Show #6364 - Thursday, April 26, 2012


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Lydia Brawner, a performance artist from Oakland, California

Ben Pirie, a recent law school graduate from Portland, Oregon

Jacob Silverman, an arts and culture journalist from Brooklyn, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
This soft drink company with over 3,500 beverages in its portfolio tops the world in brand value, as it has for the past 11 years
    $200 12
Nathan Hale
    $200 26
A small part of Indiana touches the southern end of this lake
    $200 1
The drilling of the Big Bend tunnel through the Alleghenies in the 1870s may have led to the tale of this folk hero
    $200 24
The modern marathon race was first held at the revival of the Olympic games in 1896 in this city
    $200 3
Where an Apple computer keyboard has "Delete", a P.C. has this
    $400 8
The world's largest media conglomerate at No. 9, in 2012 it will open Cars Land at its California Adventure park
    $400 13
The Wicked Witch of the East
    $400 27
Among the Great Lakes, it's the deepest & highest above sea level, & apparently the one with the most self-esteem
    $400 2
"The Cowboy Philosopher on Prohibition" is a book by this humorist
    $400 25
This marathon runs from Hopkinton to the Back Bay
    $400 4
Cardiac support device that produces rhythmic electrical impulses
    $600 9
Interbrand calls shopping online through this retailer "one of the web's defining experiences"
    $600 14
Maximilien Robsepierre
    $600 28
Number of Great Lakes that are partly in Canada
    $600 20
"The Real America" is one of several books by this commentator, who's been seen on TV & heard on radio
    $600 17
To the nearest minute, what you'll have to average per mile to run a 2:10 marathon like the champs
    $600 5
The 1970s were wide open with this model seen here
    $800 10
This French firm known for its handmade leather goods sits at No. 18 & is the world's most counterfeited fashion brand
    $800 15
    $800 29
Ports on this lake include Ashtabula & Toledo
    $800 21
"A Passion for Nature" is a 2008 biography of this man, shown here on the left, out-bearded by John Burroughs
    $800 18
The last American man to win the Olympic marathon was Frank Shorter in 1972 in this city
    $800 6
It's the shell you have to remove to enjoy a tasty lobster
    DD: $1,600 11
The only Finnish company on the list, it has 27% of the global cellphone market, the most of any company
    $1000 16
Tennessee Williams
    $1000 30
This second-largest of the Great Lakes by surface area was named for the Indians who lived on its shores
    $1000 22
In his adventures, Reinhold Messner, best known for doing this without oxygen, has lost several toes & his brother Gunther
    $1000 19
In Beijing in 2008, Sammy Wanjiru of this nation broke the Olympic record by almost 3 minutes
    $1000 23
French truckers sometimes stage Operation Escargot; translate & you know traffic slows to this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Jacob Ben Lydia
$5,400 $1,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jacob Ben Lydia
$8,000 $200 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
The airborne fungus Phytophthora infestans caused this crop to fail in 1845
    $400 4
Add a letter to "smile" & you get this figure of speech
    $400 6
Talking to this villain, Smee says, "I have often noticed your strange dread of crocodiles"
    $400 24
Gorki Park, The Revolution Museum
    $400 16
To make change, the coin called a "piece of" this was cut into smaller pieces; "two bits" was a quarter of one
    $400 10
The seductive Mrs. Robinson in the movie "The Graduate"
    $800 30
A short-lived rebellion for independence began in Dublin on Monday, April 24, 1916, the day after this holiday
    $800 2
From the Latin for "true", it means to test the truth by comparison or investigation
    $800 7
The sinister Mrs. Danvers torments the second Mrs. de Winter in this 1938 novel
    $800 26
Alameda Park along Avenida Juarez
    DD: $2,200 17
Corinth minted its own coins called pegasi that featured this type of animal in flight
    $800 11
Mrs. Smith in 2005's "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"
    $1200 29
Taken as a slave to Ireland in the early 400s, he escaped to France, where he studied for the priesthood before returning
    $1200 1
A hot dog
    $1200 8
Pretending to be an ally of Winston Smith in this novel, O'Brien is a party leader who's been watching Winston for years
    $1200 27
The column of King Sigismund (built in 1644), the heart of Chopin (built in 1810)
    $1200 18
The name of this unit of weight used in monetary transactions also means "natural ability"
    $1200 12
Dorothy Parker in "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle"
    $1600 23
In 1446 Dermot McCarthy built this castle & installed a stone taken from an earlier version of the castle
    $1600 3
The British borrowed this word for a table napkin from the French
    $1600 9
In "The Old Curiosity Shop", Little Nell's grandfather gambles away the shop to this evil dwarf
    $1600 25
The Reza Abbasi Museum
    $1600 19
This colorful currency printed during the Civil War lent its name to a political party of the 1870s & '80s
    $1600 13
Mrs. Bradley of Britain's "The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries" & Mrs. Peel of "The Avengers"
    $2000 22
Ireland's four historic regions are Munster, Leinster, Connacht, & this one, most of which became Northern Ireland
    $2000 5
A narrow passageway; a restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft
    $2000 21
This unscrupulous villain of "King Lear" betrays his father to Regan & her husband, the Duke of Cornwall
    DD: $2,000 20
The Tower of Belem, built in the 1500s to honor Vasco da Gama
    $2000 15
One of the world's earliest coins, it has a name from the Greek for "to grasp"
    $2000 14
Mrs. King, who starred opposite Bruce Boxleitner's scarecrow

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jacob Ben Lydia
$14,000 $400 $5,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's the constitutional kingdom of more than 6 million whose road vehicle sticker is seen here


Final scores:

Jacob Ben Lydia
$11,000 $1 $4,400
2-day champion: $29,799 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jacob Ben Lydia
$13,400 $4,600 $5,400
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2011-12-20
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