A small portion of this country, the only part that's in Europe, lies on the Balkan Peninsula |
Title spy guy from "The Bourne Identity" |
At its height, it was known as the empire "on which the sun never sets", a reference to a line by John Wilson |
the British Empire
Canada's Micmac Indians were early players of this winter game & a brand of stick was named for them |
Most rose species, like rosa chinensis, are native to this continent |
A bachelor may keep a "little" one of these with phone numbers of girls ranging from Ann to Zoe |
a little black book
A 1995 peace accord divided this 2-named country into a Muslim-Croat Federation & a Serb Republic |
It's the given name of "Citizen Kane" |
Charles (Foster Kane)
By the time of Trajan's death in 117 A.D., this empire covered the area seen here |
the Roman Empire
Lewis & Clark described a common game of hiding a small object in one of these--guess which |
(Kathleen: What is a shell?)
Don't tell the band Poison, but the smooth buttercup Z& zephirine drouhin are bred to not have these |
On October 10, 1896 the New York Times published a section devoted to these for the very first time |
book reviews
In the 1990s Greece imposed a trade embargo on this nation in a dispute over its name |
Rick's romantic rival in "Casablanca" |
Victor (Laszlo)
On May 28, 1804 he proclaimed what became known as the First Empire |
Long before Jim Thorpe, Roger Williams wrote that Indians "have great meetings of" this game, "town against town" |
(Alex: They play [*], yeah.)
Though they're not made of iron, roses are susceptible to fungal infections producing orange spots called this |
The first of these portable libraries was a horse-drawn cart driven by Joshua Thomas in Maryland in April 1906 |
a bookmobile
The southernmost point of the Balkans is Cape Taenarum on this Greek peninsula |
the Peloponnesian Peninsula
"Indiana" Jones; "Indiana" comes from the dog, remember |
At the time of his death in 1227, his Mongol Empire stretched from Beijing to the Caspian Sea |
(Kathleen: Who is Attila the Hun?)
Genghis Khan
Baggataway was one of the original Native American names for this stick & ball game |
The most popular garden roses are the hybrid these; there's a "black" variety, but don't try to brew it |
tea roses
Paper lice & silverfish are 2 examples of these |
The northern boundary of the Balkan Peninsula is mostly defined by 2 rivers: the Sava & this one |
the Danube
First name of Harry Bailey's big brother in "It's A Wonderful Life" |
The Dual Monarchy was a byname of this hyphenated empire that collapsed in 1918 |
Illinois women enjoyed a game in which plum pits functioned as these |
(Alex: They used them as [*].)
It's the anatomical name for a rose's soft, sometimes edible floral cup |
a hip
Produced in Ireland between the mid-700s & the early 800s, it's an illuminated manuscript of the 4 gospels in Latin |
the Book of Kells