Marx & Engels wrote that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of" these "struggles" |
class struggles
3 of the 6 most populous U.S. counties, including Orange, are in this state |
Cloudless during the day & one piece of stock |
(David: [Pause] Not a lot.) ... (Alex: Cloudless during the day would make it sunny and one piece of stock would be a share, so it's [*].) [Groans from the audience] (Alex: Oh, we're getting a murmur of disapproval from the people in the audience.) [Laughter from Alex and audience]
sunny & share
The love theme from "Footloose" is "Almost" this |
This slit in a sperm whale's head is sigmoid, or s-shaped |
a blowhole
4 years before "Field of Dreams", he gave a memorable performance as Gardner Barnes in "Fandango" |
Kevin Costner
Sexy completion of Henry Kissinger's "Power is the great..." |
This Illinois county of more than 5 million people is named for a pioneer lawyer, not a sea captain |
Cook County
The head of a monastery & the last name of the guy who sang "Alison" |
abbot and Costello
The name of this abode of Adam & Eve is Hebrew for "pleasure" or "delight" |
The sea type of these, family Cheloniidae, pull their necks into their shells using a sigmoid curvature of the vertebrae |
(David: What are tortoises? ...[*]?) (Alex: [*], yes.)
Owen Wilson co-wrote the quirky "Rushmore", starring this "Ghostbuster" as Mr. Blume |
Bill Murray
"America is my country", wrote Gertrude Stein, "and" this "is my home town" |
Don't mess with the city of Kirby or the rest of this state's Bexar county |
Tiny computer components & a short swim |
chips and dip
The name of this "ground", a paleface name for a Native American heaven, implies that game is plentiful |
the happy hunting ground
Long & sinuous & up to 600 pounds, the oarfish may be the source of the legends of the "sea" type of this snaky beast |
sea serpent
Paul Giamatti wrestles with life affer taking a teen grappler into his home in this double-talk 2011 film |
Win Win
Completes Gloria Steinem's line "Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to..." |
(David: What is be?)
This large New York county shares its name with the capital of the Bahamas |
A "Sesame Street" grouch & a "wonderful" cartoon cat with a bag of tricks |
Oscar and Felix
Camp David once had this name, after the idyllic Tibetan place in a James Hilton novel |
This small, curved, equine-named creature favors estuaries & shallow coastal waters |
the seahorse
Dennis Christopher takes on the Italian bicycle team in this 1979 sleeper that won a best screenplay Oscar |
Breaking Away
Bismarck wanted Germany to be "an honest" this "who really intends to do business" |
Wayne County has more people than any other in this state but lost 12% of them from 2000 to 2010 |
A speedy messenger & singer Burl |
courier and Ives
To Homer, these fields were a land of perfect happiness on the banks of the Oceanus river |
the Elysian Fields
Like many animals, fish have these slithery creatures as parasites; the cod type is S-shaped as an adult |
(Alex: They have parasitic [*]. Just like us. Oo.) [Audience laughs lightly]
"The Hammer" is a knockout film with this ex-"Loveline" & "Man Show" host |
Adam Carolla