Show #6414 - Thursday, July 5, 2012


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Stephanie Fontaine, an analyst from Arlington, Virginia

Chris Sullivan, a land protection specialist from Traverse City, Michigan

Ron King, a web designer from Camarillo, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $13,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Yes, yes, this aid to mediums at large takes its name from the French & German words for "yes"
    $200 26
AET symbolizes this insurance company
    $200 16
There are 2 of these on a baseball diamond but only one on a bowling lane; don't step over it
    $200 2
This pioneer blazed a path through the Cumberland Gap into Kentucky around 1775, marking his way with Post-it notes
    $200 21
China & South Korea
    $200 11
Fleshy crest on the head of a fowl
    $400 7
Popular with astronomers & astrologers, this word comes from a Greek phrase meaning "circle of little animals"
    $400 27
Personalize holiday cards with your own digital photos at this online retailer that uses the stock symbol SFLY
    $400 17
3 strikes in a row is a turkey; 2 in a row is this, like a big serving of Wild Turkey
    $400 3
The spare key to this D.C. residence once known as the Executive Mansion is kept under the Washington Monument
    $400 22
Spain & Italy
    $400 12
To speak or perform without rehearsal
    $600 8
A "Dictionary of the Occult" defines white this as consorting with spirits for a good or innocent purpose
    DD: $1,000 28
This financial services company, stock symbol WFC, was founded in 1852 to serve the West
    $600 18
For a pro bowler, it's 200; on the 5th at St. Andrews, it's 5
    $600 4
The Lone Ranger got his name after suffering from this condition, from the Greek for "fear of strangers"
    $600 23
Estonia & Lithuania
    $600 13
This word for something you might find in a dusty corner comes from coppa, an Old English word for "spider"
    $800 9
This Israeli known for bending spoons "with his mind" gained fame in the 1970s
    $800 29
"Nourishing Families. Enriching Lives. Every Day" is the slogan of this food company, DLM
    $800 19
Like a submerging submarine, a bowling ball that hooks sharply at the last second is said to do this
    $800 5
The mold Chares used to sculpt this 105' tall ancient wonder of the world is kept in a warehouse in Encino, California
    $800 24
Afghanistan & India
    $800 14
To soak up
    $1000 10
Like the Romans, if you're interpreting the behavior of sacred animals, you're practicing this divination
    $1000 30
This cell phone company trades on the NYSE as MMI; the "MI" stands for Mobility, Inc.
    $1000 20
(Kelly of the Clue Crew gives the clue.) To pick up a Woolworth's split, a bowler tries to clip the left side of the 5 pin, throwing it across the lane to hit the pin with this number
    $1000 6
The name of this common bird of prey follows "sharp-shinned", "rough-legged" & of course "hundred-toed"
    $1000 25
Colombia & Costa Rica
    $1000 15
Slang for a baseball argument, or an edible plant of the genus rheum

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ron Chris Stephanie
$3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Chris Stephanie
$6,000 $5,200 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

"O" MY
THE 1830s
    $400 17
In January 2012 scientists using an X-ray one of these beams heated metal to 3.6 million degrees (for an instant)
    $400 12
"The People vs. Larry Flynt"
    $400 26
Though the prince "hath forbid this bandying in Verona streets", Tybalt & Mercutio go at it in this drama; doesn't end well
    $400 1
In other words, a Pollyanna
    $400 11
In January 1833 British ships arrived in this island group, forcing the Argentinians there to leave
    $400 6
In "The Christmas Song", he's "nipping at your nose"
    $800 18
These features, like one at Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland, can reach more than 2,000 degrees internally
    $800 13
    $800 27
This title guy goes after Laertes--at a funeral!--but ends up saying, "I prithee take thy fingers from my throat"
    $800 2
Said of god, it means almighty & all-powerful
    $800 22
In 1838 Friedrich Bessel became the first to measure the distance to a faraway one of these, 61 Cygni
    $800 7
He's played daring Jack Sparrow in 4 movies so far
    $1200 19
This state of matter was created when atoms in a gas are ionized has reached over 2 billion Kelvin in an Albuquerque lab
    $1200 14
"Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
    $1200 28
Cassio, a man who did not commit adultery, gets his leg maimed anyway by this aide to Othello
    $1200 3
It means to shun, snub or exclude from a group
    $1200 23
On June 4, 1831 this country's national congress elected Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld as its king
    $1200 8
Summit ascending nursery rhyme duo
    $1600 20
The metal with the highest melting point, over 6,000 degrees, is this one sometimes called wolfram
    $1600 15
"Barton Fink"
    $1600 29
In this play Oberon says, "thou see'st these lovers seek a place to fight: hie therefore, robin, overcast the night"
    $1600 4
The process by which bones are formed & people's ideas become inflexible is called this 12-letter word
    $1600 24
In 1831 the first U.S. political party to have a national convention was this one "anti" secret societies & oaths
    $1600 9
In "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover", it's Paul Simon's advice to Jack
    $2000 21
These sudden intense eruptions out of the sun's corona can reach a temperature of 180 million degrees
    $2000 16
    DD: $1,000 30
Bad stuff will go down when guys are named 1, 2 & 3 murderer, as Fleance & his dad discover in this play
    DD: $2,000 5
In math, it's 1/8 of a circle or a 45-degree angle; it's also an instrument for measuring angles
    $2000 25
More than 12,000 Boers left this South African colony in the "Great Trek" that began in 1835
    $2000 10
Stopping at mid-thigh, they're associated with heavy-handed government action

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Chris Stephanie
$10,000 $6,200 $12,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

With only 58% of residents, this U.S. state has the lowest percentage of licensed drivers

Final scores:

Ron Chris Stephanie
$12,401 $7,200 $12,700
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $12,700

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ron Chris Stephanie
$10,000 $8,800 $12,600
15 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
19 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-02-22
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