The shallowest of the Great Lakes, it was the site of a U.S. naval victory in 1813 |
(Gary: What is Lake Ontario?)
Lake Erie
In this 2010 Coen Brothers Western, Hailee Steinfeld as young Mattie finally catches up with Josh Brolin |
True Grit
A temporary loss of the voice is a symptom of this, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the voice box |
Chin rest, scroll, bridge |
"If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, it's that we all hated the bank bailout" |
Barack Obama
"Slaughter" ends in -er; this other word for the killing of many ends in -re |
Rising on the Langres Plateau & heading for the capital, it's the second-longest river in France |
the Seine
In "Legends of the Fall", "It was a good death" as he gets killed by the grizzly he wounded as a kid |
Brad Pitt
On a blood test, a level of 60 or above of this, the "good cholesterol", is healthy |
Buoyancy compensator, emergency regulator, purge valve, air tank |
(Gary: What is, um, a...)
scuba gear
"Five years ago, our college campuses were a battleground" |
(Gary: Who is, um, Jimmy Carter?) (Flora: Who is Ford?)
The name of this man-eating fairy tale monster was popularized by French author Charles Perrault |
The name of this South American estuary means "silver river" |
(Alex: Flora?) (Flora: ...What is the Plata?) (Alex: I'm sorry?) (Flora: What is the Plata?) (Alex: Be a little more specific.) (Flora: Uh, Plata Argentina?)
Río de la Plata
In "Seven Pounds" this actor gets in a bathtub with a deadly box jellyfish |
Will Smith
From the Greek for "stopper", it's a clot, as of fat or blood, that can get lodged in a blood vessel & obstruct it |
Rotor blade, skid, horizontal stabilizer |
a helicopter
"We must guard against feverish building of vast armaments to meet glibly predicted moments of... 'maximum peril'" |
(Alex: [*] is correct, yes, arguing against the military-industrial complex.)
Composed of calcium carbonate & conchiolin, it creates the iridescent effect attributed to pearls |
In this film Dennis Hopper tells a Tarantino tale to Christopher Walken, who laughs, but isn't really that amused |
True Romance
The adenoids are also called the pharyngeal these |
(Gary: What are glands?)
If the $1200 response gets in big trouble-- brake loop, canopy, stabilizer |
a parachute
"'Mister Sam' Rayburn is gone. Neither this house nor the nation is the same without him" |
John F. Kennedy
The Tyndale Bible translated a Greek passage meaning "shameful gain", as "filthy" this |
Once the name of a country, this is still the name of a lake in East Central Africa with a depth of over 4,700 feet |
Woody Harrelson kills Rodney Dangerfield in a fish tank in this movie |
Natural Born Killers
It's the 2-word term for the birth defect in which the roof of the mouth fails to close |
cleft palate
Winds, dragons, season tiles |
a mah-jongg set
"I know Congress had to... invite me & it could've been a close vote. So, Mr. VP, I appreciate you being here to break the tie" |
(Alex: One of our presidents with a good sense of humor--[*].)
George W. Bush
This quality of sound distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch & volume |