Show #3899 - Thursday, July 12, 2001

Alan Bailey game 1.


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Alan Bailey, a playwright and director from Sherman Oaks, California

Susan Insoft, an attorney and stay-at-home mom from Newton, Massachusetts

Michael Hall, a graduate student originally from Irwin, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $18,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll name a tall building, you tell us what city it's in.)
    $100 3
(Hi. I'm Dennis Franz. I play Andy Sipowicz on NYPD Blue.) This guy, an M.E. for short, tells Sipowicz how & why a corpse got that way
    $100 1
In 1934 a Danish carpenter developed these connectable blocks whose name means "play well"
    $100 9
Petroleos Mexicanos: 702 feet
    $100 30
He was killed April 3, 1882 by Robert Ford, a member of his gang hoping to collect a $5,000 reward
    $100 11
The Buffalo News called this Tom Hanks drama "the celebrity Survivor" & "a one man Gilligan's Island"
    $100 19
This motorcycle group's death head logo is a registered trademark
    $200 4
(Franz reads the clue.) Some cops use this soft powdery limestone to mark tires; homicide cops, like Andy, see it used more for outlines
    $200 2
This brand of luggage named for a Biblical man once used the slogan "Strong enough to stand on"
    $200 10
First Interstate Tower at 707 Wilshire Boulevard: 858 feet
    $200 27
This Hall of Fame Yankee pitcher was nicknamed "The Chairman of the Board"
    $200 12
One viewer said he got stuck in this Michael Douglas-Catherine Zeta Jones film for almost 2 1/2 hours
    $200 20
Carol line following "Holy infant so tender and mild"
    $300 5
(Franz reads the clue.) Dating back to the 1700s, it's the court order that authorizes police to enter a home to look for evidence
    $300 6
When he produced the first Whirlpool tub in 1968, he called it the Roman Bath
    $300 16
The Trump Building: 927 feet
    $300 26
"Sixteen Tons" & what do you get? A No. 1 hit for this old pea-picker
    $300 13
It's "a hybrid of a Bruce Lee kung fu flick" with "state-of-the-art 'Matrix'-like special effects" & "'Spice World' girl power"
    $300 23
The Snake River winds through this, the deepest gorge in North America
    $400 21
(Franz reads the clue.) This "squad" investigates prostitution, gambling & other immoral activities; you know, the fun stuff
    $400 7
This company began in 1948 when its founders began making slingshots in their garage
    $400 17
Bank of America Plaza at 600 Peachtree: 1,023 feet
    DD: $1,000 28
In a Shakespeare play, Mistress Ford was a housewife in this town
    $400 14
"Juliette Binoche is the sweetest thing" in this film Entertainment Weekly called "The French Confection"
    $400 24
In a 1957 film, Ronald Reagan, or was it Nancy Davis, was one of these "of the Navy"
    $500 22
(Franz reads the clue.) Because of this man's Supreme Court case, Sipowicz has to inform suspects of their right to a lawyer
    $500 8
Ironically, this paint brand's first ad symbol was a 9-year-old overall-clad Irish boy named Michael Brady
    $500 18
CN Tower: 1,815 feet
    $500 29
Ford Madox Ford wrote 3 novels with this "Heart of Darkness" author
    $500 15
People Magazine said its good deed in the spirit of this Kevin Spacey-Haley Joel Osment film was telling readers to miss it
    $500 25
Famous pair that move when you do everything possible, Horatio

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Susan Alan
$1,200 $1,500 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Susan Alan
$1,300 $2,700 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

'60s TV
(Alex: And we're refering to presidential elections.)
(Alex: Those letters, A, B, C, will appear in each correct response in that order.)
    $200 23
3-letter term for an archaeological work site; it's also a magazine trying to turn preteens on to archaeology
    $200 6
In 1962 she was Lucy Carmichael; in 1968 she became Lucy Carter
    $200 11
While attending Sarah Lawrence College, this "Color Purple" author wrote her first book of poetry
    $200 1
Herbert Hoover, Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie & then Thomas Dewey
    $200 13
The National Air & Space Museum is one of this institutions most visited museums
    $200 12
It describes an exercise that helps you take in oxygen
    $400 25
The 1978 discovery of footprints in Tanzania showed that hominids may have been doing this 3.6 million years ago
    $400 7
In the fall of 1961 this collie and this moose went head to antlers Sundays at 7
    $400 21
His 1956 poem "Howl" is considered one of the first important poems of the Beat Movement
    $400 2
Hubert Humphrey & then George McGovern
    $400 18
Learn all about "The World of" this soft drink at its museum in Atlanta
    $400 14
Word used to describe a person afraid of open spaces
    DD: $1,000 26
Made public in Niger in 1999, a carving of this animal is over 20 feet high--even taller than life size
    $600 8
Rudolf Nureyev made his U.S. TV debut in 1962 on this "Telephone Hour"
    $600 22
This Greek lyric poetess created a verse form featuring 3 lines of 11 syllables & a fourth line of 5 syllables
    $600 3
Adlai Stevenson (twice)
    $600 19
A national memorial, the Hall of Remembrance is part of this Washington D.C. museum
    $600 15
Number symbols like 1, 5 & 9, as opposed to I, V & IX
    $800 27
From the Greek meaning "rock carving", it's the type of artifact seen here
    DD: $1,500 9
On January 15, 1967 the debut of this annual event was seen on both CBS & NBC
    $800 29
It completes the Robert Browning line "God's in His heaven..."
    $800 4
John Quincy Adams & then Henry Clay
    $800 20
A museum in Wimberley, Texas, contains copies of all the known bronzes by this "Bronco Buster" sculptor
    $800 16
This adjective has been used to describe the caustic comic tongue of Brett Butler
    $1000 28
The Mauer mandible was the only piece of this German "man" who shares his name with a city
    $1000 10
After Jack Paar left the "Tonight Show", this man stayed on as announcer until he got his "Today Show" gig
    $1000 30
In 1757 this "Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard" poet refused an appointment as Poet Laureate
    $1000 5
William Jennings Bryan (twice)
    $1000 24
What was once the Chicago Natural History Museum is now called this, after its founder
    $1000 17
From the person who heads it, it's a religious jurisdiction, like Canterbury

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Susan Alan
$3,300 $5,100 $11,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 1939 event we just saw came out of a concert originally to be sponsored at DAR Constitution Hall by this university

Final scores:

Michael Susan Alan
$300 $100 $10,201
2nd place: 10-day cruise in the South Pacific 3rd place: Music CD's from Capitol Records New champion: $10,201

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Susan Alan
$3,300 $4,700 $10,100
13 R,
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $18,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-03-21
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