The U.S. government gets over 100,000 requests a year for these documents that protect inventors |
Novel in which Hawthorne wrote, "On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth,...appeared the letter A" |
The Scarlet Letter
Around 1500 he sketched not only a flying machine, but a parachute |
Leonardo da Vinci
Havana Harbor February 15, 1898 |
the blowing up of the Maine
He co-starred in "True Lies" in 1994, the year his marriage to Roseanne ended |
Tom Arnold
To sibilate is to do this, like a snake or a disapproving audience |
This vice president is the title character of a 1973 novel by Gore Vidal |
Aaron Burr
This Reagan administration plan included anti-missile lasers & particle beams |
Star Wars
Cascade Range May 18, 1980 |
Mount St. Helens
This cross-dressing diva plays the title role in the music video "Supermodel (You Better Work)" |
Though a lummox is a stupid person, this word with one more letter would confuse anyone |
A "living" one gives family members the right to end treatment of a dying person |
He won a 1951 Pulitzer for his "Complete Poems" & one in 1940 for "Abraham Lincoln: The War Years" |
(Carl) Sandburg
A machine that achieved this type of motion would violate at least one of the laws of thermodynamics |
perpetual motion
Trinity Site July 16, 1945 |
the first nuclear blast
Savion Glover put his "stamp" on 1996's "Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk", a chronicle of this dance form |
To decaudate is to do this, as a farmer's wife in rhyme did |
to cut the tail off of
In countries under civil law, they can be real estate lawyers; in the U.S., they seal documents |
When featured on "Oprah", her 1977 novel "Song of Solomon" returned to the bestseller list in 1996 |
Toni Morrison
In 1993 Congress killed this Texas project that would have shown physicists subatomic impacts |
superconducting super collider
Indonesia August 26, 1883 |
(Diane: What is a volcano eruption?)
explosion or eruption of Krakatoa
This "Saturday Night Live" "Opera Man" has since starred on film in "Billy Madison" & "Happy Gilmore" |
Adam Sandler
Now meaning "drivel", it used to be a trick to gain applause |
This synonym for "arranged" refers to documents designed as secret |
Francis Phelan an ex-baseball player, is the main character in this author's "Ironweed" |
William Kennedy
Around 1900 he built a 12-million volt electric coil, but fell short with a worldwide radio transmitter |
Just north of Kiev April 26, 1986 |
This single-named singer heard here combines New Age music with Irish folk: |
(Alex: I love that smile that came on your face just then as you recognized her voice.)
In an ancient Roman house the impluvium was a basin in the atrium set up to receive this |