Show #528 - Wednesday, December 17, 1986

Frank Hughes game 1.


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Judy Kilbane Koch, an attorney originally from Cleveland, Ohio

Frank Hughes, an account executive from Torrance, California

Phyllis McDonald, a homemaker from Kentfield, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $7,299)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
The University of Pennsylvania's is 1 of 8 colleges in this league
    $100 26
This city of his birth provided Charles Dillon Stengel with his nickname, Casey
    $100 6
Major news story that "leaked" out of Russia April 28, 1986
    $100 1
Novel which features the Joad family, Dust Bowl farmers who move to California
    $100 7
It's added to a gin fizz to make it fizz
    $100 14
A proverb states "See" this Italian port city "and die"
    $200 22
While it's an infraction in hockey, it really makes the cake
    $200 27
In 1986, this ABC show celebrated the thrill of its 25th anniversary
    $200 12
He called Mayor Clint Eastwood to ask "What's an actor who once played with a monkey doing in politics?"
    $200 2
During his 7 voyages, he was sold into slavery, met the cyclops, & got stuck on 2 desert islands
    $200 8
Whether called a golden spike, golden screw. or screwdriver, it just contains these 2 liquids
    $200 15
Though this actor died a sudden death on Dallas in 1985, he showed up in the shower in 1986
    $300 23
On "Superman" TV series, rank of Metropolis policeman William Henderson
    $300 28
Since "S" stands for "sacrifice", this letter has been used to symbolize "strikeout" since the 1860s
    $300 13
Gov. Deukmejian said "She fainted very gracefully" as she toured California Pavilion at Expo '86
    $300 3
Wilfred, son of Cedric the Saxon, is the title character of this Sir Walter Scott novel
    $300 9
From Latin "to open", it's a drink taken to open a meal
    $300 16
With this fun couple, "He was her man, but he done her wrong", so she shot him
    DD: $500 24
In cities, it's usually surrounded by 4 crosswalks
    $400 19
During search for Shuttle debris, the Navy found a floating bag with $13 mil. worth of this contraband
    $400 4
In 1925 Anita Loos novel, hair color of Lorelei Lee
    $400 10
Mixer's measure that can run about 1/32 of an ounce, not 100 yards
    $400 17
According to the Great Karnak "the noise a sheep makes when it explodes"
    $500 25
This saint was born in the castle of Loyola, Azpeitia, Spain
    $500 20
Not wanting to show passports, diplomats going between this city's halves will show ID cards instead
    $500 5
She helped grandfather to tend goats & Klara, an invalid child, to walk
    $500 11
It's said Jefferson Davis used to lace this bourbon drink with a tablespoonful of French brandy
    $500 18
It's who, on June 3 1953, jumped off the Tallahatchee Bridge

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Phyllis Frank Judy
$900 $2,200 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phyllis Frank Judy
$1,400 $4,700 -$400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's a new one for us, although we have had clues on spineless jellyfish many, many times.)
    $200 1
Since they're no longer spoken, Sumerian, Etruscan & Gothic are given this lifeless name
    $200 21
The Great Square, an astronomical landmark, connects Andromeda & this winged horse
    $200 9
Slang for a worker who crosses picket lines; your mother might have told you not to pick it
    $200 24
Completes the title of the Strauss waltz, "On the Beautiful..."
    $200 14
According to Kris Kristofferson, it's "just another word for nothing left to lose"
    $200 2
He showed he was yellow inside as well as out after Dorothy hit him for scaring Toto
    $400 5
Besides English, the play "Children of a Lesser God" makes use of this special language
    $400 22
To find this, follow the line formed by the "pointer" stars of the Big Dipper's ladle
    $400 10
From 1979-83, the UAW headquarters in Detroit wouldn't allow any of these in the parking lot
    $400 25
This "King of Swing" recorded Mozart's Quintet in A Major for Clarinet & Strings
    $400 15
Completes the line from Stephen Crane, "He wished that he, too, had a wound, a..."
    $400 3
For 1986 TV movie, he reprised his role as Deputy Barney Fife
    $600 6
The film "Shoah" credits translation of this language to "Mrs. Apfelbaum"
    $600 23
Living along this "line", you can, at one time or another, see all the constellations
    $600 11
1947 labor act which made the "closed shop" agreement illegal
    $600 26
Composer noted for piano playing & playing around with Georges Sand
    $600 16
Nathan Forrest is quoted as coining this rule of war: "Get there 1st with..." this
    DD: $300 4
Title of the following:

"Promise me, Son, not to do the things I've done / Walk away from trouble if you can / Now, it won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek / I hope you're old enough to understand..."
    $800 7
Foreign language in which U.S. commercials for both Fibre Trim & Perma Soft were done
    $800 29
Part of the Big Dog, it appears as the brightest star in our night sky
    $800 12
Based on their occupation, U.S. union the 7 dwarfs might join today to get a health plan & pension
    $800 27
Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major was named this, from the sudden loud chord which made the lades wake up
    $800 17
Shakespeare wrote that it was wasteful & ridiculous "to gild refined gold or paint..." this
    $800 19
Now come to mean any meek person, it was the last name of Caspar in H.T. Webster's comic strip
    $1000 8
Language that originally gave us the word "language"
    $1000 13
It is considered the successor to the Knights of Labor
    $1000 28
In "Spring Symphony", Nastassja Kinski plays Clara Wieck, pianist & wife of this composer
    DD: $500 18
In 1955 play, Tennessee Williams wrote, "Nothing's more determined than..." this
    $1000 20
Bully from "Tom Brown's Schooldays" who became reluctant hero of George McDonald Fraser series

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phyllis Frank Judy
$4,300 $10,400 $1,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In tic-tac-toe, maximum number of X's you can have on the board without winning

Final scores:

Phyllis Frank Judy
$5,300 $10,000 $100
2nd place: Longines his & hers watches + a fun-size 9" Zenith color TV New champion: $10,000 3rd place: Aladdin Ember Brite portable fireplace

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Phyllis Frank Judy
$4,600 $10,800 $1,600
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $17,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-09-30
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