Show #6273 - Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jason Keller game 4.


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Janemarie Cloutier, a school librarian from Langhorne, Pennsylvania

Drew Tompkins, a legal software consultant originally from Montgomery, Alabama

Jason Keller, a tutor from Highland Park, New Jersey (whose 3-day cash winnings total $69,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
Theories that try to explain this steady rise of prices include cost-push & demand-pull
    $200 1
Krewe Mystique holds this capital city's oldest Mardi Gras parade
    $200 7
They're manacles, man!
    $200 6
1982-83 & 1992-93:
This newsmagazine
    $200 12
MS, from Cal Tech
    $200 21
This organization is separated by age into Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes & Seniors
    $400 23
From the Latin for "support", it's a benefit given by the government to individuals in the form of cash or a tax reduction
    $400 2
In summer 2011 Abraham Lincoln was back at home in this state capital during its "History Comes Alive" program
    $400 8
Pessimistic people see things "going to hell in" one of these woven containers
    $400 17
This drama--the original one, not New York or Miami
    $400 13
BPhil, from Oxford
    $400 27
From the Latin for "skin", it's the term for the skin of a fur-bearing animal when separated from the flesh
    $600 24
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a graph on the monitor.) Enacted in 1917 for World War I bonds, the limit known as this has been raised by Congress many times, yet when reached in 2011, its need to be increased caused quite a stir
    $600 3
On Labor Day weekend, this capital invites you to step back in time & relive the Gold Rush days
    $600 9
This hyphenated term refers to the ability to use dexterity & vision together
    $600 18
This show featuring Goldie Hawn, Ruth Buzzi & Gary Owens
    $600 14
MAg, from Texas A&M
    $600 28
The Windward Passage separates Haiti from this largest island in the West Indies
    $800 25
In May 1953 the average rate of this was only 2.5%, in Sept. 2011, it was 9.1%
    DD: $1,000 4
This city has been hosting its Golden North Salmon Derby since 1947, before it was officially a state capital
    $800 10
If there's an emergency on your ship, you'll hear this 4-word command, so head up the companionway
    $800 19
1957-58 & the next 3 seasons:
This Western set in Dodge City
    $800 15
M.Div., from Yale
    $800 29
This machine separates denser substances from less dense ones by spinning them around in a container
    $1000 26
In a May 2011 interview, Steve Forbes called for a return to this to stabilize the value of the dollar
    $1000 5
It hosts the National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest as well as the Green Mountain Film Festival
    $1000 11
In cyberconvo, OTOH is short for this, when you don't want to commit to an opinion
    $1000 20
1971-72 & the next 4 seasons:
Those were the days
    $1000 16
JD, from Duke Law (the Latin, please)
    $1000 30
When Pakistan & India were split in 1947, this troubled state had a Hindu ruler, Hari Singh, but a Muslim majority

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Jason Drew Janemarie
$5,200 $800 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Drew Janemarie
$8,600 $1,600 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 21st
(Alex: And you're gonna love this one in this season...)
    $400 22
Ratified in 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed this
    $400 21
For this 1948 film Laurence Olivier dyed his brown hair blond to look more Danish
    $400 6
For Fitzgerald, it "is the Night"
    $400 1
This force that attracts or repels other objects at a distance is caused by electric charges in motion
    $400 15
This wife of Napoleon had a pet orangutan who sometimes joined guests for dinner
    $400 11
Elmer the Elf is a "baker-in-training" for this snack co.; the elf he admires the most is his Uncle Ernie
    $800 23
"There is no new thing under the sun", at least according to this 21st book of the Old Testament
    $800 26
"His whole life was a million-to-one shot" was the tagline for this 1976 Best Picture winner
    $800 7
Alec D'Urberville seduces her
    $800 2
In the 19th century a unit of conductance was named the "mho" in tribute to this man who studied current flow
    $800 16
This Roman emperor considered making Incitatus, his favorite horse, a consul
    $800 12
Playing Buddy, the title 2003 "Elf", he said, "You stink... you smell like beef & cheese. You don't smell like Santa"
    $1200 24
This 21st Greek letter is sometimes found before the 2nd letter, beta
    $1200 27
In a 1942 film Greer Garson as this heroic title Mrs. dodged bombs during the Blitz
    $1200 8
All's "Vanity Fair" to him
    $1200 3
Glycerin reacts with sulfuric acid & this acid, HNO3, to form an explosive
    $1200 17
This late British PM brought his cat Jock to cabinet meetings & thanks to his wishes, Jock V now lives at his home, Chartwell
    DD: $4,000 13
In a Grimm tale, elves made these for a merchant until his wife made them clothes; they never came back
    $1600 25
"The Lonely Silver Rain" was the 21st & last of this mystery author's novels featuring Travis McGee
    DD: $5,000 28
Originally planned for Charles Laughton & Elsa Lanchester in the 1930s, it was later made with Bogart & Hepburn
    $1600 9
"Enoch Arden" poet
    $1600 4
In alpha decay a radioactive atom emits 2 protons, making it a new element as this figure drops by 2
    $1600 18
Richard Nixon in a 1952 address: "Regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep" this cocker spaniel
    $1600 14
A "Lord of the Rings" fellowship member, this elf is a good archer
    $2000 29
A 1961 Gregory Peck film was shot on Rhodes, but it's about destroying guns on this other Aegean island
    $2000 10
"Alice Adams" author Booth
    $2000 5
Despite the name, a substance gains electrons in this process, which puts the "red" in redox
    $2000 20
This little protege of P.T. Barnum led a playful attack on Queen Victoria's poodle after the dog barked at him
    $2000 19
In "The Year Without a Santa Claus", elves Jingle & Jangle dealt with the weather-controlling Heat & Snow these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Drew Janemarie
$19,800 $6,800 $20,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This team that joined the NFL in the mid-1970s is the only one whose name starts with the same 3 letters as its city's name

Final scores:

Jason Drew Janemarie
$25,000 $6,800 $799
4-day champion: $94,800 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jason Drew Janemarie
$19,600 $6,800 $14,000
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
4 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $40,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2011-10-26
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