond paper
To make "abnormal" & "similar" into nouns |
He's the title character in "The Return of the King" |
(Liza: Who is Aragon?) (Alex: [*], yes. No. Oh, my bad. Uh, I'm informed that you left off the "R". It's [*], and I gave it away, didn't I? Bad.)
From the Latin for "agreeing", it means identical in shape & size, like the two objects seen here |
Though you may think they're a mockery of the First Amendment, respect FSZs, short for these |
free speech zones