Macbeth: 1040 to 1057 |
The origin of "smart as" this referred to the pain caused by its lash |
a whip
Revealed in "Goldmember", the real name of this twin is Dougie Powers |
(Justin: Who is Austin Powers?)
Dr. Evil
He's the first labor leader & the first Hispanic American to be honored with a public legal holiday |
[Alex mistakenly said "Óscar Chávez", but quickly corrected himself.]
(César) Chávez
Steve is a big fan of this federal insurance program that began covering those over 65 back in '65 |
Haile Selassie: 1930 to 1974 |
This phrase meaning "to admit defeat" comes from boxing, where a trainer does it to stop the fight |
throw the towel in
In 1950 a U.S. F-80 shot down a Soviet-made MiG-15 in the first dogfight between 2 aircraft propelled by this engine type |
a jet
Under this 1997 title alias, FBI agent Johnny Depp infiltrates the mob |
Donnie Brasco
In 1982 Richard Cavazos became the first Hispanic American with this many stars as a full general in the Army |
4 stars
Eric could use a new health plan; he's got a $50,000 this, the amount he pays out of pocket before insurance kicks in |
a deductible
John III Sobieski: 1674 to 1696 |
A Thomas Gray poem says, "Where" this "is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise" |
In an early dogfight, British ace Lanoe Hawker was outdueled & killed by this notorious German |
the Red Baron
Prior to volunteering for experimental research, he was Steve Rogers; now we know him as this |
Captain America
In 1973 this late Pittsburgh Pirate became the first Hispanic American inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame |
(Roberto) Clemente
Jennifer loves this as a type of trim on her clothes & as a type of benefit, like her free company gym |
fringe benefits
Umberto I: 1878 to 1900 |
This 2-word term for first prize comes from what serves as the badge of Britain's Order of the Garter |
blue ribbon
WWI ace Oswald Boelcke advised attacking pilots to keep this behind them so as to interfere with an enemy's vision |
the Sun
Matt Damon as this title character murders Dickie Greenleaf & assumes his identity |
Mr. Ripley
This onetime husband of Rosemary Clooney was the first Hispanic American to win the Oscar for Best Actor |
José Ferrer
Matt's employer lets him choose among various benefits; it's this type of plan, like his favorite eating spot |
(Justin: What is... à la carte?)
a cafeteria plan
Canute IV (& later "the Holy"): 1080 to 1086 |
(Justin: What is, uh, England?) ... (Alex: Canute I was England and [*].)
This type of victory in which the losses are ruinous is named for a cousin of Alexander the Great |
(Jane: Oh, shoot! Oh, okay, awesome.) (Alex: Awesome, indeed.)
a Pyrrhic victory
In "The Usual Suspects", Verbal Kint might have been this killer |
Keyser Söze
In the 1990s he was the first Hispanic Secretary of Transportation & Secretary of Energy |
Federico Peña
Shh, don't tell! Suzanne used her medical FSA, short for this, to pay for botox treatments |
a flexible spending account