Show #4799 - Thursday, June 16, 2005


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Yeechang Lee, an equity analyst originally from the Bronx, New York

Kammy McCleery, a coordinator of experiential education and student employment from Lexington, Kentucky

Missy Carlson, a teacher and a speech coach from Naperville, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,300)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to tell us what kind of animal each one is.)
    $200 28
Between Oct. 1946 & Oct. 1949, this international organization held its meetings in Flushing, N.Y.
    $200 5
    $200 25
She & Alice B. Toklas are buried next to each other at Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris
    $200 11
Stretching over 4,000 miles, it's been called the largest engineering & building project ever made by man
    $200 29
A fictional mutant monster gave us this term for a woman who's unbearable while planning her wedding
    $200 1
The men seen here are waiting for this traditional final word in a 3-part command
    $400 27
In 1517 the Ottoman Empire put its foot down on this town in Galilee, the home of Joseph, Mary & Jesus
    $400 7
    $400 26
In Asheville his gravestone bears the line "The last voyage, the longest, the best" from "Look Homeward, Angel"
    $400 12
Much of this 1925 novel takes place in the West Egg area of Long Island
    $400 30
A toff is a member of the upper classes of society, usually in this country
    $400 15
It's what rootin' tootin' Yosemite Sam shouts as he shoots at feet
    $600 23
In 1917 the British took the town of Al-Kut on the Tigris on their march to take this, now a capital city
    $600 8
"My Friend Flicka"
    $600 24
It doesn't take a P.I. like his Sam Spade to find this man's grave at Arlington; it's in Section 12, Lot 508
    $600 13
This city in North-Central Montana is the seat of Cascade County
    $600 21
The "Simpsons" character seen here has no name; he's simply called this
    $600 16
The title of a novel by Sapphire about a teen mother, or a word often heard in delivery rooms
    DD: $1,200 3
Corregidor, enveloped by this bay, was fortified by the Spanish in the 18th century
    $800 9
Bernard & Bianca, "The Rescuers"
    $800 22
She's buried at her Penn. farm, & the name on her tombstone is written in Chinese rather than English
    $800 14
In this classic movie, Charlie Chaplin played dual roles including that of Adenoid Hynkel of Tomania
    $800 20
A yuppie who lives for great dining experiences may be this word also ending in -ie
    $800 17
This word begins a "Sesame Street" tune that Barbra Streisand recorded because it was her son's favorite
    $1000 2
At Bannockburn in 1314 he led a small force to take Stirling Castle, Britain's last stronghold in Scotland
    $1000 10
    $1000 6
In 1851 she was laid to rest in an English churchyard along with husband Percy's heart & a copy of his "Adonais"
    $1000 4
In 1417 Martin V was elected the sole pope, ending this division within the Catholic Church
    $1000 19
Ms. Poole from accounting who's tough on expense accounts, is known by this leguminous 2-word term
    $1000 18
On April 20, 1653 Oliver Cromwell told the Rump Parliament, "In the name of God", this 2-letter word

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Missy Kammy Yeechang
$4,800 -$200 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Missy Kammy Yeechang
$6,000 $3,200 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) The classical ruins in Montagna's St. Sebastian typify this movement's discovery of ancient culture
    $400 3
The Olympics were reborn on April 6, 1896 with 14 national teams made up of 241 men & this many women
    $400 7
Spread jam (& whipped cream, too, if you like) on a cake, curl it up & you've got this old-fashioned favorite
    $400 12
A 1,000th anniversary
    $400 26
Like a child's drawing, the flag of Uruguay has this in the upper left-hand corner
    $400 17
I'll go mine some mica in this type of big open pit
    $800 2
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) The triangle formed by the figures in the Raphael work seen here is a symbol of this key Christian concept
    $800 22
Becoming the 1st Olympic champion since the 4th C. was a hop, step & jump for American James Connolly in this field event
    $800 8
The name of this custardy dessert means "burnt cream"
    $800 13
Type of photo finish
    $800 27
The mulita is a small Uruguayan type of this armored animal that's susceptible to becoming roadkill
    $800 18
To act in "Nobody Hears a Broken Drum", dealing with the Molly Maguires, I'll go mine this to get in character
    $1200 4
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) The traveling basket tells us the subject is "Rest on the Flight into" this country
    $1200 23
As in 2004, in 1896 Panathenaic Stadium had the finish of this, won back then by national hero Spiridon Louis
    $1200 9
This Pennsylvania Dutch dessert made with brown sugar & molasses is partnered with apple pan dowdy in a classic song
    $1200 14
Pipe smoker's mineral
    $1200 28
Some rural people speak Portunol, a mix of these 2 languages of Uruguay's neighbors
    $1200 19
I'll go mine this, symbol Sn, if I can find some; it's only .001 percent of the Earth's crust
    $1600 5
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) Here, this great American artist contrasts the warm colors of nature with the harsh light of civilization
    DD: $1,600 24
Thomas Burke of the U.S. won this Olympic event in 1896 with a time of 12.0 seconds; the winning time in 2004 was 9.85
    $1600 10
In France this holiday cake is called buche de Noel
    $1600 15
Tenon's woodworking partner
    DD: $800 29
Nueva Helvecia is a town founded by colonists from this country to which Uruguay is sometimes compared
    $1600 20
I'll go mine sapphires in Sri Lanka, because I need the type whose optical effect gives it this name
    $2000 6
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) Dutch still lifes often remind us of this Latin word for pride & mortality; the skull is a rather stern reminder
    $2000 25
This Frenchman who revived the Games opposed a Greek proposal to make Athens their permanent site
    $2000 11
This Italian dessert consists of egg yolks, wine & sugar whisked together
    $2000 16
Salamander also known as a water dog
    $2000 21
To save money on a ring, I'll go mine this form of carbon seen here & make a synthetic diamond

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Missy Kammy Yeechang
$16,000 $10,400 $4,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Tired of his fragile wares being smashed in transit, this man born in 1730 advocated British turnpike building

Final scores:

Missy Kammy Yeechang
$11,000 $12,400 $4,800
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $12,400 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Missy Kammy Yeechang
$16,800 $10,400 $4,400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $31,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-12-01
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