Show #6140 - Friday, April 29, 2011


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Ian Pickus, a public radio producer from Rensselaer, New York

Grant Wing, an office manager from Vancouver, British Columbia

Joe McKee, a percussionist from Palos Heights, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $22,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

'80s FADS
(Dan Patrick: I'm Dan Patrick, your guide to two of the greatest names in sports.)
    $200 16
Catskill State Park
    $200 6
Need to change a tire? No problem if you have one of these portable devices to lift the car
    $200 20
This Stephen King novel says, "There was a clown in the stormdrain ... it was a clown, like in the circus or on TV"
    $200 1
These "kids" from Babyland General Hospital came with a birth certificate & adoption papers
    $200 26
    $200 11
(Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) In 1984, the 48 touchdown passes by this Dolphin quarterback obliterated the old single season record of 36 held by Y.A. Tittle & George Blanda
    $400 17
Pocahontas State Park
    $400 7
To hit or injure slightly, or to give yourself a small cut while shaving--ouch!
    $400 22
In 1542 this daughter of Mary of Guise became the Queen of the Scots
    $400 2
These shoes were first a big hit in the 1980s
    $400 27
    $400 12
(Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) He coached the Lakers to 4 NBA titles in the '80s; now he catches some heat as Miami's president & part-time owner
    $600 18
Myles Standish State Park
    $600 8
Its definitions include elegance, mercy & moral strength, as well as a prayer said before meals
    $600 23
President John Tyler was the son of Mary Armistead & this governor
    $600 3
The sticky, octopus-shaped toys called "wacky" these slowly descended when hurled at an upright surface
    $600 28
    $600 13
(Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) I'm often confused with this Indy car driver who had 5 top 5 finishes in 2009, including 3rd at the Indy 500; it must be the hair
    $800 19
Willamette Stone State Park
    $800 9
This nickname for Henry can also mean a coil, or a looped bundle of thread
    $800 24
Chevron's red & blue logo is this heraldic shape, meant to convey rank & service
    $800 4
These characters were created in Belgium way back in 1958, but hit it big in the U.S. in the 1980s
    $800 29
    $800 14
(Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) In 2010 Patrick Kane's overtime goal gave this team its first Stanley Cup in 49 years
    $1000 21
Tippecanoe River State Park
    DD: $1,000 10
The 2 common names, one female, one male, that are synonyms for a Christmas song or hymn
    $1000 25
In Dutch, this royal was known as Willem Hendrik, Prins van Oranje
    $1000 5
This 5-letter word preceded "boppers" or "bobbers" in the name of novelty bobbing antennas that you wore on your head
    $1000 30
    $1000 15
(Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) This decathlete got top billing over "Dave" in a '92 ad campaign but didn't make the Olympic team; 4 years later, he won gold

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joe Grant Ian
$2,200 $1,800 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Grant Ian
$3,800 $3,600 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response begins with the letter B and will contain 4 letters.)
    $400 16
Injury, infection & loud noises can cause this membrane between the external ear canal & middle ear to rupture
    $400 21
"Coal Miner's _____"
    $400 23
Drambuie is a brand of liqueur made with honey & this barley whisky
    $400 11
An American colonel is in love with an Italian countess in Hemingway's "Across" this "And Into The Trees"
    $400 1
When you do this to "your time", you wait for a favorable opportunity
    $400 6
After the 1979 electoral defeat of the Labour Party, she took over for Prime Minister James Callaghan
    $800 17
It may ring a bell that this 8-letter word is the medical term for ringing in the ears
    $800 22
"_____ Buck"
    $800 24
Meaning "white of whites", it's wine made entirely from white grapes, like a champagne made from the chardonnay grape
    $800 12
This poet wrote of a self-sacrificing apple tree in "The Giving Tree"
    $800 2
A sculpture head & shoulders above the rest, or slang for to place under arrest
    $800 7
After Aug. 15, 1947 India & Pakistan emerged as 2 independent countries & he became India's first Prime Minister
    $1200 18
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) When you come down from high elevations, the air pressure outside your ear can be greater than inside; swallowing can push air from the nasal cavity through this tube into the ear, causing a popping sound
    $1200 28
"My _____ Vinny"
    $1200 25
This brand of aromatic bitters is named for a town in Venezuela
    $1200 13
In the title of a bestseller by Olive Ann Burns, this word comes between "Cold" & "Tree"
    $1200 3
A thing that ruins or spoils; perhaps it's the this "of your existence"
    DD: $2,000 8
After a psy-ops team blasted Van Halen for 10 days at this general, hiding in Panama's Vatican Embassy, he said no mas
    DD: $3,000 19
That's right, cowboy! The stapes, the smallest bone in the ear & the body, is more commonly called this
    $1600 29
"_____ Day Care"
    $1600 26
Armagnac is this type of single distilled spirit
    $1600 14
"Dinosaurs Before Dark" is the first book in this kids' series by Mary Pope Osborne
    $1600 4
The second of any series, as in chemistry or physics
    $1600 9
After leading a 1969 coup that deposed King Idris, he was named Commander in Chief of Libya's Armed Forces
    $2000 20
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical illustration on the monitor.) Deriving its name from the Greek word for snail, this structure contains the actual organ of hearing
    $2000 30
"Stop! Or My _____ Will Shoot"
    $2000 27
The desert plant used to make tequila is blue this
    $2000 15
Francie knows that the tree in her yard isn't a pine or a hemlock in this classic by Betty Smith
    $2000 5
This monetary unit of Thailand equals 100 satangs
    $2000 10
After finishing second to Lincoln in the 1860 popular vote for president, this senator died on June 3, 1861

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Grant Ian
$14,200 $13,400 $11,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1909 he completed his last painting, a canvas called "Driftwood"

Final scores:

Joe Grant Ian
$26,900 $26,400 $7,798
2-day champion: $49,500 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joe Grant Ian
$14,200 $11,200 $11,000
17 R,
2 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $36,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2011-02-01
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