If ever a whiz of a wiz there was, it's this Tolkien wise guy who gets promoted from "the Grey" to "the White" |
(Raya: Who is the Wizard?)
Schweinknochel, a German favorite, are this animal's knuckles |
a pig
In 2010 this Lakers guard became the youngest player in NBA history to reach 25,000 points |
Kobe Bryant
Don't do a spit take & say, "Tuition's $37,380 at" this school? "Nearby Palo Alto is great, but that's a cardinal sin" |
Trademark name for a plastic concave throwing disk; "plastic concave throwing disk", not as catchy a name |
a Frisbee
J.T. outwitted, outplayed & outlasted Stephen & all the rest to win $1 mil. on the Tocantins edition of this show |
Gildor & Glorfindel are 2 of these immortal creatures, but they don't work for Keebler |
Ocean Spray makes Cran-Cherry, Cran-Grape & Cran-this variety of orange |
On Forbes' 2008 list of the World's Most Powerful Women, this then Secretary of State ranked seventh |
Condoleezza Rice
Don't bust into Urban Meyer's office at this school & scream, "I wanna start at quarterback like Tim Tebow!" |
the University of Florida
A popular 1960s hairdo, or habitation for an insect |
a beehive
In 2010 siblings Dan & Jordan hit the finish line in San Francisco to win this CBS show's $1 million prize |
The Amazing Race
Tolkien's name for the "Black Land", the home of the bad guys |
Crudites are generally served with this 3-letter item, like baba ganoush or aioli |
a dip
Of that bus incident in 1955, she once said, "All I was doing was trying to get home from work" |
(Rosa) Parks
Make sure to put "the" before the rest of the name of this Big 10 university in Columbus |
The Ohio State University
This paging device was invented around 1950 with doctors in mind |
a beeper
Captain Sig Hansen led the crew of the Northwestern on this Discovery Channel show; my fishing's a lot less risky |
Deadliest Catch
Tolkien insisted on spelling this plural with a "ves", not an "fs" as in a 1937 Disney fairy tale title |
In 2010 Wendy's introduced natural-cut these with the skins on, sprinkled with sea salt |
(french) fries
The first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize, Gwendolyn Brooks won in this category in 1950 |
(Kailyn: What is Drama?)
Don't ask why this state university would "volunteer" to change its name from Blount College |
Tennessee University
Someone no longer popular or useful; it's better than a never-was |
a has-been
In 2010 Bravo's "Real Housewives of" this California city included Kim Richards, from 1975's "Escape to Witch Mountain" |
Beverly Hills
Tolkien used this Old English word for "monster" as a synonym for "goblin" |
Meaning "fresh" in Spanish, this grapefruit soda was introduced in the 1960s |
This astronomer & mathematician helped survey the land that became Washington, D.C. |
(Benjamin) Banneker
If you're a guy, be prepared for odd looks when you visit this Mass. school where Gloria Steinem went |
(Raya: What is Vassar?)
It's the 700-square-mile lake highlighted here |
Lake Okeechobee
In 2009 this TLC couple was "Plus 8" & plus a few domestic issues |
Jon & Kate (Gosselin)