Show #6320 - Friday, February 24, 2012

2012-A Teachers Tournament semifinal game 3.


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Patrick Quinn, a high school German teacher from Chesterfield, Missouri

Catherine Whitten, a high school history teacher from Plano, Texas

Mary Ann Stanley, a high school chemistry and physical science teacher from Statesboro, Georgia

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The correct response will be the last word under that particular letter that I give you, and it's found in Webster's 11th Edition of the Collegiate Dictionary.)
    $200 9
It says right on the label of Pepcid AC, "Just one tablet prevents & relieves" this "due to acid indigestion"
    $200 1
On the morning of her 1793 execution, she wrote, "I am calm, as one always is when one's conscience is clear"
    $200 4
Ironically, in Denmark this baked good is known as Vienna bread
    $200 17
Massachusetts' Barnstable County mostly consists of this hook-shaped cape
    $200 13
Title creature puts Tokyo back together, then goes to sleep in the depths of the ocean
    $200 24
Relating to a spicy style of Chinese cooking
    $400 10
To reduce the risk of acetaminophen overdose, in 2011 Johnson & Johnson cut the maximum daily dose of Extra Strength this
    $400 2
The New York Historical Society has his April 9th, 1865 letter that said, "I propose to receive the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia"
    $400 5
The oldest known recipe in existence is for this potent potable
    $400 18
Saginaw Bay on the east coast of Michigan's Lower Peninsula is an inlet of this Great Lake
    $400 14
2009: Big guy gets signed by Baltimore Ravens, moves in with white family, things go downhill for him
    $400 25
This type of whiskey
    $600 23
Tablets of synthroid & levothroid are prescriptions used to treat disorders of this gland
    DD: $1,000 3
Among those he accused in an 1898 letter were Colonel Du Paty de Clam, General Mercier & General Billot
    $600 6
The "Canadian cooking method" for these says 10 minutes per inch of thickness, regardless of species
    $600 19
This river rises in Northern Pennsylvania, runs into Southwest New York & then flows into Pittsburgh
    $600 15
Brad Pitt ages normally in New Orleans
    $600 26
British comedian Eddie knows it's another word for the letter "Z"
    $800 11
Close to death in the Antarctic in 1912, he wrote to J.M. Barrie asking him to "help my widow and my boy"
    $800 7
More young children are allergic to this liquid than to any other food or drink
    $800 20
El Paso, Texas was named because it was a major ford, or pass, across this river
    $800 16
While in Sin City, Nicolas Cage seems to set a record for spitting vodka back into the bottle
    $800 27
This 11-letter word for the atmospheric layer made up of O3
    $1000 12
In 1885 he wrote to his father, "I am convinced that I could run a newspaper successfully"; he was right!
    $1000 8
This pungent spice native to India's Malabar Coast is said to be the world's top-selling spice
    $1000 21
This waterfall in Yosemite National Park is the highest continuous fall in North America at 1,612 feet
    $1000 22
1959: Cross-dressing musicians take off dresses, abandon love & go to Chicago to watch some mob resurrections

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mary Ann Catherine Patrick
$1,600 $2,000 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mary Ann Catherine Patrick
$1,600 $3,800 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
This Amazon line has a new multimedia tablet aptly dubbed "Fire"
    $400 25
According to a 1954 song, it's the number of coins tossed in the Trevi Fountain
    $400 11
If you wake up in the CCU, you've probably suffered one of the 1-1.5 million of these in the U.S. yearly
    $400 6
Her exuberance for roasted chicken is captured in the audio book of "My Life In France"
    $400 16
This '60s show lacked nudity at the public theatre; it "Let the sunshine in" when it moved to Broadway
    $400 21
This southwestern U.S. city was founded in 1706 by Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdes
    $800 2
On Jan. 18, 2012 some popular websites went dark in protest of SOPA, a bill to "Stop Online" this type of theft
    $800 26
It's the number of hills about which the ancient city was built
    $800 12
New York/Presbyterian hospital claims the USA's largest of these centers; it works closely with FDNY
    $800 7
Ian McKellen storms on as Prospero in an audio book of this play
    $800 17
Patti LuPone got ticked off, then paid off when she was replaced in this composer's "Sunset Boulevard"
    $800 22
George H.W. Bush denied there was any of this in Iran-Contra; it's latin meaning "something for something"
    $1200 3
You'll never be lonely with an iPhone 4S-- just talk to her, named after the research hub SRI
    $1200 27
It's the number of steps in Rome's Spanish Steps (Big hint: There are CXXXVIII of them)
    $1200 13
No pain, no gain as your post-surgical knee gets rehabilitation in this type of therapy
    $1200 8
Perhaps very quietly, Rhonda Byrne shares over the course of 4 CDs this, which she found out in 2004
    $1200 18
This American opera was revived on Broadway in 2012 in a shortened version, with no goat cart
    $1200 23
In "Moby Dick", this harpooner worships a wooden idol called Yojo
    $1600 4
Sony's micro vault line of these lets you carry photos, data or state secrets in a 1.6-inch package
    $1600 28
Rome's dialing code is zero sei, or zero this
    DD: $3,000 14
At the other end of life from the NICU is the GICU, short for this
    $1600 9
An audio book of Dr. Seuss classics features Ted Danson reading this pro-environment fable
    $1600 19
In 1942 the cast of this great tunesmith's revue "This Is The Army" formed the army's only integrated unit
    $1600 24
Adjective meaning resembling a comic character in commedia dell'arte
    $2000 5 is the website for this "colorful" system that can unite your discs & downloads into 1 digital library
    $2000 15
The hospital for special surgery has a department of this -ology "and imaging"
    $2000 10
Author Michael Lewis reads this sports book of his about "The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game"
    DD: $2,000 20
1927's "The Royal Family" was a comic portrayal of this American theatrical family of the day

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mary Ann Catherine Patrick
$13,800 $6,200 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Quoting a famous line of his, a 2011 biography of this man was titled "And So It Goes"

Final scores:

Mary Ann Catherine Patrick
$50 $0 $5,789
2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mary Ann Catherine Patrick
$12,400 $6,200 $12,800
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
12 R,
3 W
20 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2012-01-24
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